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[Season 0] Aladdin Mid/Solo Guide

20 2 16,142
by n6palm updated January 21, 2025

Smite God: Aladdin

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Aladdin Build

Burst Assassin Starter

Notes This is the main start you'll go. Its a pretty basic start, similar to other mages.

Relics - Most games you will be going Blink Rune for extra mobility, roaming power, and chase/escape. If you're vsing unavoidable CC that can shut you down easily such as Ares or Agni and Athena you'll want to run Purification Beads instead, using it whenever you're stunned and you know using it will either let you escape or get you a kill.


This is the main start you'll go. Its a pretty basic start, similar to other mages.

Relics - Most games you will be going Blink Rune for extra mobility, roaming power, and chase/escape. If you're vsing unavoidable CC that can shut you down easily such as Ares or Agni and Athena you'll want to run Purification Beads instead, using it whenever you're stunned and you know using it will either let you escape or get you a kill.

Build Item Genie's Lamp Genie's Lamp
Build Item Sands of Time Sands of Time
Build Item Health Potion Health Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Sundering Arc Sundering Arc

Burst Assasin Full

Notes This is the main full build you'll go, and is the desired build if you don't need to take any situational items. Although you'll likely need to take situational items every game. When you have 5 items and hopefully used all 3 wishes, sell the Genie's Lamp for 1 full component of your next item. E.g - 1x Killing Stone that you'll upgrade into Dreamer's Idol.

Relics - Most games you will be going Blink Rune for extra mobility, roaming power, and chase/escape. If you're vsing unavoidable CC that can shut you down easily such as Ares or Agni and Athena you'll want to run Purification Beads instead, using it whenever you're stunned and you know using it will either let you escape or get you a kill.


This is the main full build you'll go, and is the desired build if you don't need to take any situational items. Although you'll likely need to take situational items every game. When you have 5 items and hopefully used all 3 wishes, sell the Genie's Lamp for 1 full component of your next item. E.g - 1x Killing Stone that you'll upgrade into Dreamer's Idol.

Relics - Most games you will be going Blink Rune for extra mobility, roaming power, and chase/escape. If you're vsing unavoidable CC that can shut you down easily such as Ares or Agni and Athena you'll want to run Purification Beads instead, using it whenever you're stunned and you know using it will either let you escape or get you a kill.

Build Item Pendulum of Ages Pendulum of Ages
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Gem of Focus Gem of Focus
Build Item Rod of Tahuti Rod of Tahuti
Build Item The Cosmic Horror The Cosmic Horror
Build Item Polynomicon Polynomicon
Build Item Dreamer's Idol Dreamer's Idol
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Sundering Arc Sundering Arc


Notes These situational items will replace either Polynomicon or Dreamer's Idol. I only recommend buying one of these situational items, but 2 or 3 can be bought. Specifically Divine Ruin can be purchased instead of Gem of Focus.

Personally when I purchase Divine Ruin I purchase it in place of Gem of Focus and instead of buying Polynomicon I buy Gem of Focus

Divine Ruin - Buying Divine Ruin is a good choice when vsing a lot of lifesteal, or if laning aginst someone such as Hades or Anubis.

Hussar's Wings - This is a super strong defensive item that can be super useful when versing champions like Ares.

Necronomicon - This item can be insane, but is situational. This is best bought when you're super fed and the enemy has low CC.

Helm Of Darkness - The active on this item can make versing Cabrakan or Ymir 10 times easier. The added protections is a great bonus.

Helm Of Radiance - This item should only be bought when versing 4 or 5 enemies that build strength. When taking fights inside your lamp it makes you unkillable.

Void Stone - This item synergizes with your build greatly and should 100% be bought when you verse a team of 3+ intelligence builders (if they are fed, and you feel you will get more value from this item than Dreamer's Idol.


These situational items will replace either Polynomicon or Dreamer's Idol. I only recommend buying one of these situational items, but 2 or 3 can be bought. Specifically Divine Ruin can be purchased instead of Gem of Focus.

Personally when I purchase Divine Ruin I purchase it in place of Gem of Focus and instead of buying Polynomicon I buy Gem of Focus

Divine Ruin - Buying Divine Ruin is a good choice when vsing a lot of lifesteal, or if laning aginst someone such as Hades or Anubis.

Hussar's Wings - This is a super strong defensive item that can be super useful when versing champions like Ares.

Necronomicon - This item can be insane, but is situational. This is best bought when you're super fed and the enemy has low CC.

Helm Of Darkness - The active on this item can make versing Cabrakan or Ymir 10 times easier. The added protections is a great bonus.

Helm Of Radiance - This item should only be bought when versing 4 or 5 enemies that build strength. When taking fights inside your lamp it makes you unkillable.

Void Stone - This item synergizes with your build greatly and should 100% be bought when you verse a team of 3+ intelligence builders (if they are fed, and you feel you will get more value from this item than Dreamer's Idol.

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Hussar's Wings Hussar's Wings
Build Item Necronomicon Necronomicon
Build Item Helm Of Darkness Helm Of Darkness
Build Item Helm Of Radiance Helm Of Radiance
Build Item Void Stone Void Stone

Aladdin's Skill Order Notes Whenever you can level your Into The Lamp, put a point into it. Otherwise focus on maxing your Kufic Invocation, Sultan's Grace, and then Agile Run.


Whenever you can level your Into The Lamp, put a point into it. Otherwise focus on maxing your Kufic Invocation, Sultan's Grace, and then Agile Run.

Kufic Invocation

1 X Y
Kufic Invocation
1 4 6 7 10

Sultan's Grace

2 A B
Sultan's Grace
2 8 11 12 14

Agile Run

3 B A
Agile Run
3 15 16 18 19

Into The Lamp

4 Y X
Into The Lamp
5 9 13 17 20
Kufic Invocation
1 4 6 7 10

Kufic Invocation

1 X
Fire 5 Kufic symbols that deal Magical Damage to enemies in a cone. Charge to narrow the cone. When fully charged, the symbols merge dealing Magical Damage.
  • When fully charged, the symbol travels further and hits a larger area.
  • Use a charge of Genie's Strength to send symbols back to Aladdin, dealing Magical Damage when small or large.
Sending Values
Small Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120
Small Scaling: 45% Intelligence + 40% Strength
Large Damage: 72 / 108 / 144 / 180 / 216
Large Scaling: 81% Intelligence + 72% Strength

Returning Values
Small Damage: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 / 120
Small Scaling: 40% Intelligence + 45% Strength
Large Damage: 72 / 108 / 144 / 180 / 216
Large Scaling: 72% Intelligence + 81% Strength
Range: 8.8 / 11.2m
Radius: 0.8 / 1.6m
Max Starting Angle: 90
Cooldown: 11
Cost: 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85

Additional Notes:
  • Must have a charge of Genie’s Strength when cast to be able to refire. You have 5s to refire.
  • Subsequent hits deal 25% of the initial damage.
  • When sent back, the Kufic symbol(s) will fly to where Aladdin was when he refired.
Sultan's Grace
2 8 11 12 14

Sultan's Grace

2 A
Dash forward dealing Magical Damage to enemies you pass through.
  • Deals 0.5% increased damage to enemies for each % Health below 50%.
  • Use a charge of Genie's Strength to summon the Genie to unleash a flurry of 5 punches that deal Magical Damage to enemies in front of Aladdin.
Dash Values
Dash Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250
Dash Scaling: 65% Intelligence + 55% Strength
Missing HP Bonus Scaling: 0.13% Intelligence

Punch Values
Punch Damage: 20 / 32 / 44 / 56 / 68
Punch Scaling: 15% Intelligence + 30% Strength
Cooldown: 16 / 15.5 / 15 / 14.5 / 14
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Agile Run
3 15 16 18 19

Agile Run

3 B
Dash forward. Dashing into a wall causes you to run along it before leaping to a location, dealing Magical Damage to enemies in the landing area.
  • Use a charge of Genie's Strength to call the Genie to slam down at the landing location. Enemies take Magical Damage and are knocked straight up.
Landing Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200
Landing Damage: 55% Intelligence + 44% Strength
Genie Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Genie Scaling: 15% Intelligence + 30% Strength
Leap Range: 8.8m
Leap Radius: 3.2m
Cooldown: 16
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70

Additional Notes:
  • The angle Aladdin runs along the wall is determined by the angle Aladdin approaches the wall.
  • Aladdin can toggle using a charge of Genie’s Strength until a landing location is selected.
  • Aladdin runs for 8.8m or until he reaches 5m in height. The wall run will always take 1.25s.
  • Aladdin can wall run along all walls, structures, and player made deployables that he would normally collide with.
Into The Lamp
5 9 13 17 20

Into The Lamp

4 Y
Throw the Lamp forward, stopping on first enemy god hit. If successful, Aladdin and the enemy god are pulled into the lamp to challenge each other.
  • They have their health restored to a minimum amount. Aladdin's non-ultimate cooldowns are reset. The target's non-ultimate cooldowns are halved.
  • The Lamp is left behind, allowing any god to enter the lamp and join the ongoing challenge.
Self Heal: Up to 60% HP
Enemy Heal: Up to 60 / 55 / 50 / 45 / 40% HP
Self CDR: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Enemy CDR: 50 / 45 / 40 / 35 / 30
Protections: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
Cooldown: 110 / 107.5 / 105 / 102.5 / 100
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70

Additional Notes:
  • Non-combatants deal 25% reduced damage to and take 12.5% increased damage from combatants.
  • If while a fight is active a different Aladdin brings a target into the lamp, they become the new combatants. The previous combatants are now treated as non-combatants and the arena resets its fight timer and closes the escape if it was active.
  • Gods outside the lamp cannot target gods inside the lamp. Gods inside the lamp cannot target gods outside the lamp.
  • Being kicked out of the lamp interrupts any currently firing ability.
  • Gods will be returned to the original locations and camera rotations when leaving the lamp.
  • Recalling and Aladdin’s A04 are blocked from being used while inside the lamp.


Welcome to my guide for Aladdin, The Sultan

My name is n6palm, and I'm a Challenger League of Legends Talon OTP. I've spent over 2000 hours playing Smite, and when coming to Smite 2 I picked up Aladdin instantly after seeing how similar his abilities are to Talon's. This god is over tuned right now, but even after any incoming nerfs he gets it's obvious to see how powerful he will still be.

This guide explains how to play mid lane as Aladdin, but you can take these exact same practices to play him solo. I personally feel he is in a stronger position when played mid however, due to his roam power.

This is my first smitefire guide, and I intend to update this guide for future patches. So stay tuned!

Anyways, lets move on to the god himself, Aladdin!

Three Wishes

Kufic Invocation

Sultan's Grace

Agile Run

Into The Lamp
Three Wishes

Kufic Invocation

Sultan's Grace

Agile Run

Into The Lamp

Pros / Cons

  • Great burst damage
  • Decent harassment and poking with his Kufic Invocation
  • Great waveclear
  • Great mobility to chase and escape
  • Can avoid damage and crowd control with Agile Run
  • Insane ability to roam fast and efficiently
  • Can burst for quick trades, and take extended fights with Into The Lamp
  • Squishy
  • Weak after using all his abilities
  • Easy to burst if caught by crowd control
  • Weak when taking extended fights without Into The Lamp


Three Wishes Kufic Invocation Sultan's Grace Agile Run Into The Lamp

Three Wishes Passive - Three Wishes

Kufic Invocation 1 - Kufic Invocation

Sultan's Grace 2 - Sultan's Grace

Agile Run 3 - Agile Run

Into The Lamp 4 - Into The Lamp


Main Combo

Gank Engage

How to Lane

Laning as Aladdin is very simple. You want to pressure your lane opponent with Kufic Invocation and push waves. After pushing waves you can take the jungle camps to the side of mid lane, and the one beside your tower. Doing this will provide you with a XP and gold lead if they aren't doing the same thing.

You should be looking for roam opportunities all the time as Aladdin mid. Pushing waves and looking at your teammates lanes. If the enemy is over-pushed and your teammate is healthy enough to fight, ping your teammate and use vgs (vsg1, vsg3) to communicate the gank. Using your Agile Run and Sultan's Grace roam and gank the enemy.

If there is a fight in the jungle you should ALWAYS be there before your lane opponent. Aladdin can jump walls and dash to every fight and his ultimate Into The Lamp can make unwinnable fights easily winnable.

How to Teamfight

Teamfighting can be hard for a new Aladdin, but if you take your time and follow your teammates engage or the enemies engage it will be very simple.

If the enemy has a hard engaging tank or bruiser such as, Bacchus or Bellona you can ultimate them when they jump onto you team/backline. This will force them out of the fight and your teammates can then jump in to possibly 1v5 them before the enemies can enter. Even if your teammates/enemies decide to not join the fight inside your ultimate, they would've lost hopefully a big champion while you 1v1 with your protection and cooldown reduction buff.

Take advantage of your Agile Run in teamfights to dodge enemy abilities and jump onto the backline. You can find unique ultimate angles using this ability.


Aladdin is a highly mobile and versatile mid-laner with strong burst potential and excellent tools for roaming and teamfighting. His kit revolves around Three Wishes, a unique passive that offers powerful situational advantages, and abilities that combine wave clear, mobility, and crowd control.

Pros of Aladdin include high burst damage, strong harassment, exceptional mobility for chasing or escaping, and the ability to dominate both quick trades and extended fights with proper use of his kit. However, he’s squishy, reliant on abilities, and vulnerable to crowd control when his cooldowns are unavailable.

In the laning phase, focus on pressuring your opponent, pushing waves with Kufic Invocation, and taking jungle camps to gain a gold and XP lead. Roam often with Agile Run and Sultan's Grace to secure kills and assists. During teamfights, use Into The Lamp to isolate key enemies or turn unwinnable fights in your favor.

Mastering Aladdin requires timing, positioning, and decision-making, but with practice, he’s an incredibly rewarding god to play.

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tolx (1) | January 21, 2025 10:57am
this is so awesome and helpful
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