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Set, The Slayer of Kings - Guide (Year 10) (Updated for 10.10)

89 9 82,945
by IllmaticXVII updated October 9, 2023

Smite God: Set

Build Guide Discussion 10 More Guides
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Jungle Build (Tanky) Slash Mid Build Slash Build Carry Build (COMING SOON)
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Set Build


Notes Most common start. Carapace Shard and Wing Shard are both viable.


Most common start. Carapace Shard and Wing Shard are both viable.

Build Item Eye Of The Jungle Eye Of The Jungle
Build Item Morningstar Morningstar
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Party Punch Party Punch
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads
Build Item Carapace Shard Carapace Shard

Full Build 1

Notes Standard Set Jungle Build. Only go this if you are capable of balancing farm/ganks properly.

Magi's replaceable with any other Situational.


Standard Set Jungle Build. Only go this if you are capable of balancing farm/ganks properly.

Magi's replaceable with any other Situational.

Build Item Protector Of The Jungle Protector Of The Jungle
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Heartseeker Heartseeker
Build Item Magi's Revenge Magi's Revenge
Build Item Temporal Beads Temporal Beads
Build Item Aegis of Judgement Aegis of Judgement

Starter Alternative

Build Item Eye Of The Jungle Eye Of The Jungle
Build Item Mace Mace
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Party Punch Party Punch
Build Item Wing Shard Wing Shard
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads

Full Build 2

Notes Weaker late game power spike with the removal of Transcendence, albeit not by a lot with the trade off for a more proactive early game.

Magi's replaceable with any other Situational.


Weaker late game power spike with the removal of Transcendence, albeit not by a lot with the trade off for a more proactive early game.

Magi's replaceable with any other Situational.

Build Item Protector Of The Jungle Protector Of The Jungle
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Magi's Revenge Magi's Revenge

Full Build 3

Notes Heavy Mid/Late game build. Recommended for low elo play, as teams usually lack Anti Heal. Regardless, a good build if you're trying to carry games. NOT RECOMMENDED IF TEAM IS GOING TO BUILD ANTI HEAL.

Magi's replaceable with any other Situational.


Heavy Mid/Late game build. Recommended for low elo play, as teams usually lack Anti Heal. Regardless, a good build if you're trying to carry games. NOT RECOMMENDED IF TEAM IS GOING TO BUILD ANTI HEAL.

Magi's replaceable with any other Situational.

Build Item Protector Of The Jungle Protector Of The Jungle
Build Item Transcendence Transcendence
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Magi's Revenge Magi's Revenge

Full Build 4

Notes If enemy team doesn't go Anti heal, this is a pretty good Mid game build.

Magi's replaceable with any other Situational.


If enemy team doesn't go Anti heal, this is a pretty good Mid game build.

Magi's replaceable with any other Situational.

Build Item Protector Of The Jungle Protector Of The Jungle
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item The Crusher The Crusher
Build Item Magi's Revenge Magi's Revenge

Situational Items

Build Item Spectral Armor Spectral Armor
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick
Build Item Berserker's Shield Berserker's Shield
Build Item Serrated Edge Serrated Edge
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Soul Eater Soul Eater

Set Threats

Tap each threat level to view Set’s threats


Set Synergies

Tap each synergy level to view Set’s synergies


Set, The Usurper


Hello, my name is Butcher,
I wrote this guide to shed some light on my favorite God, Set.
I've been playing Smite since 2015 but only started taking ranked seriously in Season 8, and last split I hit 3.3k MMR spam playing Set in lobbies, and this split I took a break from ranked but currently have 2.7k (Masters still). I have 17k Worshippers on Set and currently hold the Number 1 Set Position on the Leaderboards for quite some time now.
With that being said, I don't think you'll find someone with more experience on this character and I'm happy to share some of the information I've picked up along the way.

I was also featured on Smite's Top 5 episode 288 with Set. And I stream almost everyday on Twitch @ ButcherSmite.


Pros and Cons

-Insane poke
-Good Secure/Steal potential
-Good Secure/Steal potential
-Good Mid Fight Sustain
-Escape/Engage Potential
-High Skill Ceiling
-High Skill Floor
-No CC immunity
-Requires a lot of Awareness

In-Depth Explanation


In-Depth Explanation of Skills

Type: Passive

Relentless increases Set's attack speed by 2.5% with every basic.


Type: Line

Skewer damages enemies for 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+90% of your Physical Power) and slows enemies for 3 seconds.


Spawn of Set
Type: Pet/Damage

Spawn of Set damages enemies for 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70% of Skewer. You can have 8 Spawn of Set active at once.


Type: Teleport/Circular

Sandstorm 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24 (+7% of your Physical Power) for every 0.4s during 6 seconds. You can use this ability to teleport to your Spawn of Set. Once activated, Sandstorm renders you immune to slows. Also gives you 10% Damage Reduction


Type: Buff

Kingslayer is a buff that makes Set hungry. This ability is the essence of playing Set. Everytime he damages a God, they receive a Mark of Set. Once they reach 4 marks they are damaged (25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+30% of your Physical Power)) and Set is healed by 25/40/55/70/85. He also gains 3% movement speed and Kingslayer lasts 12 seconds.


Stages of the Match

Early Game

You should always start on the Duo lane side of Speed Camp . Kill it then make your way to Damage Camp and start clearing it, preferably killing the smalls before your mid get there. Then go Mid lane for as many waves as you can until Mid Xp Camps spawn. From here you can do 1 of 4 things.

1- You can gank Duo lane or Secure Neutral Camp

2- You can gank Solo lane or Secure Neutral Camp.

3- Back then get your XP (Tiki Camp) and gank Solo or invade blue or just secure your blue.

4- Invade Enemy XP camp (Tiki Camp) and invade blue.

Ideal jungle Rotation is pulling Speed to Red buff, clear it with mid. Rush to blue and splt it with solo laner, getting Tiki in between. This isn't a definitive rotation to do every time, change it based on timers for neutral mid camps or to secure buffs for your team if they're being invaded.

Ganking Thought Process

Mid Game

At this stage of the game you should be looking for picks, or any opportunity to burst down Gold Fury or Pyromancer. These opportunities can stem from picks, enemy rotations, or your allies rotation (Usually Solo Laner).
With Transcendence stacked and Jotunn's Wrath online, look for invades and just any and all farm you can get. Not many gods can fight you at this stage either because of your movement, damage or mid-fight sustain. You can use this to force enemies to back by poking.
Clearing out T1 Towers if they aren't down is very important now for the Gold.
Don't look to full commit in Teamfights especially without relics unless you have a support grabbing CC and relics.
Warding high into enemy jungle is important now. Make it your responsibility. Here are some possible ward locations.

Ward Map

If you are super ahead in the mid game, attempting an early 12-15 minute Fire Giant is completely possible and recommended to snowball the lead.
Forcing fights when you are a few levels up also can further your lead.

Late Game

In the late game, the same can be said for every jungle. Getting picks and shredding objectives is your only job. Looking for good picks is crucial for grabbing Fire Giant and sieging phoenixes. Use Spawn of Set and Wards to see enemies in their jungle, for example a lonely mid laner going for Red Buff and jump on him with Sandstorm. As Set you'll struggle fighting gods like Pele], [[Susano or Ao Kuang so beware. Keep an eye on your Relics.
At this stage of the game, Skewer and Spawn of Set should be bursting enemies down easily. Never stop poking.

Sieging Stats

Set is a Role in itself (Unless you're Support)

Set is an Off-Role BEAST

In this role, you are looking to rotate when possible and focus on farming lane and jungle. When you can kill the Mid laner, do it. The opportunity won't present itself often nor will it be risk-free compared to other roles. Late game just burst people down with Spawn of Set+ Skewer. Only all in commit with your jungler and/or solo laner

In this role, you are looking to just farm. Fight for Totem and extra Camps but save Sandstorm for escape. Rotate only when you are ahead and try to get picks and objectives with Teleport Fragment. In the early game, the only times you want to commit to a fight is if your jungler ganks or you have Kingslayer up. Late game your job is to disrupt the backline. Preferably only go in with backup from your jungle or support.

When laning with your support, focus on just clearing wave and poking their support/carry. Don't be afraid to fight especially if you and your support have Carapace Shard. After Supports leave Duo Lane, fight the enemy carry as much as possible with and without Kingslayer(Note that with Ultimate you can almost guarantee he will die). Deny farm from him, poke him out, freeze waves, steal buffs, do anything to ensure he doesn't succeed in lane till super late. If he somehow does succeed in the early game, I recommend going Berserker's Shield for extra help. Late game just adopt the same playstyle as you would for the Mid column of this chapter.

A Chapter Dedicated to Set Mid

As I said in the previous Chapter, Set is a MONSTER off-role.....

And Set Mid has been the highlight of that in Competitive Play (SPL) and Ranked Play.

With the popularity of dive comps (Diving Compositions) rising, Set has been TERRORIZING the Mid Lane for a couple of weeks now to the point that I am a firm believer in Mid Lane being Set's BEST ROLE.

One of the major problems with Set Jungle, is the reliance on your solo laner being able to dive effectively with you, more specifically being able to grab Relics, CC or abilties. Playing him OFF-ROLE essentially remedies that major flaw in his effectiveness because you can now dive with the Solo Laner and the Jungler. Essentially, enabling you to have a much greater presence as Set then you would normally.

Another reason why, Set Mid is on par or better than Jungle is the beautiful Starter Item called Warding Sigil... Now if you've played SMITE recently, you know of this item as the "tanky starter" for non-support characters, and this, paired with Sandstorm creates a MENACE in the early/mid game stages of a match. Turning Set ALMOST unkillable if you are also cautious in regards to using Sandstorm effectively.

Now you can ask, "But Butcher, you can go Set Solo or Carry with warding sigil. So what makes Set Mid so special?"
And to that I respond with,


Along, with diving in the late game with your other 2 best friends, you can out rotate most other mid laners and being literally in the middle of the map allows for Mana Camp invades, Purple Buff invades, Ganks with the Jungler, and hell, even securing buffs for your team if your jungle fell behind on the rotation WITHOUT losing a wave of minions in the process.

As I said, I am a firm believer in Set Mid, testing it out in Ranked (High MMR) and in Casuals, proved that it's his best role for me personally losing 1 out of 8 Ranked matches. The pressure it brings to the table, being able to 3 man dive a backline is almost UNDENIABLE and UNMATCHED.

If you want to know how to play him in Middle lane, some quick tips I can give:

1) Until you buy Transcendence your clear is very bad, just keep that in mind.

2)After you buy Transcendence focus on securing mid camps.

3)When you get Jotunn's Wrath, it's time to start rotating and forcing fights in Mid Lane.

4)Farm. Get Green, Red, Mids, Hell even enemy buffs, ALWAYS BE proactive around the map.

Those are some simple tips I can throw out off the top of my head for Set Mid Lane.

Ranked Play

Set in Ranked Conquest has a 4.8% Pick Rate and a 6.3% Ban Rate with an overall win rate of 53.98% among all ranks. Making him a pretty viable and not too contested of a pick.
Set can be a hypercarry pick though it depends purely on matchups and circumstances.


General Tips

In Kingslayer spam Spawn of Set as much as you can for more marks.

Poke as much as you can with Skewer and Spawn of Set

Using Sandstorm without teleporting gives you all the buffs you need to engage without risking your escape. When possible, do this. When engaging you always wanna have your this ability up.

When being chased, you can use Skewer to slow the enemy behind you allowing for an easy escape without utilizing your Sandstorm. That way you could end up reengaging fast with the teleport or just saving it to juke.

Using Spawn of Set as a ward is a must, I can not stress this enough. It gives you free vision allowing objective steals.

Sandstorm is almost ALWAYS needed for ganks. Saving it can be used to catch dashes.

After having 8 Spawn of Set on the ground, use Skewer for a big damage output on anyone.

Before going in, make sure you have Purification Beads or Aegis Amulet.

You can use Sandstorm and Skewer to snipe kills through walls.

If you're going to engage into a teamfight, use Kingslayer before using Sandstorm to go in. That way you can instantly start bursting without having wait for the Kingslayer start up animation. Also the movement speed will help.

Gameplay Clips


Credits: TheFearMaster for posting it on Deviant Arts.
To finish up, I hope everyone found this guide to be informative and creative, playing Set is one of the few reasons why I still play Smite and I hope I can help others learn him just like I did.
Feel free to ask any questions on the discussion page of this guide, I'll be happy to answer any and all.
I'll continue to update this guide as I see fit, with new patches or just a change in the Meta Builds. Feel free to give me feedback on the guide, and ways to improve it!
Thank you!!!

10.3 Set Healing Nerf (But actually a buff)

My Thoughts

10.5 Set Shift

My Thoughts



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MortalWombat | October 29, 2023 6:33am
Thank you for the amazing guide it helped me so much. As I have been playing around with the build I just came to the question if Crits aren't a good idea as at least for me in my casual games the damage boost of Rage and Deathbinger instead of the crusher and heart seeker made it feel even better. It made me crit 3 out of 4 attacks for ~1k damage. Twice the amount of the consistent damage output with crusher and heart seeker. Is there a issue with that that I haven't noticed yet?
IllmaticXVII | October 29, 2023 7:13am
Hello, thanks for the kind words!

Set's damage output (if you're able to consistently hit big Skewer + Clone combos) will always be safer, more reliable with Power since you don't have to risk going in for Basics. But with that being said, that really only applies for High MMR ranked. If you're just enjoying casual matches or lower end ranked, chances are you won't be focused all that much so you can abuse Crit. I've had a lot of Fun with Crit in the past, actually my Top 5 Play video was actually me trolling in a ranked game with a Crit Build lol.

To summarize my point is that realistically, with needing to use dash to engage, 0 CC Immunity, and a few other factors, relying on Crits can work but if you're CC'd you're probably dead. Meanwhile with Skewer you can hit multiple people especially with the clones. But at the end of the day, I wouldn't say CRIT is troll just not gonna be the best every game even if your single target damage is higher, you're simply not a Merc with dash, or ULTI. Or Arachne with ULTI for example. You can't really get out or CC immune. You kinda just need to hope they don't focus you or play correctly. Power just avoids that, go in drop a couple of clones, try to hit as many people as you can at once and dip, you full commit but you can hit multiple people for more then what you would with a single target CRIT build.

Anyways sorry for the quick and rushed response! Hope it helped regardless 💙
MortalWombat | October 29, 2023 9:39am
Thank you for your fast response. That answered my question perfectly and you gave me a pov I did not have yet.

I get you're point that it will be much more important to stay safe the higher the skill level of the game becomes. And as my biggest issue at the moment is risking to many deaths by staying in fight for too long... I will give the power + ability build another chance against my crit basic attack Playstyle to reach lower deaths per game.

As you see it helped not only with my original question but additionally with understanding I can take some risk out of my engages as well.

Stay as you are. 'YOU ROCK'
RIPtide722 | May 23, 2023 12:25pm
First and foremost, this is a great guide. Set has always been my favorite but I was hesitant to play him given the skill ceiling and this guide helped me reach Diamond mastery in a couple days. I do want to pick your brain if at all possible given all the recent changes in 10.4 and 10.5.
What do you think about Vital Amplifier on Set for his ult? Likewise, Seqmet's Scepter for insane cooldown in his ult? I know statistically speaking you shouldn't rely on a characters ult as their main damage source but given most ganks and teamfights done after level 5 are with his Ult I wonder if it's worth it. Personally I've had decent bit of success with Bumba's Spear, Trans, Vital, Scepter, Crusher, Heartseeker. However, that was also in casual and right after 10.4.
Regardless, keep up the great work and I hope that one day you'll be on my team and definitely not the enemy's!
IllmaticXVII | May 23, 2023 2:40pm
Hello! So first, thanks for the comment and I appreciate the kind words!
I do plan on updating this Guide probably tomorrow (or Friday) with different builds, and tips, regarding the current meta.
My problem with Vital Amp and Seqmet's is, as you said, Ultimate reliant. Although, you are right you will be fighting with ultimate, you shouldn't be ultimate reliant. Especially since, even out of ult, your boxing ability is huge. With that being said, that's not the only problem. In the current meta, where Support Auras make backliners SO much harder to kill, you can't waste item slots on items that will only benefit you in certain conditions. Take the build I currently run (And will be put in my guide soon as well). Protector Of The Jungle, Transcendence, Bloodforge, The Crusher, Heartseeker, Magi's Revenge.
With this build I sit on 362 Power, 147 Phys Prots, and 92 Magical prots, without Protector's Passive and without my Sandstorm Proc'd. The beauty in this build is, I have the survivability that is needed for this current burst meta, while also having the damage necessary to run down ADCs/Mages.
So to summarize my thoughts, it's possible and you might even find success with those items, but they currently do not fit it any of the builds I run with Set nor do I find them useful on the God unless you're in Solo lane or going Bruiser. With Set you will lose fights and even waste Kingslayer in a lot of situations, you could rely on waiting for Cooldowns, but that's not always possible. Especially in high level ranked games where they do play around your ultimate. So being able to box without it, in teamfights and 1v1s is crucial in my opinion. (If you want me to go more in-depth on the items, feel free to DM me but that's my thoughts on it just off the top of my head)
Next, comparing your build with the build I mentioned above, you trade off 65 Physical Prots, 28 Magical Prots, 10 lifesteal, and some movement speed (without the other buffs my build has included with magi's and protectors) for 10 more power, 8 more %pen, ruffly 400 more HP, and 10% more CDR. Not including your Seqment's and Vital.
I like the build, you have the damage and it's NOT by any means a BAD build. It's perfectly viable. My only issue, and maybe one you've encountered or not, I don't think you have the survivability if you get focused in a fight.
If the support does his job, you will burn beads pretty fast in a fight and with less prots you'll have a hard time going in on an enemy team with mid to high CC. Speaking with the numbers, you'll kill someone faster but you do DIE faster as well. Look at it this way, if you are focused, targeted with CC you'll have a hard time killing an enemy then surviving, let alone multiple enemies and living without a large lead.
With my build, I'm trading that extra damage you have, for a free beads that'll give me 10% extra damage to an enemy god, plus 20% movement speed for me and my team (mainly my solo laner that should be diving with me), plus Protectors which enables me to play much more aggressively into an enemy comp if we fight in the jungle since my power will increase by 15% (417 total Power) and my prots by 12% (163 Phys prots/ 103 magical) making late game objective play even better. On top of if I kill an enemy, Bloodforge shield and movement speed increases my survivability and kill potential by EVEN MORE.
Like I said, your build is viable and at the end of the day, my arguments are situations in which my build will probably be more efficient that yours. You could most likely make valid counter arguments and at the end of the day it's more personal preference/playstyle.
I will say though, I don't think Bumbas is the way to go, on any gods at the moment, since Protectors, is a much better starter in terms of value.
Feel free to comment again or DM me with more questions, or if you want to continue this discussion as I'm always open to different perspectives etc.
Thank you once again for the comment and the kind words <3
RIPtide722 | May 29, 2023 8:15pm
My god that was fast and a lot. Sorry for not responding but I will say I have learned a lot since commenting that. More specifically, the next day it was brought to my attention that I was putting WAY too much value in Bumba's Spear. Now, I've been playing since 9.11 so I'm pretty fresh but I thought Spear would that +70 True damage on autos to all your autos not just against jungle...
Otherwise, I think you're right on the money. I normally play casuals where Vital and Scepter have a bloated value. But I think knowing what I do now about Bumba's makes me cringe thinking about how often I built it. The rest of the build you've put together seems much more coherent although the Magi's caught me by surprise. It definitely makes sense although I personally have a love/hate relationship with prot items on anything but Guardians and Warriors because I feel like I still get deleted regardless or come out unscathed and feel like the slot is wasted.
On that note, I have played with some intense tomfoolery with a full AA Set build to take advantage of the Silverbranch passive. Assuming they live long enough I was able to get to ~50 stacks. Probably not viable, but fun nonetheless.
Anyway, thanks for your input! It's really appreciated and I hope for only W's in your future o7
sueyguy | March 22, 2023 4:34pm
very nice guide, has definitely given me more insight on how i should play and plan my builds. i dont do much conquest though, mostly slash and its significantly harder to get a good 1v1 due too the much smaller map size. ive tried some warrior ish builds and poke builds but i still struggle a bit with him.. you got any tips for slash?
IllmaticXVII | March 22, 2023 5:46pm
Yea, I can understand the struggle with Set on a game mode like Slash.
So usually, unless I want to go full damage, I'll run a build like Bluestone, Trans, Prophetics, Glad, Stone of Binding, then a filler item but usually heartseeker or Brawlers. With this build, you'll mainly look to fight a lot in the early to mid game, but ALWAYS play around another tank character on your team if you have one, if not you'll get easily focused. Focus on people with no escape, or maybe people who are low. You'll be tanky enough to survive an extended encounter while your ult should be enough to get some kills.
An alternative play style would be a Bluestone full damage build. In that case, you'll essentially just want to poke. Constantly 1 then 2 any Squishies. Then the same tip I gave you for the bruiser build applies here. You'll want to wait for your tanks to go in and grab the damage, then look for solo kills etc. Picking up Blood forge 2nd or 3rd item so you can try and snowball would also be a good idea. Going around trying to find 1v1s for the most part isn't going to work. So when you're full damage, the most you can do is farm and poke. If you catch a lead THEN go for invades to start fights etc. These are just some tips I came up with from the top of my head, but during the weekend I can add a tab dedicated to Slash and other gamemodes.
Hope this helps!
sueyguy | March 24, 2023 10:46pm
After a few dozen games under my belt with Set, i find myself going full damage bluestone a lot. More often then id like, one lane in slash is mostly ignored while everyone dukes it out except for like 1 player. I tend to be tyat player since i dont like having my towers get blindsided so the poke build has been a great friend.

On a side note i have found great joy in stopping recals with the 2

Havnt thought about using bloodforge, i usually get serrated edge instead for the pen, but i could see it being real good for tower diving so ill definetly be trying it out sometime.
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