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Sobek, the crazy crocodile! (Support)

1 0 23,722
by AtomicPie525 updated February 26, 2017

Smite God: Sobek

Build Guide Discussion 0 More Guides
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Sobek Build

Out of Base

Build Item Watcher's Gift Watcher's Gift
Build Item Shoes Shoes
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation


Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes


Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor

Counter Items

Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail

Sample Build

Build Item Traveler's Shoes Traveler's Shoes
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Heartward Amulet Heartward Amulet
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe


Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Heavenly Wings Heavenly Wings
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh
Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem

Introduction to Sobek, Crocodile God of the Nile

Sobek, by the lore, is a being of neutrality. He fights for no team, but his own. You don't mess with him, he won't mess with you. But since his beginnings at the start of time he has been placed on the battleground of the gods, and can be a ferocious fighter. His fierce nature is shown in game by his ability to throw enemies around and displace them to a great extent. Sobek can also do a lot of damage if played and or built correctly, however I'll be touching in on his support side with this guide.

Pros and Cons

High damage output
Great disruptive ability
Decent early defense with passive
Decent sustain
Annoying to deal with
Satisfying to pluck people
He's a Crocodile!

Has the mana pool of a potato
Easy to get out of position
No stuns or roots
Little area CC


As the support your first objective is to do just that, support. Your aura items will do just that.

These three items provide your whole team with a potent buff once they are all combined. As a whole the aura is worth 50 physical protection, 40 magical protection, 25 hp5, and 20 mp5. All of those are huge to be given out to your whole team just by existing. They will also give you, the holder, 800 health, 30 physical protections, 45 magical protections, and 15 hp5 which really helps you survive.

Your defensive items are there to provide good defense when that is all you need. While there are more options than I have listed, these are some of the best that I have found.

I've separated defense items into 3 different categories; physical protections, magical protections, and both kinds of protections. What I have listed here is two items from each of those categories. Spirit Robe and Mantle of Discord will both provide a good amount of each protection as well as useful passives that will help you to remain alive and on the map. Bulwark of Hope and Genji's Guard are great items for magical defense and are good items as a whole. Lastly, Hide of the Nemean Lion and Breastplate of valor are great for physical defense. They both give high amounts of it and have other very useful attributes.

The counter items are most useful in certain situations, however some are still good to pick up in all situations.

Mystical mail is best if used against hunters and assassins, as it can reduce both their movement speed and attack speed by 30% when they hit you with their basics. Winged Blade is best used against teams with either a lot of slows, or heavy slows. Pestilence works quite nicely in combination with the anti-healing from your sickle strike, as it adds another 20% to it. Stone of Gaia can be useful in almost every situation. It will give you crazy high health regeneration on top of what you already have, as well as a chance to be immune to knockups, pulls, or grabs. Lastly Mystical Mail is used to counter teams that have a lot of invisibility, or just to do some extra damage if that's what you want.


meditation cloak

Relics are tools that can be used at the right time to attain powerful bonuses. To put it simply, you use the relic and something really useful happens. Meditation is used to achieve a burst of both health and mana regeneration. Heavenly wings is used to get your team in or out of a fight more effectively with a speed boost and cleansing of slows. Cursed Ankh is used when you need to reduce the enemy healing in a fight. Magic Shell will provide your team with a potent defensive buff, so that they can survive much more easily. Lastly, Horrific Emblem is used to slow the movement speed and attack speed of the enemy. I find it particularly useful against Kali.


Sobek's passive, Blessing of the Nile, can give him a defensive edge early on in the game, and a little help later on. Each time you hit an enemy with an ability or basic attack, you will receive a stack on this passive that is worth 7 physical and magical protections. This buff can be stacked up to three times and will go away 3 seconds after it is no longer being refreshed. At level 1 sobek has 22 physical protections, which means that his passive can near double the amount of protections he has and because of the way protections work, mitigate a lot more damage.

Sobek's first ability, Charge Prey, is one of his most notable and powerful. This ability is a fairly long, very quick dash that can be used very aggressively and rightfully so. When sobek hit's an enemy with this ability, god or minion, the damage will be dealt and the enemy hit will be thrown backwards about the same distance as the dash itself. Any enemy god hit by this ability will be the recipient of great disruption, even if they do have a jump or a dash. Those that lack a dash though, such as Ah Muzen Cab or Skadi, will really suffer from being thrown by this ability. This ability can work really well in combination with his second ability, Tail Whip.

Sobek's second ability, Tail Whip, is great for area disruption and in my opinion his best option for waveclear. This ability knocks up any enemies hit by it, which makes it great for disrupting a large amount of the enemy team, and it does more damage than his third ability, Sickening Strike, making it better for waveclear. The reason I previously stated that Charge Prey works well in combination with this ability is because of the fact that it will knock up and where it places you in respect to the thrown enemy. The knockup from this ability also knocks enemies back, which can increase the distance that they are forcibly removed from saftey, as well as making it longer before they can effectively jump away. For the most part, even if they do immediately jump after you pull them, they'll land right back on top of you, where you can use Tail Whip and push them back towards your team.

Sobek's third ability, Sickening Strike has a decent bit of damage around it and a good bit of utility. This ability has three different sides to it. The first side being its damage, which is slightly less than that of Tail Whip. The second part is the powerful anti-healing. This anti-heal is a 50% reduction that lasts for 4 seconds and if used at the right times, it can be a very potent debuff. The third and final side to this ability is the healing that it can return to Sobek. Each enemy hit will heal Sobek for a relatively low amount (up to 60 per), given that you will have easily over 3000 health, but if you choose to level this before your Tail Whip, which I'll do sometimes, that healing will actually be potent. It is this healing that is why I believe that it is better to use Tail Whip for waveclear, so that this ability will remain off cooldown for when you need healing.

Sobek's ultimate ability, Lurking in the Waters, does quite a few things. First and foremost is the damage output from this ability. As many guardians will find, base damage on their ultimates is quite high, and Sobek is no exception. His ultimate, at max rank, will do just under 1000 damage before mitigations. It is important to note that Sobek will submerge himself in the terrain, which visually changes to water for 4 seconds and the ability can be cancelled early for reduced damage. Although it does not say just how much the damage is reduced, but through a few simple tests, I have found that if cancelled as soon as possible the damage is reduced to 30% and that gradually scales up to full damage as the 4 seconds ensues. While submerged, Sobek will also gain 30% protections, regenerate up to 40% of his maximum mana, and slow all enemies within a 30 unit radius by up to 40%. This ability's high damage and slow make it both hard for enemies to get out of as well as making them want to get out of it. While it may seem obvious to use this ability for damage, it takes 4 seconds to effectively get damage off, and a majority of the gods in the game can easily get out of it within 4 seconds though abilities. Earlier on in the game, while still in lane, the ability can be used as a mana regeneration tool instead. It can also be used for zoning early. Late game, during teamfight, it can be used to increase any chase potential your team has with the high percentage slow, as well as zoning, or for damage.


Early Game: Early on Sobek can easily burn through his mana after using all of four abilities. Be very careful to watch how much mana you have and make sure that if you are on low mana and there may be a fight coming up that you have enough for your ult, supposing you have it. Early plucks from Charge Prey can be very dangerous, especially if the enemy is close to your tower. Make sure that if oppurtunity strikes, that you do throw enemies back into your tower. More times than not, the combination of the pluck from Charge Prey, knockback from Tail Whip and your bodyblocking, the tower will do significant damage which can easily secure a kill.

Laning Phase: In lane a good Sobek can be terrifying to go against. His ability to do damage, pull you way out of position, or pull you away from safety can prove deadly. If going for close range plucks with Charge Prey it is crucial that you land the dash. If you don't you will simply be putting yourself in the middle of harms way, which can be difficult to get out of after you have already used your dash to get yourself into the situation. Dangers of missing your dash aside, don't be afraid to ult for mana if you are still having mana problems with Sobek, after you get some items built this problem should go away and your ultimate should be available to use for its other perks.

Rotations: It is not quite as easy to pop out of the jungle and decimate the enemy mid with sobek as it can be with other guardians like Ymir or Kumbhakarna. This is because Charge prey will throw enemies directly backwards and if you are coming out of the jungle, that means into the jungle they go. Rotations from Sobek are more for the effect of having him in a different lane, or maybe coming from behind and pulling the enemy way from your damaged ally.

Late game: During the Late game your most important ability will be Charge Prey. It's ability to target and isolate a single god proves vital to removing the main damagers of the enemy team. While attacking things such as the Fire Giant or maybe even Phoenexes you can be a great tool for zoning. Your ult is a large circle that nobody wants to walk though, your tail whip can impede their advances, and your charge prey can throw them pretty far away from the fight directly.


This is my third support guide. If you liked it please feel free to check out my guide forGeb, Egyptian god of the Earth and my guide for Khepri, Egyptian god of the Sun.

These other two guide use a much simpler format with a lot more wording. I'm interested in seeing what it is that is preferred by the people who are looking to these guides for help. If you'd like me to update my other two guides to this formant style, I'll probably go ahead and do it.

Shout out to Mowenfor the work put into this page, which really helped me a ton in formatting this guide

Let me know what ya liked and whatcha didn't, all while ya do the crocodile rock!

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