Susano has some amazing ability damage, BSP is a no brainer for those looking to play him in the Solo or want to do some serious poke damage.
A standard for every Jungler, need I say more.
Susano has great ability power scaling so getting this item early can really help out his Early Game power potential.
Everyone should get boots, no exception.
Both provide cooldown reduction, but it's up to you if you are looking for more power or more protections.
Power and penetration, need I say any more why you want this.
What makes this item really good on
Susano is when he uses this item combined with
Storm Kata it can make for some interesting auto-attack ability combos. When you use one part of the ability, switch to auto attack to get the proc off Hydra's passive after activating each part of
Storm Kata.
This item is a very good for highly aggressive assassin's like
Susano as not only dose it give life steal and power, but gives a new passive of killing an enemy gives you a shield and an increase to movement speed until the shield is destroyed.
A great item for when you're caught out as when you hit a threshold, you release a AoE that stuns any enemy near you giving you enough time to get away or turn the tables on them.
Movement and attack speed, health, and a crowd control reduction can help anyone get away from a fight. Plus the addition of a movement speed boost when kit by an enemy slow.
Magical protections, CDR, and Mp5 with the additional effect of reducing cooldown by 2 seconds after getting hit with a magical ability. Used very well in the solo if you're going against a magical threat.
Susano is weak to being locked down with CC, so getting an item like this if you want some more tankiness and no die as quickly.
Im being told his late game isnt good...Just to be auto attacked to my doom.
I dont think his late game sucks at all. He still has the crowd control and mind games to play.
Ive seen people bait out other Gods abilities by running in and out and then ruining their lives.
just my 2 cents.
since when did people call
Just incase you think I'm wrong or maybe I'm trying to troll you here are my susano stats and Here is a game in which I used this build
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In case you didn't know, Ducks and Stuke are buddies...doesn't discount a possibility of "jealousy" but I'm pretty sure that's not the case here.
I bet you can't make stuff better than him tho.
Don't be a **** to people just because you can't argue againts them mate.
Good evening, mister "toad".
woah,woah,woah! calm down, will ya! i upvoted the guide, said it was good, and made a bad joke on how much i hate susan. dont flip over it.
edit: I hate my guide XD, i want to delete it but i also dont because i feel like i shouldn't, idk why...
another edit: sorry for editing so much, but that comment was made before i quit for a day, why didnt you look at the date and the rest of the sentence? were you just that mad and you needed to get that out on someone? i understand that, but dont take it out on me...
Well as long as he isn't Release