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Whats up guys this is only my second guide but I figured id make one for my Tanky Ra build, I will be updating this daily until I feel it's completed. First off, thank you for taking the time to look at my guide and help me out by giving it good feedback if you like it. Pretty much ill be covering all the basics from Items to how I play with this build. Many people dont know or use this build but ive found even building full tanky Ra can still put out a great amount of damage with amazing survivability.
-Very Tanky
-Great Sustain (Heals)
-Passive Abilty grants great speed boost
-High damage while staying tanky
-Can fill the role of a tank when needed
-Can be mana hungry if not careful
-Landing Attacks take practice
Celestial Beam This ability is great for clearing minion waves but really shouldnt be purchased first because it is the most expensive next to
Searing Pain which is your Ultimate Ability. Still a great ability to level.
Divine Light This ability's main use is for its great slow, though doing a little bit of damage dont rely on that during a fight. I usually level this faster than Celestail Beam depending on who im playing and if im setting kills. This is the cheapest out of your abilities to cast.
Solar Blessing For this build this ability is your bread and butter. Early game you can sustain very well as well as helping teamates while doing damage to minion waves and enemies. It is also the second cheapest abilty to cast so mana wont be a problem as long as you buy potions.
Searing Pain Lastly you have your Ultimate Ability. Obviously level this as often as posible. This is where
Breastplate of Valor comes in handy because of that Cooldown Reduction. Around late game you should have this ability every 35 seconds which is very good. As you can see it looks just like
Celestial Beam but it has a farther range and does more damage.
In a fight I will give you an example of how you should enter a battle. A good example of what I do is jump in a fight and use Solar Blessing to heal yourself and do a little damage. As thats down quickly follow with
Divine Light which will slow them and keep them in the heal longer. After your slow pops they should practically crawling which makes it very easy to finish with your
Celestial Beam which even at full tanky build will still do a lot of damage. If need ulti and finish...
So lets get to the items I usually buy and why.
Mark of the Vanguard This is the first item I buy simply for the great protection it gives early game. This can be sold at a later point, usually after 3rd item is bought.
Reinforced BootsReinforced Boots After I purchase Mark of the Vanguard I go with Reinforced boots for even more protection. You will only be able to afford tier 1 boots at the beginning and will have to go back to finish them at a later time.
Breastplate of Valor Some of you may be wondering I get this item so early... Well it's almost a must for this build because it has great Physical Protection and the Mana and Cooldown Reduction will able you to use your abilites so much more often and will make this build so much better.
Bulwark of Hope This is the 4th item that I purchase for the great Magical Protection and its good passive. (Recently nerfed =( )
Sovereignty Now this is where the game really picks up and this item is picked up later in a game. Usually, (well atleast I hope) your not the only tank on your team and communicate a little to see if they are getting this item because the Aura it provides to your team is great but you dont really need 2 of them.
Stone of Gaia At this point its really situational and you can buy what you feel is needed. But usually I buy this for the high Magical Protection and nice Regeneration that the base stats grant and the passive.
Magi's BlessingMagi's Blessing And last I usually grab this item for the Shield it provides with the passive which can really help against certain gods. Also the health,mana,and Magic Protection are very nice and make you extremely hard to kill.
Aegis Amulet This is good for absorbing damage at low health or using to escape certain Ultimate Abilities.
SprintSprint I usually get this for escaping because late game you dont really need Meditaion and it can be the difference between life and death. This is optional and is up to you and your style of play.
Purification Beads This just like
Aegis Amulet is great for escaping certain Stuns/Ults but you can remain running while using this active.
Ok to end my guide I just want to cover some points on how I play
. Though he is very tanky in this guide I just want to throw it out there that I dont believe he should be playing the role as the main tank on a team, but rather playing a support role which can fill the role as a tank when your tank is absent... (dead/farming) How you play him is entirely up to you but if you follow this guide it will help you a lot in games. Please help me out and let me know if this guide was useful and feel free to leave constructive feedback in the comments. Thanks and good luck!!!
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Other than that the overall build is nice and I can't wait to see your future plans for it. Keep it up.