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The End of the World (Cthulhu Build 8.7)

10 9 11,245
by ToXicBoWser updated August 12, 2021

Smite God: Cthulhu

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Cthulhu Build

the end is coming (Start)

Notes First you buy the starter Warrior's axe then the Glowing Emerald then the relic Magic Shell and some Health and Mana potions. If you want you can switch the Magic Shell with Purification Beads


First you buy the starter Warrior's axe then the Glowing Emerald then the relic Magic Shell and some Health and Mana potions. If you want you can switch the Magic Shell with Purification Beads

Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald

the end coming near (Middle)

Notes If you have the Stone of Gaia. Then it depends on whether there are more physical opponents or more magical opponents. If there are more magical opponents then you only start with the Bulwark of Hope. Otherwise exactly the other way around, that would mean you start with that Sovereignty. When you have reached level 12 you can then buy the other relic


If you have the Stone of Gaia. Then it depends on whether there are more physical opponents or more magical opponents. If there are more magical opponents then you only start with the Bulwark of Hope. Otherwise exactly the other way around, that would mean you start with that Sovereignty. When you have reached level 12 you can then buy the other relic

Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope

The End of the World (Its too late)

Notes If you bought Genji's Guard and Hide of the Nemean Lion better said when you've bought everything and have enough coins upgrade the starter Warrior's Axe. The variant is shown in the video. After that you can upgrade the relics to buy or sell other items as you want


If you bought Genji's Guard and Hide of the Nemean Lion better said when you've bought everything and have enough coins upgrade the starter Warrior's Axe. The variant is shown in the video. After that you can upgrade the relics to buy or sell other items as you want

Build Item Warrior's Axe Warrior's Axe
Build Item Stone of Gaia Stone of Gaia
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Genji's Guard Genji's Guard
Build Item Hide of the Nemean Lion Hide of the Nemean Lion


Notes These are the two relics Magic Shell and Purification Beads. You can also buy the Aegis Amulet


These are the two relics Magic Shell and Purification Beads. You can also buy the Aegis Amulet

Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Purification Beads Purification Beads


Notes These are the consumables. The order does not matter. If you always have coins left, you can buy a Health or Mana potion or a Ward


These are the consumables. The order does not matter. If you always have coins left, you can buy a Health or Mana potion or a Ward

Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Chalice of Mana Chalice of Mana
Build Item Ward Ward

Cthulhu Threats

Tap each threat level to view Cthulhu’s threats


Cthulhu The Great Dreamer

Cthulhu explained from my side

Cthulhu is a very strong guardian who can defend the tower / phoenix on his own for a long time. His passives can become strong by adding the bar through the other abilities with agony stacks. With 4 agony stacks the opponents go mad. This increases the magical power of each opposing god with madness. The madness lasts 20 seconds. Generally speaking, its abilities add agony to stacks. Cthulhu does relatively good damage even without extra damage, especially his Ultimate. The second ability slowed down enemies within a certain radius. On the second hit, the opponent is rooted. His third ability is good for retreating or attacking. With multiple agony stacks when you hit the opponent, he will be stunned for a very short time. And of course the last skill is the Ultimate. The Ultimate does damage when you use the ability, of course only when the opponents are within your radius. After that, when the Ultimate has been used, you have counted 3 different skills with the basic attack. The duration of the Ultimate is different, it depends on how you level up. If you want, you can cancel the last ability by pressing the key, which activates the ability.

This is my first guide and I hope you got it. I can tell a little more about Cthulhu than about other gods, because I like to play with Cthulhu and because he is different from the game behavior than the other guardians

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ImNotLudwig | August 26, 2021 8:46pm
this is good, but the build is more for joust
LordMarisco | August 16, 2021 1:52am
Okay I've got some suggestions.

For solo build:
1. Replace Sovereignty with something else like Breastplate of Valor. Sovereignty is a support item and nothing else. You need the CDR from BoV but the aura from Sov is useless in solo until late game.

2. Consider running Pridwen in your build if you like, perhaps as a replacement for Bulwark of Hope or genjis's guard. I think you'll find the double prots, CDR, and passive make it a brilliant item for the tankier solo loaner, I find myself using it a lot on my solos.

3. Also consider running Oni Hunter's Garb in one of your magical protection slots. The mitigations are amazing.

4. Also consider Mystical Mail in a physical slot - the passive is incredible.

5. Void Stone and Tyrannical Plate Helm both can help you with damage in your physical and magical defence slots respectively.

6. Last but not least, I'd consider putting in some kind.of damage item near the end to give your game an extra punch, I'd personally either go with spear of the desolation for CDR or. Ethereal Staff for a more bruiser-style item.

No offence, but your support build makes no sense to me.

1. You have no starter, which is pretty much essential for supports, especially to keep up with the other roles.

2. You don't have Gauntlet of Thebes as at least an option, which is again an essential support item.

I'm sorry but I think the suport build needs a complete rethink.

I'd be inclined for a build like. Sentinel's Embrace -> Gauntlet of Thebes -> Sovereignty -> Pridwen -> Oni Hunter's Garb -> Spear of Desolation or Mantle of Discord.
Pwuntahs | July 25, 2021 10:48am
Why hide of nemean?
Big Damage (37) | July 25, 2021 11:04am
Yeah just don't. If you want anti AA get Spectral Armor for Crit builds or Witchblade for Qin's builds.
ToXicBoWser | July 25, 2021 2:51pm
Yeah you are right. I took the Item with me because it brings a lot of Mp5 in general. So that he can withstand longer without mana problems. Nevertheless, I thank you for the good tip
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The End of the World (Cthulhu Build 8.7)
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