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The Guide to Support and Mid Hel (W.I.P.)

10 2 123,542
by MysticBadger updated January 14, 2014

Smite God: Hel

Build Guide Discussion 25 More Guides
Choose a Build: Standard Support
Standard Support Mid Lane
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Hel Build

Starting Items

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Mid Game

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Full Build

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Rod of Asclepius Rod of Asclepius
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Bancroft's Talon Bancroft's Talon
Build Item Focused Void Stone Focused Void Stone
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Sentry Ward Sentry Ward
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion


Build Item Purification Beads (Old) Purification Beads (Old)
Build Item Shielded Teleport Shielded Teleport
Build Item
Build Item Hand Of The Gods (Old) Hand Of The Gods (Old)

Hel's Skill Order

Decay / Restoration

1 X Y
Decay / Restoration
4 15 16 18 19

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A B
Hinder / Cleanse
2 7 10 12 14

Repulse / Inspire

3 B A
Repulse / Inspire
1 3 6 8 11

Switch Stances

4 Y X
Switch Stances
5 9 13 17 20
Decay / Restoration
4 15 16 18 19

Decay / Restoration

1 X
DECAY (Dark Stance) - Hel fires an orb of decay that deals damage and passes through minions. The orb will explode in a 12 unit radius if it hits a god or reaches max range.

RESTORATION (Light Stance) - Hel fires an orb of restoration that damages enemy minions and stops on gods. Hitting an enemy god deals damage. Hitting an allied god provides that god and Hel Health and Mana.

Ability Type: Line, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Light Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 4 per level
Light Mana Heal: 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 / 115
Light Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Cooldown: 8s
Hinder / Cleanse
2 7 10 12 14

Hinder / Cleanse

2 A
HINDER (Dark Stance) - Hel debuffs all enemies in the targeted area, reducing their Magical Protection and slowing them for 3s.

CLEANSE (Light Stance) - Hel cleanses all allied gods in the targeted area, removing all Crowd Control effects instantly and protecting them from future ones for a duration.

Ability Type: Circle, Debuff
Dark Protections Debuff: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 + 5% Magical Protection Reduction
Dark Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Light CC Immunity: 1.5s
Range: 55
Radius: 20
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12s
Repulse / Inspire
1 3 6 8 11

Repulse / Inspire

3 B
REPULSE (Dark Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of dark energy around her, damaging all nearby enemies.

INSPIRE (Light Stance) - Hel conjures a burst of light energy around her, healing herself instantly and applying a heal over time to nearby allies that ticks every 1s. This heal is half as effective when healing minions. Hel gains Increased Movement Speed, and allies gain a reduced amount (10%) for the duration. Hel and allies also gain 20% Attack Speed while the buff is active.

Ability Type: Circle, Heal, Damage
Dark Damage: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270 (+75% of your Magical Power)
Light Self Heal: 45 / 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 + 6 per level
Light Heal Per Tick: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 + 0.9 per level
Light Movement Speed: 20%
Light Duration: 5s
Radius: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Switch Stances
5 9 13 17 20

Switch Stances

4 Y
Dark Stance - Hel's abilities cause damage and she gains increased Magical Power.

Light Stance - Hel's abilities heal and support her allies and she gains increased Protections.

Passive - Hel gains increased MP5 and half of all benefits gained, including Physical Power, from Switch Stances are shared with allied gods within 55 units.

Ability Type: Buff
Dark Magical Power: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
Light Magical and Physical Protections: 13 / 16 / 19 / 22 / 25
MP5: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35
Cost: 0
Cooldown: 1s


NOTE: This guide is a work in progress!! I am still adding more detailed information as I learn her more and more.

With school starting, I will try to continue to update as often as possible, but the frequency of updates may drop. Just be patient, I didn't abandon this guide :)

With that being said, I will continue to update and tweak this guide until I feel it is a perfect depiction of how to play a heavily supportive role with Hel and a mid carry role.

I am a support main, so there will probably be more information about support Hel than mid Hel, but I will try to make it even :)

If you'd like to learn more about supporting in general, check out my other guide!

An (Almost) In-Depth Guide To The Support Role

Hel is an extremely complex god and there is so much more depth to playing her than I first realized. She is a lot harder to play than most other gods and for that reason, you have to really dedicate yourself to learn her to play her to her fullest potential.

In this guide, I will do my best to go over her abilities, combos, and stances for both mid and support.

How Mid And Support Playstyles Are Different

Hel is a very very interesting god. On the surface, she seems about as challenging as any other god, but she is much more complex than realized from a glance. She requires a lot of quick thinking and good judgment calls to be truly effective.

General Overview

Essentially, there are 4 different playstyles to Hel.

(Mid Hel)
(Supp Hel)

Mid Hel

Light Stance

Your light stance is your sustain in lane. Your light stance abilities are meant to help keep you healthy in lane and recover from taking poke from your enemy laner. Typically I tend to stay in dark stance most often, and switching into light stance for my sustain when I need it.

An important thing to note is that there is a brief cast time when switching between stances, and then again when casting an ability. This means that if you're in your dark stance, it will take about 1.5 seconds before you can heal yourself at any given point. You need to always keep this in mind as well as anticipating what the enemy laner is going to do, so you don't overcommit to something and wind up dead because you can't heal yourself fast enough.

Dark Stance

This is the source of all your power. I typically try to prioritize farming over harassing the enemy, but I will poke him with my Hinder / Cleanse combo'd with my Repulse / Inspire when he gets too close.

Your dark stance is really used to heavily farm and to poke/burst your enemy laner.

Support Hel

Light Stance

This is typically the stance I find myself in the most when I play support. In light stance as a support, you will primarily be following your carry around, healing him and providing him with enough sustain to last him a lifetime.

Dark Stance

Dark stance as a support will generally be used when you and your laner decide to try to all-in them in hopes of getting a kill. The main goal here, is to provide some AP burst so your laner can have lower-health targets to attack. With your Hinder / Cleanse providing a slow, this is the optimal stance to be in when deciding to be aggressive.


Playing a mid Hel is vastly different than playing her support. When you're mid, you want to focus on farming to get past your horrible early game, so you can build up enough power to be a complete menace mid/late game. You still want to poke, so your opponent doesn't just take complete control over the lane, and if you know you can get a kill, then by all means go take it.

When you're support, you want to focus on what's the best move for your carry. You should be playing much much more passively, focusing on being a healer and helping your carry keep lane control, until the opportunity presents itself for you both to engage and get a kill.

Playing Hel As A Support

Hel is an incredibly fun support to play. If played to her fullest potential, she can really have a huge influence on your laning and your game in general. There is a certain game sense you have to and will develop with her which will dictate which stance you will want to be in.

Hel is built to be played 2 ways when supporting: an aggressive way that will help your laner clear waves and get kills, and a passive way that will help keep your laner alive longer and survive potentially fatal ganks.

[Support] Pros And Cons


+ Has crazy lane sustain
+ Has an ability to remove and prevent Crowd Control
+ Has high mobility
+ High skill ceiling
+ Very rewarding when played to her fullest potential


- Can be hard to manage your stances
- Has terrible mana problems before level 5
- Have to master her stances
- She has a very high skill floor
- Skills are on a delay when switching stances, so you have to plan them out

[Support] Having Situational Awareness While Laning

One of the hardest things to do is be completely aware of everything going on around you and to not tunnel-vision to just your lane.

The Minimap

The minimap is perhaps the most important tool for providing you with information. You can see how pushed other lanes are, if an enemy is missing from a lane or not, if a lane has more than 2 enemies in it, or if you are about to be ganked.

A good rule of thumb that my friend CrazyBerry made up is the "5 Second Rule". The rule works by simply looking at your minimap every 5 seconds while you're laning. This is very effective in helping your map awareness, while also creating a habit to check it more.

(All credit for the "5 Second Rule" goes to CrazyBerry and his guide on the solo lane: In-Depth Guide To Mastering the Solo Lane.)


Using Wards in conjunction with your now-improved map awareness should ensure your safety from enemy ganks, as you should be able to see the enemy long before they are set up and ready to go in.

Wards provide valuable information on enemy location and should be bought every game!

Pressing TAB

The simple act of pressing the TAB key to bring up the scoreboard will give you increased information about the enemies.

The scoreboard shows information on the enemies' KDA, but also provides information about how they're building. More specifically, you can use this to see what your enemy laners are building, so you know that if you see a Hades building tank, you'll want to build Purification Beads instead of Shielded Teleport or Hand of the Gods.

The last thing to be aware of is if your minion wave is pushing or being pushed.

I have found that if the minions are pushing, you want to follow their actions, and likewise if they're being pushed towards your tower. Generally, this will be a good indication of which stance you want to be in during laning phase. If the minions are pushing, I will go into my dark stance to fight with the minions and poke at the enemy laners with my carry, and if they're being pushed, I will switch to light stance and play more passive and heal up any damage taken. Typically this is when your enemy laners will want to attack so it's good to be in light stance to have your Hinder / Cleanse ready to block CC.

Of course there will be times where your minions are pushing and you want to be in light stance (like when the enemy jungler is setting up a gank on you), but if you follow this general indication, it will help you develop and refine your game sense. In turn, this will ultimately help you to recognize which stance to be in at any given point because you will start to look for signs where once stance would benefit over the other.

Playing Hel As A Mid

Hel is an incredibly fun god to play once you get the hang of her. You do have to play really really safe in the early game, due to not having the passives from Switch Stances, but if you can survive early game, you will straight up dominate mid/late game.

Because you are a caster, have an ability that reduces magic protection, and are most likely going against another caster (who typically have low base magic protection) you hit them incredibly hard. Not only will you surprise them with your burst damage, but you have the sustain to keep laning after you trade damage. This just helps you snowball your lane even harder and build yourself up faster for late game.

[Mid] Pros And Cons


+ Incredible damage output
+ Has high lane sustain after level 5
+ Has high mobility
+ Even if you get behind early, you can come back to carry
+ While providing insane AoE damage in teamfights, you also provide a ton of healing and buffs for your own team.
+ High skill ceiling


- Somewhat weak before level 5
- Have to master her stances
- She has a very high skill floor
- You will be punished hard if you overextend or make a bad decision


Hel is an insane midlaner, with crazy burst, sustain and teamfight capabilities, while also being a top-notch support capable of supporting the whole team single-handedly with ease. She is a true asset to any team, regardless of the role she's in.

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide. I apologize for taking so long to add content; hopefully it's been worth the wait! I put a lot of thought and effort into this guide, and at times at was hard to explain with words what I meant about certain specifics. But I hope it was easy to understand and has helped you to improve as a Hel player! :)

Future Content

  • Section "Understanding Hel Better"
    Playing Hel As A Mid
  • Section "Managing Your Stances And Positioning"
  • Section "Brief Ability Review"
  • Section "Itemization"
    Playing Hel As A Support
  • Section "Ability Explanation"
  • Section "Itemization"

Change Log







Special Thanks To...

I want to give a special thanks to my buddy Baransun for helping me theorycraft the mid build. Thanks buddy! :)

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festive1 (14) | March 30, 2014 12:14am
I usually upgrade Decay / Restoration over Hinder / Cleanse
Otherwise the guide covers some good points, but is incomplete.
Umbrardo | March 19, 2014 9:56pm
Thanks for the guide. Your guide and Turnip's were a great help when I decided to make Hel my first bought god. After 4-5 games in Arena, I mastered the ability and stance dancing, and I then used your support build in Joust to practice tower pushing. Today was my first attempt at Hel in Conquest, and your tips worked great for my support role.
MysticBadger (3) | January 14, 2014 11:36pm

Honestly, as the mid-laner, I would recommend ranking up both Repulse/Inspire and Decay/Restoration as quickly as you can, only putting the original point into Hinder/Cleanse + a few points depending on the enemy team's composition.* People can seriously underestimate how much Decay and Restoration hurt, and they come with the added bonus of being two skills which, combined, deal even more damage than Repulse.

As for Spear of the Magus, your general burst order will be Decay>Repulse>Restoration. Repulse is your bread and butter, yet it will only benefit from the first of two stacks unless the fight is extended. Even then, it offers thirty magic power less** than Obsidian Shard, which provides a constant penetration.

I agree with your, well, dissertation on stance priorities. For the most part, I'd best summarize, fights at least, as dark stance if your side initiates, and light stance if the enemy team initiates. Granted, as I've said before, offensively cleansing is also an excellent way to initiate, but generally speaking dark stance is the way to go for initiation.

*Generally, higher levels of cleanse are better against soft CC such as slows, as cleanse (mostly) only permanently breaks hard CC's and you can't cast it while stunned or silenced anyways.

**Even further less with Rod of Tahuti built.

Regarding Subzero's post, I fully agree with him that this guide lacks an explanation of the items chosen as well as when and how to use her skills, and that there should generally just be more content. However, you respond well to input and I see much promise in this guide, so my vote will remain upwards so long as I continue to see updates.

Hm yeah, after experimenting more with the mid build I do have to agree. I like ranking up the decay/restoration over the hinder/cleanse, so I'll be sure that the guide reflects that as well.

Ah, that is a good point on the Obsidian Shard. I do agree with you after reading that and I will change that ASAP.

Also, I'll clean up my general explanation on the stances to make it easier to understand for new Hel players, but will also add a more in-depth analysis of her stances for people really wanting to learn her inside and out.

Yes, I agree with subzero as well and will work to fix it as soon as I can. I appreciate your understanding and patience and I promise to deliver more updates :)
MysticBadger (3) | January 14, 2014 11:25pm
Subzero008 wrote:

The **********ing internet ate my review. ****. Well, you seem to have improved this a bit, so I'll take a crack at it.


Firstly, why no watcher's gift?

The builds are alright, I suppose.

Item Explanations

None. Not good, mate.

Skill Explanations

Also none. I feel this is worse than the lack of items, as Hel has a lot of skills.

Guiding/Gameplay: Support Hel

I like the little summary of her playstyle at the top. The section on awareness is also nice, but doesn't it also apply to the mid as well?

Also, how will clearing waves work? When your Repulse can oneshot the back wave of minions, wouldn't it be best to give the last hits to the one you are supporting?

However, the thing that damns this section is the complete and utter lack of gameplay. THIS IS NOT GOOD!

You said in your into blurb: " Hel is built to be played 2 ways when supporting: an aggressive way that will help your laner clear waves and get kills, and a passive way that will help keep your laner alive longer and survive potentially fatal ganks." Where is the section on poking? Shifting from defensive to aggressive? What about dealing with the most common duo comps*? There is nothing here.

A guide's purpose is to answer questions, not leave them hanging.

*I think there are two: Early Aggro and Turtle, maybe with Sustain added to the mix. How will you deal with Sobek charging you? How about Ymir's wall? If Ra can sustain out of any poke, how will you deal with that?

Guiding/Gameplay: Mid Hel

There are only two things: Pros and Cons, and an intro summary.

You can probably predict my reaction.


I like the general overview of her playstyle on each stance.

BBC coding is good. What little info is there is fairly well organized.


This guide is like the blueprints to a city. In it, you can see plans for vast skyscrapers and grand monuments, but ultimately, there is nothing of substance here. No skills. No items. And no gameplay.

As I understand it, you intentionally published this guide, despite it being a WIP. As such, I will have to downvote. A pretty shell is still empty.

I see that DrPaco is helping you with your guide. I look forward to seeing your updates. If you do add something less ethereal to this guide, I'll be glad to review it again.

Thank you for your feedback :)

Regarding an explanation for items, I have unintentionally neglected that part, so it will be a high priority to complete. Thank you for pointing that out. I was trying to organize the mid and supports section so much, I simply overlooked it.

The skill explanation is also a good point. I was and still am planning on writing that section, but time has not allowed me to do so with it being accurate information. This definitely will come soon and will be a high priority as well, so thank you for bringing that to the forefront of my mind again. It will be fixed.

The support Hel gameplay will come as well. I will be sure to really go in depth on what to do and how to help your carry waveclear as mid/late game arrive. Perhaps I will make videos on the gameplay, but that would not be until the distant future.

I do agree that I need more sections such as the ones you pointed out (poking, switching stances, etc.), so I plan on making more progress on that at some point during this week.

After reading your review/feedback I think I can draw an accurate picture of the type of guide you'd ultimately like to see this become and I will try my best to complete that in a timely manner. I believe I underestimated the complexity of Hel, thinking it would be a semi-easy guide to write, but as I started to really understand her, this whole new world opened up that I wasn't quite expecting.

Despite your review being somewhat abrasive, it is all very good feedback and I aim to fully construct the city from these blueprints, to turn this into a guide that you can upvote. I know I'm capable of it (from my general support guide), but all I ask is for a little patience as my updates may become fewer now that school has started.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read through and review this guide and I'll send you a PM once I have this guide in a place where I feel it warrants another review :)
TormentedTurnip (96) | January 12, 2014 5:27pm
MysticBadger wrote:


Honestly, as the mid-laner, I would recommend ranking up both Repulse/Inspire and Decay/Restoration as quickly as you can, only putting the original point into Hinder/Cleanse + a few points depending on the enemy team's composition.* People can seriously underestimate how much Decay and Restoration hurt, and they come with the added bonus of being two skills which, combined, deal even more damage than Repulse.

As for Spear of the Magus, your general burst order will be Decay>Repulse>Restoration. Repulse is your bread and butter, yet it will only benefit from the first of two stacks unless the fight is extended. Even then, it offers thirty magic power less** than Obsidian Shard, which provides a constant penetration.

I agree with your, well, dissertation on stance priorities. For the most part, I'd best summarize, fights at least, as dark stance if your side initiates, and light stance if the enemy team initiates. Granted, as I've said before, offensively cleansing is also an excellent way to initiate, but generally speaking dark stance is the way to go for initiation.

*Generally, higher levels of cleanse are better against soft CC such as slows, as cleanse (mostly) only permanently breaks hard CC's and you can't cast it while stunned or silenced anyways.

**Even further less with Rod of Tahuti built.

Regarding Subzero's post, I fully agree with him that this guide lacks an explanation of the items chosen as well as when and how to use her skills, and that there should generally just be more content. However, you respond well to input and I see much promise in this guide, so my vote will remain upwards so long as I continue to see updates.
Subzero008 (112) | January 12, 2014 2:41pm
The **********ing internet ate my review. ****. Well, you seem to have improved this a bit, so I'll take a crack at it.


Firstly, why no watcher's gift?

The builds are alright, I suppose.

Item Explanations

None. Not good, mate.

Skill Explanations

Also none. I feel this is worse than the lack of items, as Hel has a lot of skills.

Guiding/Gameplay: Support Hel

I like the little summary of her playstyle at the top. The section on awareness is also nice, but doesn't it also apply to the mid as well?

Also, how will clearing waves work? When your Repulse can oneshot the back wave of minions, wouldn't it be best to give the last hits to the one you are supporting?

However, the thing that damns this section is the complete and utter lack of gameplay. THIS IS NOT GOOD!

You said in your into blurb: " Hel is built to be played 2 ways when supporting: an aggressive way that will help your laner clear waves and get kills, and a passive way that will help keep your laner alive longer and survive potentially fatal ganks." Where is the section on poking? Shifting from defensive to aggressive? What about dealing with the most common duo comps*? There is nothing here.

A guide's purpose is to answer questions, not leave them hanging.

*I think there are two: Early Aggro and Turtle, maybe with Sustain added to the mix. How will you deal with Sobek charging you? How about Ymir's wall? If Ra can sustain out of any poke, how will you deal with that?

Guiding/Gameplay: Mid Hel

There are only two things: Pros and Cons, and an intro summary.

You can probably predict my reaction.


I like the general overview of her playstyle on each stance.

BBC coding is good. What little info is there is fairly well organized.


This guide is like the blueprints to a city. In it, you can see plans for vast skyscrapers and grand monuments, but ultimately, there is nothing of substance here. No skills. No items. And no gameplay.

As I understand it, you intentionally published this guide, despite it being a WIP. As such, I will have to downvote. A pretty shell is still empty.

I see that DrPaco is helping you with your guide. I look forward to seeing your updates. If you do add something less ethereal to this guide, I'll be glad to review it again.
MysticBadger (3) | January 9, 2014 8:48pm

If you're the mid-laner, you're likely going to be the magical burst damage for your team, and your plan is to feed yourself out the whazoo. That being the case, you're going to want to rank up Decay/Restoration before Hinder/Cleanse, especially considering you'll be by yourself and won't be able to cleanse yourself if you get hard CC'd anyways. Granted, there are certain enemy gods that you'll need an extra few tenths of a second of CC immunity against, but you're going to need more than just a strong Repulse to kill the enemy.

Mileage may vary with the build, but I recommend getting Void Stone second when facing an enemy mage in mid-lane, and working in Breastplate of Valor the moment roaming starts - not only will it end your mana problems, but it gives you the much needed CDR to work well with your team.

I also recommend Obsidian Shard over Spear of the Magus on Hel, as it balances out MP and penetration better for a support mage. In addition, the general order in which you cast your spells works against Spear of the Magus's passive in fights that aren't extended.

As for the updates for supporting with Hel, I think the example full build is perfect. There's leeway for changes in the items and purchase order, but every item in there is greatly beneficial to her in almost all scenarios.

However, and I know you briefly mentioned this, I would be careful about defaulting to Dark Stance when minions push up. It can be a great time to deal damage, but also remember that you're further from safety. The opposite can be said for when enemy minions are pushing towards your tower - "the best defense is a good offense" can often be used here. Make the enemy cower in fear from 20% extra damage Repulses, Decays, and Restorations. Granted, I do generally agree with initiation via dark stance and defense via light stance, but it's just something worth noting.

In my opinion, though, if you have good communication, it's best to initiate in Light Stance against compositions that can peel well. For example, tell your teammate to attack even while Ymir's stun is up, and be ready to immediately cleanse it. This will result in Ymir's inability to defend his teammate.

I'd also like to mention that map awareness and warding is a role everyone should take part in, although the support will of course place more wards than the rest. Good content in your update, so far.

That's a good point on her skill sequence as mage. The reason I was prioritizing Hinder / Cleanse over Decay / Restoration was for the increased slow and debuff. What would you think of leveling them side-by-side, to where I have equal points in each of them instead of one over the other? I feel like the debuff and slow is valuable enough to want higher ranks while laning/roaming, but I do agree that Decay / Restoration shouldn't be ignored til the end.

And thank you for pointing out the build order. I was meaning to alter it due to a previous suggestion to replace Warlock's Sash (it may have been you), but got caught up in other things and forgot about it. And I'm afraid I don't quite understand how the combos would work against Spear of the Magus, despite seeing how Obsidian Shard could be highly beneficial. If you wouldn't mind, could you explain that? :)

I appreciate the feedback on the support build, I really put a lot of thought into figuring out what the best skill prioritization would be :)

Regarding the stances and minion waves, I found it (at least for me in my games) to be widely generally true, and feel like being in light stance while pushing as well as dark stance while being pushed is more of a situational thing. And it's hard to really describe what I mean because her stances are so situational that it's hard to generalize when to use them and which one to be in. I guess what I'm trying to describe is that her stances are highly situational, but I am noticing subtle patterns between the game flow and which stance you're in. Typically I have found myself in light stance while under tower (to heal my minions so they can reset better, my laner, and myself; also to provide cc immunity if they dive you with a cc god), but have also found myself needing to use dark stance under tower to clear waves, or in the event of a tower dive, help burst down the divers which in turn keeps my carry safe if we kill them or ward them off.

Hope that wasn't too confusing even though it was a lot. There are many variables and signs to look for that dictate which stance is optimal and I really need to go into more detail in my guide. I suppose at this point I view the existing section covering it as more like "training wheels" to help new Hel players get used to switching stances based on circumstance. But I will add a more detailed analysis to it as I really grasp all the different variables affecting her stances.
TormentedTurnip (96) | January 9, 2014 7:11pm
If you're the mid-laner, you're likely going to be the magical burst damage for your team, and your plan is to feed yourself out the whazoo. That being the case, you're going to want to rank up Decay/Restoration before Hinder/Cleanse, especially considering you'll be by yourself and won't be able to cleanse yourself if you get hard CC'd anyways. Granted, there are certain enemy gods that you'll need an extra few tenths of a second of CC immunity against, but you're going to need more than just a strong Repulse to kill the enemy.

Mileage may vary with the build, but I recommend getting Void Stone second when facing an enemy mage in mid-lane, and working in Breastplate of Valor the moment roaming starts - not only will it end your mana problems, but it gives you the much needed CDR to work well with your team.

I also recommend Obsidian Shard over Spear of the Magus on Hel, as it balances out MP and penetration better for a support mage. In addition, the general order in which you cast your spells works against Spear of the Magus's passive in fights that aren't extended.

As for the updates for supporting with Hel, I think the example full build is perfect. There's leeway for changes in the items and purchase order, but every item in there is greatly beneficial to her in almost all scenarios.

However, and I know you briefly mentioned this, I would be careful about defaulting to Dark Stance when minions push up. It can be a great time to deal damage, but also remember that you're further from safety. The opposite can be said for when enemy minions are pushing towards your tower - "the best defense is a good offense" can often be used here. Make the enemy cower in fear from 20% extra damage Repulses, Decays, and Restorations. Granted, I do generally agree with initiation via dark stance and defense via light stance, but it's just something worth noting.

In my opinion, though, if you have good communication, it's best to initiate in Light Stance against compositions that can peel well. For example, tell your teammate to attack even while Ymir's stun is up, and be ready to immediately cleanse it. This will result in Ymir's inability to defend his teammate.

I'd also like to mention that map awareness and warding is a role everyone should take part in, although the support will of course place more wards than the rest. Good content in your update, so far.
MysticBadger (3) | January 7, 2014 10:36pm

Sorry, I meant to say Purification beads permanently remove its slow - cleanse only removes it if used beforehand.

Removes the slow permanently if active beforehand:
PB: Yes.
Cleanse: Yes.

Removes the slow permanently if applied afterwards:
PB: Yes.
Cleanse: no.

Ooooooh ok, that's even more interesting. I will definitely watch for that as I get used to using Purification Beads more. :)
TormentedTurnip (96) | January 7, 2014 10:20pm
Sorry, I meant to say Purification beads permanently remove its slow - cleanse only removes it if used beforehand.

Removes the slow permanently if active beforehand:
PB: Yes.
Cleanse: Yes.

Removes the slow permanently if applied afterwards:
PB: Yes.
Cleanse: no.
MysticBadger (3) | January 7, 2014 9:43pm

Haha, it's my own fault for the deletion. I was even thinking to myself "I should probably CTRL + A > CTRL + C this" minutes beforehand. I've had enough experience with lost data over the years that I have no excuse for what I've done. :P

I can agree to withholding content on cleanse until you're more experienced with her, as theoretical information isn't as good as learned tactics. Just take it from an experienced Hel player that cleanse is one of the biggest game-changing spells in the game, and you should do your best to learn how to use it well. If you haven't yet, I recommend you learn how to preemptively cleanse rather than reactively cleanse, as it greatly improves your impact on the game.

Yes, please PM for every major update (not grammatical fixes though ~.^) but I pretty much no-life this site so I might beat you to it again, lol.

I would recommend putting "high skill ceiling" in the pro's section and "high skill floor" in the con's section. There's a major difference between the two, and a high skill ceiling has little-to-no impact on low experience play - that's the skill floor.

Unfortunately due to Conquest's current meta, your actives slots are likely going to be set in stone. However, if you find the room, or especially if the enemy team builds Weakening Curse, I would also like to recommend you to try out Heavenly Agility. I'd like to point out that neither beads nor cleanse will remove or prevent the healing reduction from it, even if casted before its application. However, cleanse will permanently remove the slow no matter when it's used, and cleanse will prevent the entire slow provided the curse is applied when cleanse is in effect; if cleanse is cast reactively to the curse, it will only hinder it for its duration (anywhere from half a second to 1.3 seconds, depending on its rank).

As for your first statement regarding feedback - right back at you! It makes me happy to see you considering and testing my suggestions and advice, and as I said previously, I hope I can help you make the best Hel Conquest guide on this site. I'll still be holding the Arena champ title, mind you. :P

Yeah, that's some good advice about cleanse; I'll be sure to try to really get amazing with it so I can explain it better here :)

That's a good point about the skill ceiling and skill floor, I'll be sure to fix that up here in a sec.

And that's really interesting about cleansing the curse. I had no idea that it could potentially remove it permanently. I will try to pay extra attention to cleansing as I get more familiar with it to see if I find any other unique interactions similar to that one.

And once again, I really appreciate all your effort to not only help me better my guide, but also myself as a Hel player :) With your help, this WILL be the best conquest guide out there! I wouldn't dare try to touch about her in arena, that is strictly your territory :P
TormentedTurnip (96) | January 7, 2014 1:10am
Haha, it's my own fault for the deletion. I was even thinking to myself "I should probably CTRL + A > CTRL + C this" minutes beforehand. I've had enough experience with lost data over the years that I have no excuse for what I've done. :P

I can agree to withholding content on cleanse until you're more experienced with her, as theoretical information isn't as good as learned tactics. Just take it from an experienced Hel player that cleanse is one of the biggest game-changing spells in the game, and you should do your best to learn how to use it well. If you haven't yet, I recommend you learn how to preemptively cleanse rather than reactively cleanse, as it greatly improves your impact on the game.

Yes, please PM for every major update (not grammatical fixes though ~.^) but I pretty much no-life this site so I might beat you to it again, lol.

I would recommend putting "high skill ceiling" in the pro's section and "high skill floor" in the con's section. There's a major difference between the two, and a high skill ceiling has little-to-no impact on low experience play - that's the skill floor.

Unfortunately due to Conquest's current meta, your actives slots are likely going to be set in stone. However, if you find the room, or especially if the enemy team builds Weakening Curse, I would also like to recommend you to try out Heavenly Agility. I'd like to point out that neither beads nor cleanse will remove or prevent the healing reduction from it, even if casted before its application. However, beads will permanently remove the slow no matter when it's used, and cleanse will prevent the entire slow provided the curse is applied when cleanse is in effect; if cleanse is cast reactively to the curse, it will only hinder it for its duration (anywhere from half a second to 1.3 seconds, depending on its rank).

As for your first statement regarding feedback - right back at you! It makes me happy to see you considering and testing my suggestions and advice, and as I said previously, I hope I can help you make the best Hel Conquest guide on this site. I'll still be holding the Arena champ title, mind you. :P
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