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The Ultimate Hybrid Support Fafnir

4 2 14,497
by ddupont421 updated November 25, 2020

Smite God: Fafnir

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Fafnir Build


Build Item Guardian's Blessing Guardian's Blessing
Build Item Glowing Emerald Glowing Emerald
Build Item Hand of the Gods Hand of the Gods
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion


Notes Shell first, as it is just awesome for saving your carry, Horrific if you constantly need to chase down kills, Belt if your team is already melting, Ankh if enemy has tons of healing. Thorns if you know how to time them.


Shell first, as it is just awesome for saving your carry, Horrific if you constantly need to chase down kills, Belt if your team is already melting, Ankh if enemy has tons of healing. Thorns if you know how to time them.

Build Item Magic Shell Magic Shell
Build Item Horrific Emblem Horrific Emblem
Build Item Shield of Thorns Shield of Thorns
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh
Build Item Belt of Frenzy Belt of Frenzy

Main Build

Notes Sovereignty can be switched to adapt, Switch Shield for Relic Dagger if you like spamming relics.


Sovereignty can be switched to adapt, Switch Shield for Relic Dagger if you like spamming relics.

Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes
Build Item Sovereignty Sovereignty
Build Item Shogun's Kusari Shogun's Kusari
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Gem of Isolation Gem of Isolation
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Relic Dagger Relic Dagger


Notes Sovereignty can be switched to adapt ( Contagion is nice if you don´t want to replace Shogun's Kusari for anti heal, Emperor's Armor if you´re getting pushed too much, Midgardian Mail if enemy ADC is melting you early), Shogun's Kusari can be replaced by Pestilence, Witchblade replaces Relic Dagger if enemy ADC is still melting.


Sovereignty can be switched to adapt ( Contagion is nice if you don´t want to replace Shogun's Kusari for anti heal, Emperor's Armor if you´re getting pushed too much, Midgardian Mail if enemy ADC is melting you early), Shogun's Kusari can be replaced by Pestilence, Witchblade replaces Relic Dagger if enemy ADC is still melting.

Build Item Contagion Contagion
Build Item Emperor's Armor Emperor's Armor
Build Item Midgardian Mail Midgardian Mail
Build Item Witchblade Witchblade
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence


This is my first guide, so any and all constructive criticism and feedback is welcome.
I see Fafnir as the ultimate hybrid support. He is highly reliant on his abilities, so CDR is vital for any build.
His 1 Cursed Strength is a reliable stun with good damage (if you manage to land it), his 2 Coerce helps your adc melt with increased attack speed and a small damage buff, and your 3 Underhanded Tactics is probably the best escape in the game.
And that´s just normal Fafnir. With his 4 Dragonic Corruption, you become an absolute beast with crazy CC, damage, and an even better escape.


Fafnir is highly dependent on his abilities even during his ultimate, so this is probably the most important part of the guide.
An important note is that Fafnir´s abilities have added effects during his ultimate.
Leveling priority is 4, 1, 2 and 3.

Endless Greed

A pretty solid passive, giving you +2 gold from all enemy kills or assists (gods and minions). This is really gonna help you get items faster during the early game.
Also, you gain protections from any gold you have, capping at 1000 gold with 25 physical and magical protections. A nice bonus.
Cursed Strength

An underrated ability. Once you learn to land it, you can interrupt almost any ability, like cabra´s Tremors. In dragon form, it becomes your most reliable engage and damage ability with an added tick damage.

This will help your adc melt towers, enemies and jungle monsters. It can be used on either you or one of your allies, increases attack speed and adds a little extra damage. It also heals you a bit (no matter who you use it on), making it your main sustain. This is what makes Shield of Regrowth viable on Fafnir.
In dragon form, the ability is AoE, giving everyone inside the radius attack speed and bonus damage. Try to hit yourself and adc for maximum effectiveness.
Underhanded Tactics

Fafnir leaps a massive distance, even over objects.
This is, in my opinion, the best escape in the game, making this what allows Fafnir be ultra aggressive and not die in the process. It is also your main engage for an ultimate combo.
In dragon form, you can leap even farther, can stun an enemy, and has tick damage. You really want to save this one in dragon form, as it´s your main escape for when your dragon timer´s about to run out.
Dragonic Corruption
dragonic corruption

Fafnir´s bread and butter.
When activated, you turn into a dragon. You want to do this in the middle of the enemy team, as you become untargettable while transforming, and any enemies inside the radius get tick damaged. Oh, and any abilities you used before engaging get refresh. Cause why not?
Apart from refreshing your (now upgraded) abilities, Fafnir´s auto-attacks get reduced damage but deal 3 ticks of damage per second. This is what makes Fafnir an absolute beast late game, with good tankyness and solid damage numbers.
Be careful with this ability in the early game, as most of your deaths will come from you not paying attention to how much time you have left as a dragon.


You could go for a regular tank build, but Fafnir allows for a bit more flexibility. The items are focused around being tanky, supporting allies, applying CC on enemies and dealing solid damage.
Boots of Meditation are useful because of CDR and the mana boost.
Gauntlet of Thebes is just one of the best support items in the game.
Sovereignty is good for health sustain and physical defense aura. You could replace it with Breastplate of Valor if you want early CDR and mana sustain, though the rest of the items set those up a little later.
Shogun's Kusari is excellent because it boosts your Coerce attack speed, a 10% CDR, 20% CCR with good magical defense. If you need anti heal, replace it with Pestilence, as its magical defense and hp stats make it worth replacing. Chrono's Pendant is what´s gonna make Fafnir damage viable even out of dragon form. Besides the damage and mp5, it has a solid 20% CDR and its passive helps you abuse your abilities even more often.
Gem of Isolation makes you even more annoying, with more magical damage, health and 20% slow for your abilities.
Shield of Regrowth makes you zoom around the map, either to reach the frontline easier or to escape faster. the bonus hp5 and mp5 aren´t bad at all.
Relic Dagger could be the last item, or you could replace it for Shield of Regrowth earlier if you like spamming relics.

Remember that smite is all about the counter builds, especially as a support. However, this build is pretty solid for most situations.


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boogiebass (46) | November 26, 2020 12:28pm
Chronos' Pendant seems out of place.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ddupont421
The Ultimate Hybrid Support Fafnir
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