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This is Nancy Knocking! (Updated to reflect 3.8 Changes)

10 1 219,426
by LinkNightblade updated May 11, 2016

Smite God: Serqet

Build Guide Discussion 16 More Guides
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Serqet Build

Starting Out

Build Item Bumba's Mask Bumba's Mask
Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion
Build Item Blink Rune Blink Rune

Items and Second Relic

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item Titan's Bane Titan's Bane
Build Item Demon Blade Demon Blade
Build Item Deathbringer Deathbringer
Build Item Malice Malice
Build Item Scout Scout


Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Bloodforge Bloodforge
Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Talaria Boots Talaria Boots
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh

Serqet's Skill Order


1 X Y
1 4 6 7

Cobra's Kiss

2 A B
Cobra's Kiss
2 10 11 12 14


3 B A
3 15 16 18 19

Last Breath

4 Y X
Last Breath
5 9 13 17 20
1 4 6 7


1 X
Serqet dashes three times from side to side, dealing damage and applying Deathbane Poison to each enemy hit. This ability can Critical Hit, and Serqet is immune to Knockup while dashing.

Deathbane Poison reduces a target's Physical Protection for a short time, and remains in a lingering dormant state for 20s.

Ability Type: Dash, Debuff, Damage
Damage per Hit: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Protection Reduction: 5% for 3s
Range: 50
Cost: 60
Cooldown: 13s
Cobra's Kiss
2 10 11 12 14

Cobra's Kiss

2 A
Serqet launches her two blades forward, dealing damage and applying the Cobra's Kiss Poison. Cobra's Kiss Poison drives gods to madness, forcing them to attack nearby allies dealing this damage again, or walk harmlessly towards Serqet. Cobra's Kiss remains in a lingering dormant state for 20s.

Ability Type: Line, Crowd Control, Damage
Damage: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+75% of your Physical Power)
Madness Duration: 1.2s
Range: 40
Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Cooldown: 12s
3 15 16 18 19


3 B
Serqet vanishes, Rooting herself in place. She may leap once, revealing herself and dealing damage to enemies. She will stay hidden until she leaps or cancels this ability. Enemy gods within range 12.5 will also reveal her.

Ability Type: Circle, Leap, Damage
Damage: 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+100% of your Physical Power)
Range/Radius: 65 / 15
Cost: 70
Cooldown: 16s
Last Breath
5 9 13 17 20

Last Breath

4 Y
Passive: Serqet gains increased Critical Strike Chance.
Active: Serqet leaps to an enemy, Stunning them and gaining 50% damage mitigation. She then applies the Last Breath poison and pushes them 30 units away. The poison deals true damage to the target over the next 5s, and prevents them from healing. If an enemy dies while infected with Last Breath, they will explode, applying the poison to all enemies within 20 units.

Ability Type: Target, Debuff, Damage
Damage: 102 / 150 / 198 / 252 / 300 (+130% of your Physical Power as True Damage)
Stun Duration: 1s
Healing Reduction: All Healing
Critical Strike Chance: 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20%
Radius: 10
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90s


VVGH and Welcome to my Madame Blade, aka Serqet Jungle guide for Conquest. In this, I go through my preferred build for the Goddess of Venom and Poisons. I'll give some of my tips, tricks and leveling idea's I've come across with my time playing as this extremely mobile Goddess. I'll also go through some of the Pro's and Con's of using Serqet, along with how to start clearing the jungle with her. I'll touch on what to expect to encounter and what can happen if things go wrong for you (This is my first guide, so please go easy and give me any suggestions and critiques you can).

Jungle Basics

In the Jungle there are are few things to keep in mind. Here are the top things you should keep in mind.

You'll be behind most of the game. As a jungle player, your level will usually be behind or on par with that of your support player. Every moment you aren't taking a jungle camp, or being in lane with your teammates, you are going to fall farther behind. If you are worried about your speed traversing the Jungle, you might consider dropping a bit of power for speed, in this case I suggest Talaria Boots early game for the increased speed and HP5 out of battle (switch them out mid to late game for Warrior Tabi cause you may need that extra power and it may just make a difference in a successful gank. Jungle players level notoriously slow due to the limited minions to kill and the low exp and gold they give. Keeping that in mind, be on the look out for Ganks to boost your level and gold gain. Early game, you'll only be able to successfully take down low health enemies due to your limited capabilities.

Be aware of the map and player movements. Your eyes have to be constantly flickering between the map and the area around you. Since you can only see directly whats in front of you, map awareness is a very important aspect, especially for jungle players where sight is extremely limited. In Smite, you'll see enemies on the map who are close behind you even if you can't see them on your screen.

Jungle players are usually assassins. Keeping this in mind, you'll see most assassins thrive in the jungle as most have 1, and in some cases, even 2 moves that allow them to move with extreme haste. Serqet has two mobility moves, Deathbane, which is a dash that can critically hit, and Ambush which roots her in place upon activation and then lets her leap forward and even over small walls. Awilix has a mount, Suko, that has no duration and gives her an extreme forward movement speed boost with an optional jump. Most other assassins will have a leap, like Bakasura, or a dash, like Ratatoskr. Loki has a vanish that increases his movement speed.

Assassins are capable of extremely high single target player damage and can control fights in 1 vs 1 situations like no other gods in the game. This is because of abilities that root or stun, such as Serqet's Cobra's Kiss and Last Breath, or Awilix and her Feather Step.

A few mages can act as a Jungle Player, such as Ao Kuang, who's ultimate, King of the Eastern Seas, gives him a good, nearly cross map, jump if he land's his execute, and his vanish, Water Illusion which gives him a small teleport.

Serqet's Pro's and Con's

Serqet is one of the most mobile physical gods in the game with 2 mobility moves, one being a leap and the other a dash (that can critically hit no less). She is an escape artist to put it mildly. Along with her mobility she can output high single target damage. Using her kit properly and chaining her first two abilities followed by a basic attack to activate her passive Catalyst, will extremely hurt an enemy. She also has the unique ability to apply True Damage with her Ultimate Last Breath. True damage will apply the exact damage you see listed in your skill summary. It can't be mitigated, but it can be blocked by a well timed Sanctuary.

The main side effect, and the most detrimental aspect of playing Serqet, is that you have an extremely low Health and mana pool, making you extremely squishy early game, and you are liable to run out of mana at just the wrong time trying to escape an enemy who has blood in their eyes. The second, unfortunate aspect of Serqet, is that since she has two mobility moves (A dash and a leap), if anything cripples her, such as Nox's Shadow Lock, Cupid's Fields Of Love or Poseidon's Whirlpool, she is completely and utterly screwed, especially if your Purification, or if you have it, Magi's Blessing, had already been used earlier and is on cooldown.


Skill Details

Serqet's Passive, Catalyst, is an interesting way to deal additional damage to an enemy in a hurry. When you dash through someone with Deathbane or give someone a smooch with Cobra's Kiss, it applies lingering poisons on that god that can be consumed with a simple basic attack. This basic attack consumes those lingering poisons and deals additional damage to that player.

Her first ability, Deathbane, is a dashing move that can critically hit. Serqet dashes side to side three times in quick succession. She is immune to knockup while dashing. Deathbane Poison reduces a target's physical protection for a short time, after which it remains in a lingering dormant state for 20 seconds.

Her second ability, Cobra's Kiss, is a double projectile shot. Cobra's Kiss Poision drives gods to madness, forcing them to attack nearby allies, doing the damage again, or walk harmlessly towards Serqet. After the madness, Cobra's Kiss remains in a lingering dormant state for 20 seconds (Try hitting two enemy gods with a single use of this ability, the results are amusing to say the least).

Her third ability, Ambush, is a leap. Serqet vanishes, rooting herself in place. She may leap once, revealing herself and dealing damage to enemies. She will stay hidden until she leaps or cancels this ability. Enemy gods within range 12.5 will also reveal her (the white circle around her you see when using this ability).

Serqet's Ultimate Ability, Last Breath, stuns then deals True Damage to the targeted player or minion. Serqet leaps to an enemy, applying the Last Breath poison, then pushing them 30 units away. The Last Breath poison deals damage over the next 5 seconds, and prevents healing. If an enemy dies while infected with Last Breath, they will explode, applying the poison to all nearby enemies.

Having Fun with Her Skills

Serqet's skills are very fun to use and provide great entertainment as you watch the enemy team try to pin you down. If you are paying attention to details, you'll notice I don't have a point assigned to the level 8 slot above. The reason for this is that is my standard 'Point Skip' level and the mechanics behind the Skill Diagrams here won't let me show that. Point Skipping is most commonly used on Scylla as her passive basically requires you to point skip to use her properly.

I find that at level 8, this is an opportune time to focus a skill and get a bonus later on down the road. At level 8, do not level any skill, rather wait till level 9 and you'll be able to put a point in Deathbane again and Last Breath.

Thus, I find this skill leveling the best:
  1. Deathbane
  2. Cobra's Kiss
  3. Ambush
  4. Deathbane
  5. Last Breath
At level 6, focus your skills like this (with the above mentioned point skip at level 8), which also just so happens to be the order your skills are displayed on your ability bar:

Skill Tactics

The most popular combo you will see a Serqet use involves Blink. She will Blink in, or sometimes leap in with Ambush, followed by applying Cobra's Kiss with a compressed Deathbane so it hits 3 times and possibly critically strikes 3 times, then Catalyzes the poisons with a single basic attack. If that wasn't enough to finish off an enemy, using Last Breath will usually finish it. Kicking the infected target under a friendly tower or phoenix wouldn't hurt either. Plus, if any minions or other players are nearby, they will also be infected with the Last Breath Poison causing them to take the True Damage as well. If an infected person dies in a team fight that is close quarters, this will usually ensure that the enemy team will go from full health and fighting potential to a severely weakened enemy team. Using Serqet's Ultimate on a guardian can have amazing effects since they can't mitigate that damage.

Tips and Tricks

There are a few tips and tricks I've picked up on for keeping up in regards to levels and gold.

After level 10, Deathbane is a good way to poke enemy gods and start a good lane clear. Until you are fully built with the items I've suggested and not the replacements, then you may get lucky and be able to clear a lane with one dash. But until then, what I like to do is use Deathbane to go through the line of minions and immediately use Ambush to jump back to where the friendly minions are located. I've used this in both Conquest and Clash. If a lane is built up with minions, you'll sometimes find 6 or even 9 archers that line up incredibly nicely for a compressed Deathbane and it usually gives you a good half level, if not more.

Keep in mind that Ambush is a leap and can go over decently sized walls. I've often cleared one Mid harpy camp, blinked over the wall, Deathbane'ed the line of minions to help out mid a little, then used Ambush to go over the next wall and start to clear the other harpy camp. This also works while traversing the Jungle to get to buff camps easier, and to steal buffs from enemy players. Remember to keep moving as a jungle player cause leveling is slow for you and also cause you are incredibly squishy, even late game.

Be careful around gods who have silences, cripples or taunts. Every single one of your abilities can be silenced and halted except your ultimate, but only if you are already in the process of applying the poison. I've had far to many cases of being silenced or crippled mid dash or leap and been brought crashing down to earth. That usually happens with the whole kit down so you can't do much of anything except rely on a well timed ult from Khepri or a Confound from Athena. Being smacked out of a mobility move is deadly 99% of the time.

Cobra's Kiss is a double shot with a small delay between the first and second shot. If you really want to mess with the enemy team, hit their hunter and assassin with one shot each and watch the chaos ensue. Since this ability causes enemy players to attack each other if close enough, gods that rely on basic attacks (since this is what they use to attack each other) will shred their teammates, giving you easy kills, and possibly even a double kill.

Last Breath is a true damage ability so it can easily take down the enemy guardians a notch or two and make them more vulnerable. If a player or minion dies while infected with this poison, they will explode passing on that poison to any other enemy minions or players in the area. This makes Serqet deadly in a team fight. If she can lure the enemy team to one area and get a kill with Last Breath still infected in her target, the poison will spread to everyone nearby, making her ultimate extremely deadly for team fights. This also kicks your target 20 units away, so if someone gets to close to you while under your tower, ult them and get them down a little. This tidbit is extremely deadly early game.

Serqet is not a great team player. She is designed, in my opinion, to be a 'Me, Myself and I' type person who will occasionally save her teammates from enemy players. She does not thrive in team fights and will die very quickly unless you are prepared to start dodging. Start a team fight then make your get away, or hide until the end and clean up the remains. Never stick around if you can help it.

Starting your Game!

Playing Conquest can be a bit daunting, especially with one of the squishiest Goddesses in the game. As Serqet you start with one of the lowest base health pools and one of the lowest mana pools as well. Keeping this in mind, you will need to plan accordingly.

Use the 1500 gold you have wisely and you will succeed. To start, get the starting item Bumba's Mask, along with a Potion of Physical Might and 5 Mana Potion's (Don't you dare drink that Power Potion yet). Because you have Bumba's Mask, you should not have need of any health potions. The Mask also provides a nice little MP5 buff along with a really good passive for taking Jungle camps with your teammates.

Your first skill is Deathbane. For your first relic, I prefer to take Blink. It allows me to traverse the jungle with great speed early (and late) game plus it gives you an extra escape, especially when you are the squishiest on the map. If you aren't feeling to terribly confident, try Meditation, or if the enemy team has a lot of CC, hard and soft alike, grab Purification. Any cripple and CC hurts Serqet to the point where it may just get you killed instantly. As you gain confidence, and the ability to read enemy animations and movements, you'll need meditation and purification less and use other relics instead.

Time to head into the jungle to meet your Solo Laner. Make tracks to the Speed Buff camp or the EXP Camp just behind it, it's up to your Solo Laner as to which camp to start with. Generally, you two will start with the Speed Buff camp and move to the Mana Camp over by the tower.

Let the Battle Begin!

You've bought your starting items and potions and you are hauling tail to the Speed Buff Camp. As the countdown to the minion spawning begins, prepare to start the fight with the thieves in the Buff Camp. With this camp, you'll want your Solo Laner to start the attack first, as soon as they do, chug that Potion of Physical Might. Ideally, after a few hits from both of you, your Solo player will back out of the circle to avoid excessive health loss, letting the camp minions focus on you, by this point, only the camp boss should remain and should fall easily. You will take this Speed Buff so you have the mobility to counter not picking up boots at the start. Throughout the game, this buff will be your bread and butter for getting around swiftly and easily to make the ganks you need to make to keep up in levels.

Your best engagement move on the jungle camps is Deathbane, aimed properly, it will nearly, if not outright, kill the two helpers the camp boss has (or not in the case of Mid Harpies). At this point, the two of you should move to the Mana Buff camp by your second solo lane tower. You strike first here as your Solo laner is probably licking a few minor wounds, anyways, with Bumba's Mask you gain health with the death of every Jungle Camp minion and boss. This is why you don't really need those Health Potion's (not like you would have room for them anyways carrying that Power Potion and mana potions after leaving the fountain).

At this point, you can stick around for a bit in Solo lane, and gain some gold and exp by staying near your teammate while they kill some minions (Or do the same in mid. The current Meta is to stay in mid till your camps start respawning). Help them clear that wave if you can. Avoid hitting the enemy god here as you'll attract the wrath of the enemy minions who do nearly 150 DPS this early in the game. By this point, hopefully, you'll be level 3 and have your three main skills up: Deathbane, Cobra's Kiss and Ambush. If you opt to go to mid instead of sticking in solo for a wave or two, here you'll take the EXP Camps that are next to mid lane (if they haven't already been taken, which at this point, there is a good chance of that being the case), and the back harpies with your mid lane player.

During the Early Game

In the early game, Serqet is mostly useless until she has her full kit available to her. After sticking around in Solo lane for a level or two, you'll want to take the Fire Pit Elementals that provide a small bit of EXP. Take them alone or with your Solo laner. Either way is fine but ideally you'll want to share the EXP with them. Keep in mind, that with the 3.8 update, these elementals all count as 1 camp. And currently, they will despawn or fail to respawn after the Fire Giant Spawns at the 10 minute mark. This is intentional game design to limit the exp intake of the solo lane.

At this point, you basically rotate through the jungle, taking camps with your teammates, providing ganks, and so forth. Shortly after you rotate back through mid, your Potion of Physical Might should be about ready to expire. When it does, recall to the fountain. At this point, you should have enough gold to get Warrior Tabi. My average gold count, provided I haven't died yet (which is extremely detrimental), is around 1800 gold.

Mid to Late Game

During the Mid and Late game is when Serqet shines best with the recommended build I provided. After you build your boots, move into Jotun's Wrath to provide the power, penetration, mana and cooldown reduction that Serqet so desperately needs. The quicker you can get that item online, the easier it will be to get in, get a kill and get out with minimal wounds to yourself.

Your third item, Titan's Bane, is the next most important item. I consider these first three items part of her Core build. Titan's Bane provides that extra power plus 33% penetration that will allow you to shred enemy gods and guardians alike with ease. After you build Titan's Bane, you'll be able to take towers with much more ease then before. At this point, if you can leap into a lane and help take a tower, all the more power too you.

By this time, you should have reached level 12 and thus unlocking the ability to get your next relic. Depending on the situation, I may take Purification or Sanctuary. But alas, I usually always take Scout. Scout allows you to place a Sentry Ward for free which replenishes after a given amount of time or when you return to your fountain. Since you have such high mobility in and out of the Jungle, you can easily place defensive wards in key area's, such as by the Fire Giant or Gold Fury which are two key elements in any conquest match.

Your next two items should be Critical Chance items. I personally will never use Rage, as it is lack luster and doesn't provide anywhere close to a decent benifit like Deathbringer and Malice.

Your last item is your wild card. This is the time to sell your starter item, not before. I prefer to build a third Critical Chance Item, usually Wind Demon if I haven't built it already. Some players may prefer to use Spirit Robe for the Crowd Control Reduction, or Magi's Blessing for the hard crowd control absorption effect. I have also seen Devourer's Gauntlet or Bloodforge for some decent power and lifesteal to give her a bit of sustain. Bloodforge, with the 3.8 update, is actually very useful here. Provided you make your kill, you'll get a decently sized shield and a small movement speed bonus to either continue the fight or to get out with all due haste.

By this point, you should be well off, and decently leveled for a jungle player. Chances are you'll reach level 20 before you can afford your fifth item, but that is usually how it is for most Conquest matches.

VVGL and VVGF -> Stay Bricky! - This is Nancy Knocking! (Those lines are courtesy of the Madame Blade skin for Serqet)

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72GingaNinja27 | October 18, 2016 12:44am
hey have u considered hydras lament? its passive adds quite nice burst onto her already bursty catalyst passive. if u have three poisons plus hydras it would mean it does the normal basic attack damage plus the 30% hp from her passive plus another 30% of ur physical poewr.
Technotoad64 (46) | October 19, 2016 7:15am
I'm not sure it's applied that way. I think the passive is applied as separate damage from the basic attack.
LinkNightblade (1) | October 27, 2016 7:19am
Hydra's is considered a part of the basic attack damage as stated in its passive description (You'll never see damage under a Hydra's caption in the recap screen), this means it can be absorbed by Athena's and Bellona's passive.
Drakonasx | July 31, 2016 2:32am
Great guide,LinkNightblade. I am a newbie with assasins, because i already know how to use hunters, mages and guardians well. Need to learn the assasins, their mentality and skills. She is really amazing and strong so i thought i would learn her first. I suck with her, but this guide seems amazing so i will totally try out your suggestions. :)
Carter45 | April 30, 2016 9:30am
but for wind demon to be viable you would have to remove one of your other 2 crit items because you would need a defence item so u dont pop
LinkNightblade (1) | May 10, 2016 11:49pm
If you aren't good at getting out of sticky situations, then yes, I would recommend Spirit Robe over Wind Demon, however if you can excel at getting in, dealing the damage, and then getting out with little to no issue, then I suggest taking that extra crit item. The power and crit chance it provides allows you to have more of an impact when you try and smack someone in the face.
Trentelligence | October 11, 2016 9:05am
Her poison dash remind me of Susano's teleport.
DucksRock (41) | April 29, 2016 6:59am
Bullfrog323 wrote:

10 power is not "a lot more power"
If you don't really need the anti-healing, then Wing Demon passive is now even less useful than Rage passive.

At least, Rage could be an option is you are behind, because 200g cheaper.
Plus, you can make some use of the passive when you attack minions and camps, ensuring a crit on your next gank.

When your using it for a skill that is supposed to hit 3 times with a crit, it counts.

saying that you can stack it on camps and minions is unreliable, when going into a fight you have to deal with what you have, especially conquest, you'll generally want to arrive as fast as you can to a teamfight, and late game ganks aren't a thing cause laning phase is over.
Bullfrog323 (27) | April 29, 2016 6:48am
10 power is not "a lot more power"
If you don't really need the anti-healing, then Wing Demon passive is now even less useful than Rage passive.

At least, Rage could be an option is you are behind, because 200g cheaper.
Plus, you can make some use of the passive when you attack minions and camps, ensuring a crit on your next gank.
LinkNightblade (1) | May 10, 2016 11:47pm
That 10 power on a physical based god is actually a lot of power. Think of the magical soft cap of 900. 10 power in Magical damage is obsolete, however in physical, it could mean the difference of a hard hitting crit vs a soft hitting crit. I've had the 10 power difference mean a crit of 500 vs a crit of 380.

Also Rage's passive resets on the next crit, so while it would probably guarantee a single crit off the first strike in Deathbane, it would reset for the next two possible hits bringing her crit chance down drastically.
DucksRock (41) | April 29, 2016 4:00am
Carter45 wrote:

Hello can you please explain the wind demon ? Serqets ultimate gives 100% anti heal and even then if you wanted more wouldn't the damage and pen off brawlers be better overall especially since brawlers passive activates on her abilities without it needing to crit? Thank you for your time other than this wind demon confusion I found it to be a very comprehensive and useful guide very good job

wind demon gives a lot more power than Rage, and lets not forget the crit chance allowing Serqet to crit in Deathbane even more.
Carter45 | April 29, 2016 3:45am
Hello can you please explain the wind demon ? Serqets ultimate gives 100% anti heal and even then if you wanted more wouldn't the damage and pen off brawlers be better overall especially since brawlers passive activates on her abilities without it needing to crit? Thank you for your time other than this wind demon confusion I found it to be a very comprehensive and useful guide very good job
LinkNightblade (1) | May 10, 2016 11:42pm
I had originally used Wind Demon mainly for the extra power over rage whose passive relies on using basic attacks and Rage's passive would reset upon any crit, including crits that occur in deathbane. However now that Wind Demon's Passive has been changed, I find it even more viable then before. The passive now provides extra movement speed, and slightly less useful on Serqet, attack speed. If you crit from deathbane and your other abilities are down, this will allow you to get out more easily without relying on a relic such a sprint. I had originally opped for Wind Demon over Brawlers cause as Serqet with my 3 crit item build, you would crit at least once, if not far more, in the attack combo chain. While Brawlers is more reliable, I was focusing more on Damage output from Crit rather then just straight damage. And while her ult does provide 100% anti-heal, it was her Ult, meaning it wasn't up as often as I would have liked it to be.
LinkNightblade (1) | April 12, 2016 12:15pm
GameGeekFan wrote:

You might want to put an emphasis on mid camps, as they provide a lot of exp and gold and maybe put an option for starter boots if the enemy jungler is very early game heavy, like Fenrir, or an Eset.

REALLY good guide though. Easy to understand and read without any extravagant BBCoding.

Good thoughts and thanks for the feedback. If I may explain my thinking while writing this.

I was thinking about putting in a point about starting at mid camps rather then mana or back exp camps, but getting your solo player to lane quickly is what I was thinking here. Every time in game when I've played mids first, solo lost their creep and thus got some tower damage on them in the process which can be deadly in some games and make all the difference.

As for starter boots, if I die before my potion runs out, I'll get whatever boot I can. But when I was looking at the power each level of boots give you, I decided to forego the starter boots for just a Potion of Physical Might with some Mana Potion's to maximize the power output while giving a decent amount of mana sustain. Cause the MP5 that the mask gives you, I find is nice, but not noticable as it's only 10 MP5 which barely tickles the regen rate.
GameGeekFan (50) | April 9, 2016 4:40pm
You might want to put an emphasis on mid camps, as they provide a lot of exp and gold and maybe put an option for starter boots if the enemy jungler is very early game heavy, like Fenrir, or an Eset.

REALLY good guide though. Easy to understand and read without any extravagant BBCoding.
DucksRock (41) | April 9, 2016 4:40am
Amazing Serqet guide, definitely an upvote
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