Passive - Death Begets Life
This, even though passive, is one of the most important abilities of your kit, since it provides you a great deal of mitigation by accumulating hardened scales and provides a good source of sustain in lane with the healing procs that you can get while in her flying stance, even though simple is a good thing to remember how it works and try to use it effectively when in lane and on teamfights.
Primordial Onslaught
This will be your primary waveclear ability, as well as one of the biggest sources of damage within your kit, however, there are some points that you need to consider, its animation is pretty slow, and it also takes some time to charge all of the shots, reason as to why you gotta be careful whenever you are planning on hitting the ability, including pre-charging some seconds before the wave arrives and avoid being in a position in which you can be interrupted, since the ability wont fire and the time you used on charging it will be lost, also try to practice with it since its a hard ability to hit and confirm all of the shots (you can move and target while firing the shots).
This ability, aside from being a nice tool to waveclear while in melee form, will be your primary tool in farming the harpy camps along your lane and any other medium-objectives, since it allows you to execute jungle monsters and minions under a certain HP threshold you will be able to clear this small and medium objectives quickly and you will be able to even steal it from the enemy mid or jungler if they try and clear them before you, its also worth noting you can also use consume to execute immediately any spawns from
Summon Serpents and
Summon Beast, which will help you to gain extra mitigation scales from your passive whenever your summons are near-death or if you ever need the mitigation quickly.
This is one of the setup abilities you will be able to use in order to inflict most of the CC in your kit, as well as being a good source of damage, the stun is hard to confirm and not very fast so you will need to target properly where the enemy will be in order to pull off the stun, however, the stun is very short and if you manage to pull it off you will have to take advantage of it as soon as possible, I dont recommend following up directly with
Primordial Onslaught since the stun is too short to charge it properly and most of the time the enemy will be able to get shot with very few shots or evade it completely, this is a useful skill, however, to help set up for your allies and disrupt enemy plays.
This will be one of your primary pokes together with
Primordial Onslaught as well as your primary setup for
Consume and Storm of Undoing, this ability is quite a useful tool for disruption as well as setup for allies, you can also use it for extra waveclear if you find yourself stuck with a wave on melee stance, it is also important to note that this is one of the greatest tools in order to safely cast
Rising Flight defensively while also applying the damage from the leap, since the animation is pretty slow and the knockup will allow you to pull it off most of the times without risk of interruption.
Grounding Dive
As a stance switch and engage ability there isnt much to say about this ability, its just important to note you should be careful when engaging this way since you wont have much mobility afterwards, also, dont underestimate the hardened scale from the passive provided when leaping, it can be of great use and will allow you to use this leap defensively if you need to do so (fun fact: this is my favorite ability icon in the whole game).
Rising Flight
This ability is a little bit tricky, while its mostly just an ability to transition into flying stance, you have to be careful with it, the animation of it is pretty slow for a leap (or leapback??) and its pretty interruptible, reason as to why you should be careful and set it up if you are ever in danger, since more often than not relying too much on it will cause you to die when it is interrupted or during the animation, also, it doesnt have special effects but you should try and hit the damage if you can, since it actually deals a pretty decent damage for a transition/movement ability, if you are ever in the need you can try and spin quickly in order to go forward with it to chase an enemy, however I recommend you are careful while trying so, since it isnt very quick to pull off and you might end up stranded on enemy territory.
Tempest Of Undoing
This is your main tool in order to obtain hardened scales and a nice AOE, its pretty straight forward in nature, however there are some things to consider, first of all, it provides you with some CC immunity, which you can use to your advantage in order to escape certain ults or evade hard CCs, second of all, the cooldown on this "Ultimate" if you could call it that, is very short, so short in fact that you should be stingy with it, you can use it to clear minions in the lane if you need to and even use it on a single target, not only will it provide you with mitigation, but you will also have it soon after, so use it as much as possible.
Children Of Creation
One of the most important abilities, not only does it allow you to keep pressure and push on several lanes with Spawn Serpents, but it gives you chase and engage potential with
Summon Beast and Damage/Disruption with
Summon Storm, its really useful and handy, however, this also gives its primary disadvantage: micromanaging, the cooldown on it isnt very long and one of the most impactful spawn
Summon Serpents (which you should be spamming all match on different lanes) only spawns 3 "waves" of two serpents per use, and these 3 "waves" are spawned in the lapse of 10 seconds, reason as to why you have to be micromanaging the cooldown on this ability more than any other and making sure you are always spawning serpents while also having it ready for chases and teamfights.
Summon Serpents
One of the most impactful of the spawns available, not only does it allow you a handy supply of hardened scales you can get by using
Consume on them, but also helps passively pushing different lanes and also acquiring gold from the minion kills they achieve on any lane, as well as assists (since they go together with your minions), they even give a moderate damage reduction debuff to enemies hit by them, including enemy gods, these little pals are one of the best summons you have and you should be spawning them whenever possible and as much as possible, enemies can shut down the spawners by standing on them, so make sure to hide/protect them under structures, however dont overkill it with the placing since they dont last for long anyways.
Summon Beast
Now, this is a tricky summon, the main way you will be using this is spawning it to increase chase potential and up to some extent engaging isolated enemies and when you have the need to escape, as well as moderate zoning, however, you gotta take something into account: This summon has limited health, limited range and limited time, for this reason it is vital that you are careful with its placing, as well as its use, since it can be quickly melted by ability damage and by any hunters, you can sometimes even heal the enemy hunter if you are not careful, for this reason I suggest using it only when you judge it extremely necessary.
Summon Storm
This is one of the summons you will be frequently using during teamfights, this little tornado does good damage, but most important of all, its a great disruption tool, since it follows enemies you will be able to somewhat scatter the enemy team, as well as allowing for one or more gods to get a knock up, which you can use to set yourself and your teammates up, you can even follow it with
Outburst to get even more CC out of it, you can also somewhat zone with it as enemies will often prefer to retreat a little bit than being scattered and getting CCd, its a very handy tool and you should consider it whenever a teamfight happens.
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