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by UnawareMartin updated September 14, 2015

Smite God: Awilix

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Awilix Build


Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Jotunn's Wrath Jotunn's Wrath
Build Item The Executioner The Executioner
Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Magi's Cloak Magi's Cloak
Build Item Brawler's Beat Stick Brawler's Beat Stick


Build Item Greater Purification Greater Purification
Build Item Heavenly Agility Heavenly Agility
Build Item Enfeebling Curse Enfeebling Curse

Starter Items (Jungle)

Build Item Bumba's Mask Bumba's Mask
Build Item Potion of Power Potion of Power
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Mana Potion Mana Potion

Awilix's Skill Order

Summon Suku

1 X Y
Summon Suku
4 15 16 18 19

Feather Step

2 A B
Feather Step
1 3 6 7 10

Moonlight Charge

3 B A
Moonlight Charge
2 8 11 12 14

Gravity Surge

4 Y X
Gravity Surge
5 9 13 17 20
Summon Suku
4 15 16 18 19

Summon Suku

1 X
Awilix mounts her Panther Suku, gaining movement speed but decreasing strafe speed. Awilix may leap off of Suku to deal damage to all enemies in the target area.

Canceling this ability before leaping will not trigger its Cooldown.

Ability Type: Mount, Leap
Damage: 80 / 135 / 190 / 245 / 300 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Movement Speed: 30%
Strafe Penalty: 30%
Range: 55
Cost: 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50
Cooldown: 15s
Feather Step
1 3 6 7 10

Feather Step

2 A
Awilix flips over the last enemy she hit within 1.5s, rooting, crippling, and dealing damage as she passes over them. The damage dealt is modified based on the next attack in Awilix's basic attack progression. If the next attack is her third attack, then she also hits all targets in the area around her.

Ability Type: Leap
Damage: 45 / 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Attack Progression Bonus: 1x/1.5x/2x
Root and Cripple Duration: 0.6s
Range: 30
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 8s
Moonlight Charge
2 8 11 12 14

Moonlight Charge

3 B
Suku comes to Awilix's aid, rushing forward and damaging all enemies. If hit from the side or behind, enemies are also knocked up into the air.

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 / 290 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Range: 70
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Gravity Surge
5 9 13 17 20

Gravity Surge

4 Y
Awilix calls upon the power of the moon, immediately pulling to her the closest enemy god she is facing that is either leaping or knocked up into the air. The target god takes damage when they land. Awilix is then bathed in moonlight, gaining bonus Attack Speed and Physical Power, along with protection against Roots, Slows, and Knockbacks for 6s.

Ability Type: Stim
Damage: 200 / 250 / 300 / 350 / 400 (+80% of your Physical Power)
Attack Speed Buff: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70%
Physical Power Buff: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
Range: 75
Cost: 100
Cooldown: 90 / 85 / 80 / 75 / 70s


Hola! My first guide, thought I would bring some Awilix since she has become quite popular. I have gotten her to mastery level 10 and I see too many people building/playing her wrong. Below I shall show what I can to help people become better with Awilix!

IGN - UnawareMartin
It's my first guide so constructive criticism will be amazing!
Also if I miss anything out please tell me!


Baewilix <3
(Photo stolen from -

Brief Rundown

Awilix is a god that you need to learn to play before doing well as. She is quite easy to play when you get the hang of it. She has a fair amount of CC which people need to understand to utilize her properly. Lately many players believe Awilix solely relies on her ultimate, Gravity Surge and this is incorrect. She is one of the best 1v1 boxers (in my opinion) and can deal a ton of damage even without her Gravity Surge.


Summon Suku

You do what it says and well.. summon Suku. Suku is a brown panther that you ride on that gives you 25% movement speed. It allows Awilix to have great mobility and can be reset on a 0 sec. cooldown just by right-clicking rather than jumping. Be careful as spamming this ability can lead to great mana loss.
My thoughts

Feather Step

This is your main damage dealing ability as Awilix and it is very wierd with it's damage progression. When about to use this ability, you should try and basic attack your enemy twice before using it to ensure maximum damage is being inflicted.
My thoughts

Moonlight Charge

Awilix simply throws forward Suku who rushes forward and hits every enemy in it's path. From the side or behind the enemy it knocks them up. this ability will always use 85 mana so be careful when using it early on in the game.
My thoughts

Gravity Surge

Awilix pulls the closest knocked-up or leaping enemy towards her and the target god only takes damage when they land. She then gains attack speed and physical power buffs. She is also root, slow and knockback immune for 6 seconds, so don't be afraid to use it to run from an Ah Puch.
My thoughts

100-0 Most Gods

When engaging on enemies, it is best to jump in with Summon Suku which will activate your passive of Initiative. This will allow you to be in your enemies face ready to use Feather Step.
You should look to basic attack your enemy twice before using Feather Step to ensure maximum damage. This is where The Executioner comes in to help with attack speed and it's amazing passive. Feather Step also flips you over your opponents head ready for the Moonlight Charge.
Your Moonlight Charge should be used in this combo purely for the set-up of the Gravity Surge
Gravity Surge pulls the enemy god from the sky and drags them back down, it also gives you attack speed and physical power buffs. The enemy god at this point will be one or two basics away from death for you to easily finish them off with.

100-0 Most Gods w/Blink

you can use Greater Blink to quickly go behind an enemy and set up your Moonlight Charge.
Your Moonlight Charge should be used in this combo purely for the set-up of the Gravity Surge
Gravity Surge pulls the enemy god from the sky and drags them back down, it also gives you attack speed and physical power buffs. The enemy god at this point will be one or two basics away from death for you to easily finish them off with.
You should look to basic attack your enemy twice before using Feather Step to ensure maximum damage. This is where The Executioner comes in to help with attack speed and it's amazing passive. Feather Step also flips you over your opponents head ready for the Moonlight Charge.
If all else fails and you need a getaway then look to use Summon Suku to help you get out.



Great Mobility with Summon Suku
Amazing Jungle Clear with Feather Step
Amazing Burst Damage
Can 100-0 Most Gods
Can avoid abilities at close range
Has decent amounts of CC


Cripples make Feather Step and Summon Suku not able to be used
High mana consumption early on
Can (in most cases) only 100-0 gods and cannot have sustained fights
Almost useless when behind
Unreliable CC with Moonlight Charge

Goes Well With

Geb: Geb is probably the best god you could be paired with to set up kills using Gravity Surge. Geb has two knockups, with his Shock Wave being incredibly easy to hit. His Roll Out is hard to work with as you have to wait 3 seconds before he can actually knock people up. Setting up kills mostly relies on his Shock Wave as it is VERY EASY to hit enemies with.

Sylvanus: Sylvanus is a good god to pair with Awilix because of his ultimate Wrath of Terra, it provides a guaranteed knockup and can also make the teamfight for your team. It provides an EASY knockup as long as he uses Greater Blink to engage before using Wrath of Terra.
He Bo: He Bo has his Waterspout which is an instant AVERAGE knockup that has a (sort of) small cooldown to try and hit multiple times if it is missed. It also keeps enemy gods in the air for a very long time for you to react to.
Xing Tian: Xing Tian has an easy to hit knockup with his Hook Slam and can throw multiple enemies that Awilix can pull with his ultimate Whirlwind of Rage and Steel. He has AVERAGE compatibility with Awilix as he has two reliable knockups but they both have a very small radius.
Sobek: Sobek has two abilities that provide knockups - Charge Prey & Tail Whip. Charge Prey gives a guaranteed single target that can be pulled but can be HARD to hit and secure. His Tail Whip is VERY HARD to time Gravity Surge with and often leads to mistiming the ability.
Hercules: Hercules has a knockup that is HARD to hit with his Earthbreaker as it can be easily dodged and can cause confusion with his Driving Strike as Hercules can knockback an enemy before you can react.
Vulcan: Vulcan has a VERY HARD to hit knockup that can be easily dodged with his Magma Bomb. I tend not to love playing alongside a Vulcan as his Magma Bomb is a weird skillshot that many people tend to miss under pressure.

How To Counter Awilix

If you see an Awilix picked on the other team and you are looking to counter her - choose these gods or follow these tips.

Gods that counter Awilix

Ares: Ares can use his Shackles to constantly cripple Awilix making her unable to use her Summon Suku or Feather Step. This prevents her from being able to use her escape and her main damage dealing ability. When most people realise they cannot escape, they try and turn on you and see if they can get out as much damage as possible and hopefully kill you to get out. the Shackles prevent her from turning on you unless you are low enough to die to Moonlight Charge.

Poseidon: Poseidon is a nice counter to Awilix due to a massive AoE cripple. His Whirlpool can be used defensively on his feet when an Awilix tries to jump on him and kill him. He also has the increased movement speed from his Trident to run from her if need be.

Tips when playing against Awilix

I mean, you think people would know this by now but they don't. Whether I'm in ranked or casual people ALWAYS give me the easiest chances to pull them. You can also stay near walls and turn corners when running from her as you cannot be pulled through walls. Feel free to jump over walls if you are playing a god with a fast leap such as Serqet, it is very hard to time the Gravity Surge to pull a Serqet before she jumps over a wall.

Also, do not be afraid to pick a god with a leap against Awilix. She can only use her Gravity Surge every so often remember?


Thanks to my mum for pushing me out of her vagina.


13/09/15 - Added Xing Tian's abilities to the lists and added him to the "Goes well with" section. Also added a new combo with the abilities.
14/09/15 - Added the "How to Counter" section.

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megakoresh (1) | August 5, 2015 8:02am
Diomedes232 wrote:

You guys are forgetting something important frostbound hammer gives attack speed slow, a slow, 400 health and 25 power and it makes you virtually unstoppable when boxing someone and unescapable as if they turn there back you knock them up if they jump you yank them back to you and 400 health is amazing in general. That and executioner and Titans bane don't synergize well at all together and you get a large amount of diminishing returns

I have to agree with this one here. Seeing executioner AND Titan's in one build that is supposed to be generic is very strange. Unless you mean to focus this build on some sort of true damage, to take advantage of the base damage on abilities (not the scaling one), this build would do very poorly against anyone with high amount of health or good healing over time or potent lifesteal.

I'd replace either Titan's Bane or The Executioner with Transcendence or Devourer's Gauntlet - as you said: she has a good jungle clear and midgame she has a good lane clear too, no problems getting stacks. And I'd take Frostbound Hammer or (if I don't take The Executioner) some attack speed item instead of Magi's blessing any time, unless you are against high CC team and/or being focused a lot. In most cases Greater Purification will be enough.

That said, Awelix is indeed a very versatile god and rather easy to play, while being hard to counter for most characters, so she can work with pretty much any build.

Otherwise a good guide.
Sgorr (1) | July 29, 2015 12:03pm
Nice guide with clear, concise tips and instructions. Very insightful table for referencing what helps setup your ultimate. The only thing I would suggest is switching the order of the "Abilities" section with the "Pros/Cons", since having the pros+cons up front helps people decide if they even want to play the God in the first place. But it's no biggie. +1 my friend!
Diomedes232 (6) | July 23, 2015 12:19pm
You guys are forgetting something important frostbound hammer gives attack speed slow, a slow, 400 health and 25 power and it makes you virtually unstoppable when boxing someone and unescapable as if they turn there back you knock them up if they jump you yank them back to you and 400 health is amazing in general. That and executioner and Titans bane don't synergize well at all together and you get a large amount of diminishing returns
Estidien (30) | July 10, 2015 4:25pm
@UnawareMartin believe it or not You'll actually see a larger power spike in the early game by building Jotunn's Wrath into Brawler's Beat Stick rather than Jotunn's Wrath into The Executioner. In my coined Awilix build the general build goes.

Build Order: Warrior Tabi, Jotunn's Wrath, Brawler's Beat Stick, The Executioner, Magi's Blessing, Deathbringer

The flat penetration that Jotunn's Wrath and Brawler's Beat Stick gives you will be enough to deal virtual true damage to squishy gods and more than enough to deal a dangerous amount of damage to tanks in the early games. Now with the average builds going on from the support and solo lanes. By building The Executioner 3rd or 4th will give you that % penetration by the time the Support or Solo lane likely gets any more respectable physical protections online.

Building The Executioner and Titan's Bane in the same build actually gives diminishing returns on all gods except for Anhur.

Just remember when you're theory crafting for Awilix that you have to factor in the additional 30% power from her Initiative because that's what you're going to be looking for when you're going for kills.
UnawareMartin (1) | July 10, 2015 3:19am
Estidien wrote:

@RetPetty As you've been hanging out on my Awilix guide a bit as well I'd be happy to throw in my 2 cents on the matter. Buying 2 defensive items on her into the lategame in a great decision in competitive play. It allows you to get yourself into and out of a few more situations without sacrificing too much damage due to Awilix's ability based design. My playstyle focuses more on pinpointed positioning rather than extra tankiness to make my plays. However both methods work exceptionally well if you do them correctly.

Now @UnawareMartin I've been theory crafting Awilix since she's been released and I'd like to make a suggestion on a possible build order. I've not tested this particular one myself but it might very well be a good thing to try out.

Build order: Warrior Tabi, Jotunn's Wrath, Brawler's Beat Stick, Spirit Robe, The Executioner, Magi's Blessing

Ill try that build out ASAP and see how it is, although I do like getting The Executioner third item for a pretty big power spike.
Estidien (30) | July 9, 2015 8:43pm
@RetPetty As you've been hanging out on my Awilix guide a bit as well I'd be happy to throw in my 2 cents on the matter. Buying 2 defensive items on her into the lategame in a great decision in competitive play. It allows you to get yourself into and out of a few more situations without sacrificing too much damage due to Awilix's ability based design. My playstyle focuses more on pinpointed positioning rather than extra tankiness to make my plays. However both methods work exceptionally well if you do them correctly.

Now @UnawareMartin I've been theory crafting Awilix since she's been released and I'd like to make a suggestion on a possible build order. I've not tested this particular one myself but it might very well be a good thing to try out.

Build order: Warrior Tabi, Jotunn's Wrath, Brawler's Beat Stick, Spirit Robe, The Executioner, Magi's Blessing
UnawareMartin (1) | July 9, 2015 3:40pm
RetPetty wrote:

im kinda interested in why you went for 2 defensive items. most builds ive seen typically only have 1, the rest is for offence it seems, upping the penetration, crits or physical power

It took me a while to try this as before i used to use hydra's lement. I feel that you have enough damage without it and the spirit robe also grants you max CD. With the max CD it allows you to pull out the 100-0 combo every 45ish secs. You also need to be able to tank up damage as you will be in peoples faces if you want to be able to kill them on your own.
RetPetty | July 9, 2015 3:35pm
im kinda interested in why you went for 2 defensive items. most builds ive seen typically only have 1, the rest is for offence it seems, upping the penetration, crits or physical power
UnawareMartin (1) | July 9, 2015 12:16pm
Estidien wrote:

I like the guide. A nice competitive build and simple and to the point strategies for new players. Nice job. +1 from me

Estidien (30) | July 9, 2015 11:50am
I like the guide. A nice competitive build and simple and to the point strategies for new players. Nice job. +1 from me
UnawareMartin (1) | July 9, 2015 11:01am
RetPetty wrote:

id never thought to use spirit robe, helps ensure you max out cooldown ;) nice guide

RetPetty | July 9, 2015 7:24am
id never thought to use spirit robe, helps ensure you max out cooldown ;) nice guide
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