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-skills section
-item section (why when what item, what are the core items etc)
-gameplay section (what should I take care about in early game and stuff like that)
So jeah, welcome to my first guide I do. I hope my english won't be too bad (corrections in the comment section or via pm please) cause it isn't my native language and jeah. I allready read some other guides here, and I won't say whoa I'm now x with this char or stuff like that. So, we came to question, which probably some of you are still asking themselves when they see about which god this guide will be. Why the hell Vamana? The answer is easy. He is one the most funniest and also annoying gods of the game, but I often see that people write something like ''Ouh, why the hell did you choose Vamana'', ''why did you build him so?'', or I just see people who build him so idiotic that i just wanted to cry and jeah, thats the reason why I'm gonna give that pain here to you guys.
Of course you can feel free to write your ideas, critic and of course also your thoughts about this guide in the comment section.
Notice: This will be a solo lane guide, later when I can better handle that guide maker here I'm also gonna to add a supp section with him too. And cause I allready said so mouch that most of you are fall asleep, I'm gonna begin this guide with the pros/cons section
-tanky, and damaging ult (massive healing, increases protection and transform your physical protection into physical damage)
-included escapes
-nice waveclears
-oftern underrated
-no really cc except a slow and a throw up
-weak at early game
-not really usefull again a tank
-no great damaging ability
So, welcome to the skill section. Here I'm gonna explain the different skills of Vamana and their uses.
Clear The Path
This ability gives you +200 Movement speed for three seconds, a knockup, deals some aceptable damage to everyone who gets hit by it
So, this ability is the key of succes it is our first choice for escaping, simply cause we won't get stopped by someone, get a knock up, deal some damage and gain some very nice movement speed while it is activated. The ability can be stopped with an right klick while using it. Otherwise, it is also our first choice to chase an low live enemy, he won't be even safe in his own tower. Particulary in early game, you should allways take care that you have enough mana to use this ability as an escape and also should just use it as an ascape or to fix an enemy while an incoming gank with the knock up
Armored Umbrella
This ability just deals some damage in an 90 degree radius in the direction where you are lookin at. So this is mostly for waveclear, to damage varius enemys who stands next to each other, so as you see, nothing spectacular.
This ability is our main poke. It works like Thors ability, it is a little bit slower, and you correct his path on his way back to you just by moving around. It deals damage everytime it hits someone and gives an 30% slow on the movement and attack speed of hitten enemys, which has an duration of three seconds, so as you can see a pefect thing to poke and then chase an enemy or to get next to an escaping enemy (also usefull against gods like Bakasura cause it slows also their attack speed and reduces their potential to kill you)
Colossal Fury
Now its gonna be interesting. This ability is it what Vamana makes him so special and also so funny to play and annoying to kill. This ability gives you many presents. It restores an amount percent of your live per second, gives you protection, physical strenght and grants you cc imunity for the during which is 6 sec without the passive. And it gives your basiv attacks the ability to hit more than one enemy when they stand together
Passive Sleeping Giant
This is the the little present on the big present of the ultimate which makes it so special. The passive has an amount of effects which are just activated when using the ult. This passive transform 20 percent of your physical protection into physical strenghtand for every damage you earn from an enemy god you will gain and half second more duration for your ultimate. Tanking an ult from Anubis? Nor porblem with this little baby. Tanking Kalis Ult? No problem.
So now, welcome to the Item section. In fact that this is a damage tank build for solo lane, you should allways keep in mind that you have to look whos your enemy and try to build your build against him, so I will just give you some sorts of Items which I normaly use.
The first and most important Item
Runeforged Hammer
This is the core Item of our build to make him an damage tank. This item helps us on many different ways. It gives us 350 Health, 55 physical protection and is converting 15percent of our physical protection into physical strenght. So i gives us all we need for the beginning, live, protection and some strenght. Try to finish it so early as possible.
Second Item
So, now it begins to get tricky. You now have different choices. You can get Hide of the Urchin if you are sure that you will get the stacks very fast, cause your jungler often helps you with ganks or your enemy is'n acting so clever and you can get the kills by yourself. Buy Hide of the nemean Leon if you are facing a god who makes massive damage ith his base atacks like Bakasura, Hermes etc. It will grant you some more protection and gives some of the damage back to the one who gives it to you and of xourse the 200 Life are also a nice litte extra. If you are allways out of mana, you maybe should buy
Transcendence It will grant you enough mana that you will never need an mana potion again and some more physical strenght, but also makes you a litte bit more squishy.
The third Item (cdr)
You guessed it, here now comes the cdr. You should decide which Item is better on who is you opponent. If you got an mage on your lane like Anubis, buy Ancile, it will grant you some more physical power, some nice protection and a little smaller amount of cdr. If you are facing another god which isn't a mage, choose
Jotunn's Wrath, it will grants you some mana, penetration, physical power and 25% cdr.
The fourth to sixth item
So this section depends on what you need for the battle and hot things goes. if you want to help you allies, buy Sovereignt to give them protection and yourself health, protection and strenght. Buy the Stone of Gaia if you are fighting against strong mages or just want to get the health and the restoring of live. The
Reinforced Greaves were usefull if you want more speed and some cc reduction, but you can also get Sprint as an acitve item so you won't really need them cause you got two escapes. Buy
Frostbound Hammer to slow your enemys, to gain more strenght and heal.
Shifter's Shield and
Void Shield are my favourite Items, cause the one gaves you strenght when you are full of live and protection when you are running out of live, and the other is good for the lategame teamfights.
Generally things
Watch you allways got your first ability or your ultimate ready as an escape. Never forget you are tanky but an fullblood tank, so know how mouch you can handle. Don't get afraid to go into phoenix or tower middle to lategame to get an enemy, your ult can tank the tower and the enemy both easily and your one can bring you fast enough trough a tower that you won't be hitten so often.
Take care of gods like Bakasura, thei are your sure dead, also take care of poking gods, play carefully, exspecially in the early game, just stay inside of your tower when your jungler doesn't help you and clear minions and poke the enemy sometimes, but never forget to watch your mana. Also don't fear to retreat when you can't hold the line and ask someone to defend it while you are returning to base.
Try to get the blue buff
Take care early ganks can be your dead, so play safe
If you play with some good teammates, confuse the enemy and change the places with your teams tank, that will confuse the enemy team
Don't be afraid to use your ultimate as an escape or to tank an tower
so, that is my guide, I know he is full of mistakes and not perfect, but I will try to keep him updated and of course I'm also not perfect,so if you got some critics, share them, put them in the comment section and let us discuss about it, I'm allway open for new Ideas, and of course allways for tipps or questions about missing sections. I hope that this guid will help some people, even if they didn't play him to understand how he works.
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I added some more things in the gameplay section and some example builds now, hope they help
let me know when you added some things :) i enjoy vamana and have a hard time winning games with him. the start of the guide is realy nice !
the one you have the most succes with.
I dont think
I think the guide will need a lot of work.
im missing how to play early mid late game. strattegies etc.