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Warrior Guide 1 : Amaterasu , Solo lane guide .

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by Wildstorms414 updated September 1, 2016

Smite God: Amaterasu

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Amaterasu Build

Starter 1 - If facing against an ability based Warrior

Build Item Death's Toll Death's Toll
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Starter 2 - If against an AA Based god

Build Item Bluestone Pendant Bluestone Pendant
Build Item Boots Boots
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion
Build Item Multi Potion Multi Potion

Core items.

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer

Defensive Items

Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe
Build Item Mantle of Discord Mantle of Discord

Utility Items

Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Breastplate of Regrowth Breastplate of Regrowth
Build Item Gauntlet of Thebes Gauntlet of Thebes

Usual Final Build

Build Item Warrior Tabi Warrior Tabi
Build Item Breastplate of Valor Breastplate of Valor
Build Item Frostbound Hammer Frostbound Hammer
Build Item Pestilence Pestilence
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Spirit Robe Spirit Robe

Main Relics

Build Item Cloak of Meditation Cloak of Meditation
Build Item Teleport Fragment Teleport Fragment
Build Item Cursed Ankh Cursed Ankh

Introdution. Who is Amaterasu , and what does she bring to the Solo lane Table .

Hi guys , Back again with the S3 Warrior Guides. This time we shall start with the Japanese Warrior , Amaterasu.

Who is Amaterasu.

Amaterasu, is the sister to Susano and someone you called call a rising angel. Her lore mere rotates at one point which is , Never give up scenarios , as she also says in game " I may fall 7 times, but i will rise up the 8th ". She is brought into smite as a Japanese Warrior, and her Kit is one of the best kits in the game .

What does Amaterasu bring to the Table

Utility , Team fight presence , Heals , Burst damage , Interuption , Insane CC Ult , She's got it all. She fits in the Warrior section , as she clearly has a kit to define what a warrior does. Great Movement speed and Power buff Aura from her Divine Presence makes her a really good Team based Warrior , as well as she can handle her self with Illuminating Strike which enables increased damage for 10% .Remember this debuff spreads hence your team members can take advantage of that too. Great CC Ult from her Dazzling Offensive ability ,is just a great set - up ability for the team, and can also burn most of the Purification of the enemy team, setting up for the CC your Support shall provide.

Pros and Cons .



+ Great Utility
+ Insane Burst Damage Early game .
+ Best Team fight presence out of all warriors.
+ Provides Auras, based on the situation , and can alter some team fights on your favour.
+ Huge CC Stun Ultimate.
+ High Single Target Interrupter and damage.



- Sloppy Early Game, which if you fall off, you cant catch up quickly.
- The Burst needs to charge up , plus its a skill shot , meaning that it can be easily juked.
- Only interrupt ability is her only escape ability , so in some situation it can be Win-loose situation.
- Ult needs 3 successful hits to land the stun , otherwise its worthless , unless killing one enemy for 2 hits.( Honestly not worth it :/ , )


Skills and Explanation to the Skill Sequence.


* One of the best passives a AA based warrior can get. This passive fits directly into her kit. Basically after 3 basic hits , the target is Illuminated which increases damage towards that target. It provides a 10% increase damage and stacks upto 3 times to nearby enemies as well. Well you could say 10% aint that great, but for a team fight presence taking 10% more damage is something , Lets say an ability does 400 damage for e.g Sic 'Em , 10% more means 40 more damage , its better to have that 40 Damage, than looking at an enemy survive with 20 Hp and you saying ' OW MY GOD HE IS SOO LOW ' .


* This is a great team fight ability. Giving Movement speed and Power buff , makes it a game changing ability if used correctly as well as self heal is quite good. I usually level this ability at level 1 , ( Remember when leveled at lvl 1 , it starts with Speed stance, hence change it to Power stance at the fountain to recover mana lost) , Simply because it provides 10 power buff. You may say why not level your 2 at the start , because 10 power buff is nothing. Thats not the case, At level 1 , 10 power is a lot for you and your jungler to allow clearing buff camps quicker, Your ability 2 , has a 5 seconds charge up time , and at level 1 you cant activate your burst early, Plus your ability 2 has a cool down of 14 seconds at level 1. Imagine this, You press 2 , wait 5 seconds, burst the ability, then you have to wait 14 more seconds, then you shall use 2 at the Blue buff camp, and when you shall reach lane you shall have no Clear, hence bye bye fire imps. So i prefer leveling 1 at the start ,allows efficiency in the long run. Second thing about this ability, The movement speed allows for quick ganks , as well as quick escapes , and lets not forget the Power Buff, You shall have this ability at full rank at Level 14, Which mid to late game you are basically giving free 35 bonus power. Third, the heal on this ability is great, This ability with Shield of Regrowth as well as Gauntlet of Thebes you shall have great sustain plus utility.


* This is Amaterasu lane clear as well as burst damage ability. The burst on this ability is really good, for the first 2 ranks it will be quite itchy, but from rank 3 and above, you should clear waves with this ability only . I have seen many people misuse this ability, for instance, people activate the ability too early ,or dont charge it , or use it to poke the enemy god, but not clear minions. Lets break the ability down, Once activated , it charges up for 5 secs, For the ability to charge, you dont need to wait 5 seconds, you have to either attack enemies with other abilities or basic attacks , or Receive damage, You can charge this ability in 1 second if you have your dash up. I usually clear my wave in 2 seconds, Activate Heavenly Reflection , Dash from melee to the archers using Glorius Charge since there are 6 minions, and each hit gives 1 stack on the charge, Dashing through all of them gives full charges, and hence pop the ability and your lanes cleared, If the enemy god is in between they shall also take the full damage. The damage in this ability is Really good if charged up properly. 420 damage plus 120% of your Physical power , this ability is maxed at Level 10 , that point you shall have Warrior Tabi and Breastplate of Valor as well as your starter item which gives 15 physical power , thats 55 power , so this ability shall hit for 420 + 66 which is almost 500 damage ( Regarding if you took Bluestone Pendant ) follow this up with your ult and the enemy lanner is a guaranteed kill.


* Not much to say about this ability, but its a great silence ability . It comes in handy really good if you are lanning against gods like Bellona , Guan Yu , Hercules , which interrupts their main clear abilities, hence puts you in a good position. I mainly use this ability to charge the damage from Heavenly Reflection . The dash distance is a really great, allowing room for a good chase or escape situation.


* This ability is one of the best Ultimates in the game . If you land all hits in this ability , the maximum damage shall be 990 plus 150 % of your magical power . Late game with the full build you shall have atleast 65 power , with Potion of physical might that shall be 95 power , that shall make this ability to do 143 extra damage , in total this ability does , 1133 damage. This can easily half hit mages or hunters. This is just the damage bit . The second hit slows the target for 20% ,the last hit Stuns the target, which sets up so much for the team. Imagine Ares just ults and the whole enemy team burns their Purification , then you dash in use this ability stun atleast 3 people , KABOOM triple kill for your mage or hunter , easily . This ability combined with your Heavenly Reflection damage is just insane 990+420+143+114 = 1667 damage is just too insane for a warrior , plus if you have your passive up on the target. f6 time boyz. I cant say more than, How awesome this ability is in team fights, and this is why Amaterasu is regarded top pick , if played and understood carefully .


Items explanation .




Death's Toll : This item is a good starter item if you are against an enemy god who has insane poke and can bully you with Bluestone Pendant. Gods include , Sun Wukong , Tyr , Odin. Sustainability is one key feature for solo lanning and this item just helps doing that. As it eliminates the further damage from Bluestone Pendant as well as the poke.

Bluestone Pendant : This is the main starter item for Amaterasu since early game her burst is quite good with this item. This items allows for safe poke as well as aggresive poke against AA Based Gods such as Ravana , Erlang Shen , Bellona and Osiris. This item also allows for a better clear to compensate for the early game.



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* These are your core items against physical gods. The Defense and Coodldown from Breastplate of Valor is really good for Amaterasu since she can get her burst damage quicker , allowing you to transition into poking other than clearing wave. Frostbound Hammer is a really good item for Amaterasu as it allows you to stick to your target applying the passive even better, as well as providing abit of health to sustain better. Void Shield allows for a better tower dive potential as well as reduces the physical protections by 20 .



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* These are the situation based items. And they all have really good passives.
Pestilence : Provides 80 magical prot as well as 200 health , and also reduces healing or regeneration by 25% which is really good. Lets say your enemy took Meditation which heals for 15%, with Pestilence this reduces the healing to 11.25% which is really good in teamfights.

Winged Blade and Spirit Robe : Concidered one of the best items in the game. The Health provided from Winged Blade is really good. However what makes this item good is the 10% Movement and Atk speed as well as the 20% Crowd Control Reduction. CCR is really good for warriors as they are the front lines of the team , And you will be the center point of AOE stuns or CC of any sort. Imagine a stun of 3 seconds reduced to 2.4 seconds. With Spirit Robe you have really good movement speed , Defense , and a 40% CCR which further reduces the stun from 3seconds to 1.8 seconds.

Genji's Guard : This item is really good if you are facing more than 2 magical gods since the passive procs against magicals . The 10% cooldown reuction as well as the passive 2 second cooldown reduction is good, but what makes this item really efficient is the Mp5 as well as 80 magical protection. 80 magical protection early game is really really good especially if you are lanning against a magical God.

Hide of the Nemean Lion : Usually pick this item if there are more than 3 physicals as well as AA Based gods. The 90 Physical prot is insane against AA Based gods as it reduces the damage you take , and incase of Penetration , 20% of the damage taken is reflected back. I always get this item second if iam against any AA Based god in lane , since early game reflecting 20% of the damage is really good .

Mantle of Discord : Usually you sell Breastplate of Valor late game for this item as you shall be diving backline more , and the passive Ensures your Backline diving is efficient. The AOE Stun can help you get out of the toughest situation as well as it provides you 1 sec CC immunity which is also really great. Above this all ,the item provides 15 % CDR as well as 60 magical and Physical Prot making it a really good Late game item. If agasint 3 or more Magical Gods, i usually get this item last in replacement of Spirit Robe as it provides for a good utility .



Shield Of regrowth ,

* These two items work really good for Amaterasu but i would regard it as optional picks and not under situational.

Shield of Regrowth : The movement speed as well as the Cooldown Reduction is really good for Amaterasu , this item allows really good utility , allowing you to get out of the toughest conditions as well as heal up even quicker.

Gauntlet of Thebes : This item is really good if combines with Shield of Regrowth . Healing 20% more as well as , moving insanely fast , can get you out of a situation , heal up , get back into it and all it takes is one ability . Divine Presence heals Amaterasu for 55 + 5% of your physical power for 4 seconds. that is 220 max heal + 20% of your physical power. Lets say at that point you have Warrior Tabi , Shield of Regrowth as well as Void Shield , thats a total of 100 physical power , added to 220 that is 320 , with Gauntlet of Thebes you heal for 384 in total , as well as you move insanely fast if you in the speed stance combined with Shield of regrowth.



Meditation , teleport , Curse.

* These are the most crutial relics for any Warrior.

Meditation : Great team fight heal , can alter the fight in your favour if used correctly . 15% if max health as well as 35 % of max mana , can instantly help your damage carries out as they usally have low hp .

Teleport : Allows the solo lanner to rotate from one point to the other instantly ( 4secs) . And since the solo lanes are quite short, its easy to get the towers since they are closer , hence if minions are pushed , they can easily target tower , so its crutial to get Teleport to reach lane quicker and not loose any EXP or GOLD.

Curse : reduces movement speed as well as healing and Regeneration by 50% , really good to counter enemy heals as well as actives such as Meditation its self. Having this item with Pestilence allows almost close to no healing providing easy kills.


Lanning phase - Team fights , What is your role as Amaterasu.



Amaterasu has a quite itchy early game until the second fire imps are spawned. This is due to , you dont really have a quick way of charging your Heavenly Reflection hence your wave clear is kinda poor compared to other warriors. Once you are level 4, you have a point in your Glorious Charge , you can instantly clear the wave ( In concideration you started with Bluestone ) since you can instantly charge Heavenly Reflection and clear the wave . Your main focus is on the wave, you dont wanna box the enemy god at this point , until you have Breastplate of Valor or atleast Silver Breastplate. Never use your lane clear ability to box your opponent. I have seen many players charge the ability 2, then use it on me , yes poking is crucial in solo lanning ,however consider if they can sustain the damage back or no . Poking the opponent with your lane clear ability , takes minion aggro , allows the opponent to clear quicker than you , makes you loose Gold as you shall fall back and let the tower do the damage . Not worth it , until you are sure you can sustain the damage your self . During lanning phase you should basically push the minions under tower , pressuring the opponent , look for opportunities to invade the blue buff or speed buff , And you can also proxy farm to allow a 50-60 seconds rotation , hence more ganks or invade.


At this phase, your main option is to gank and set up kills for your mid lanner or hunter. As you are transitioning into late game , your damage carries need to be fed . Main ganks can be at the Gold fury , Mid lane or even invade fights. Dazzling Offensive plus Divine Presence are great team fight tools since they both set up most of the kills and helps your team to have an engage option. Make use of your auras , Dont stick in speed stance if you are basically in the team fights,switch to Power stance, the 35 power makes a good difference , the same goes to the other stance, If you are disengaging dont stick with Power stance, switch to Speed stance to allow quicker movement for your team . Use your ult only if you are sure you are gonna have a follow up from your mage or hunter. Dont use your ult to kill one god, not worth the Ult . Its rather you drop the chase , and focus on better objectives ,rather than ulting one god , while you could have ulted 3 other members and set up most of the kills . I once saw an Amaterasu ult our guardian just for the kill , later to realise we shifted the match since we had more setups and she wasted her setup for the team.


This is the point where both teams are looking to finish. Atleast all towers are down ,or even 1 of the phonix ( Loki for the WIN!) . This where the Fire giant calls start , and main carries have their builds finish. At this point your work is to be a shield to the team , you should be diving the backline and zonning the damage carries in the enemy team, due to your high defence , you can be able to disrupt the enemy carries , while your team finishes the job . But remember dont over extend , just because you have defence doesnt mean you wont be a target, Remember the mages and hunters have best penetration items in the game, just that theyll take longer to kill you than killing your mage. That means, your zonning should be efficient enough to allow quick kills from your damage carries. Your ult comes in great hand here, Burning Purification as well as Aegis is great , quick communication is necessary as thats what shifts a loosing game to a winning game . I once had a 2/11/25 KDA as Amaterasu but won the game , Because i set up the kills ,tho i died for that , but the reason that they focused me gave enough time for my time to initiate and get the kills on them.



Amaterasu is one of the most fun warriors you can play, Her mechanics are really good if you understand her play style.

As usuall let me know if theres something i need to add since i may not be the best Amaterasu player here. Many people have played her more than me so any comments are welcome :).

All the information above is upto my understanding and my knowledge about the game. Thanks for reading the guide, i truly appreciate it <3

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M7500000 | September 1, 2016 7:50am
Well done !
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