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Alternate Imperial Helmet and Druid Stone depending on your projected lane opponent. Good for early aggression.
If you're feeling it, try to stick one of these options into your builds. My builds up there are only baselines that I have developed over time playing Sobek and other magical solos. Any of these options will work depending on what you'll be wanting to do.
Please do not build this in your conquest games, unless you're memeing around as Sobek Mid. Or if you're in like Arena or Clash, then go crazy with this ****.
Tap each threat level to view Sobek’s threats
Ah yes Sobek, Mr. Stingray Whisperer-King of the Kaiju himself. Sobek is the Egyptian God of a lot of things, like a lot of gods, but mainly he's the god of the waters and the Nile River. He's kinda like an ancient Godzilla of sorts, a giant reptilian force of nature who doesn't bend to the will of others and is generally Neutral-Good in alignment.
In our battleground of the gods, Sobek joins as a melee Guardian who focuses mainly on CC and a little bit of sustain and damage thrown into the mix. I particularly enjoy him in the Solo lane, which is where this guide is mainly focused on.
As Sobek, when you play with your team, your main focus is to be a disruptive force on the battlegrounds. Get into the backlines of the enemy team, eat damage and just be annoying. Your ultimate is the epitome of this part of your job. You get extra protections from it, you slow everyone in a big radius around you, and you end it all off with a massive burst of damage that can punch huge holes in enemy defenses. Paired with Pridwen, you become essentially a tactical kaiju nuke coming in from below once you've gotten everything online. Then you just go sicko mode on everyone you see, antihealing them, knocking them up and tanking hits. Do not completely disregard your safety though, since the loss of a high CC tank is very influential during the late game. Know when to use your blinks and plucks to disengage.
The next most important part of Sobek teamplay is knowing when and when not to pluck people. Your plucks late game are extremely influential. Like you can for example pluck an enemy ADC into the open arms of your jungle and mid to easily take him out of the game at a deciding point. You can pluck an enemy jungler off a retreating squishy in a "Get down Mr. President" fashion. Your plucks can be either a deciding factor to win teamfights, or they'll **** your team over. Only pluck damage heavy enemies if you're sure your team can actually take them down. You do not want to be throwing danger right into your team's faces.
Your 3 has 50% antiheal secondary effect to whoever it hits. Even if healing isn't really a problem with the enemy's comp, it is still a very good idea to 3 the enemy ADC, as it'll prevent him from healing with his Devos Lifesteal. If healing is indeed a real problem, the 50% antiheal paired with Divine Ruin, Pestilence or even one of the Tainted Steel starter items will easily top 100%, which is a very good thing to have against characters such as Hel, Anubis and Aphro. Especially since healing is becoming meta again (Please shoot me.)
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My personal build order is
Obviously I don't expect you to copy my build piece by piece but thought it might be helpful to take note of.