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Shoes of Focus is standard first item.
Reinforced Shoes is a good choice if you are getting pressured and need more sustain early.
Traveler's Shoes if you need to rotate more frequently.
After completing the build you can pick up Potion of Magical Might for more CDR.
You can get Ethereal Staff as last item if you prefer.
Hide of the Nemean Lion counters basic/ crit attacks.
Jade Emperor's Crown is good if the enemy team mainly does physical damage.
Midgardian Mail is a solid all around option, good against enemies who like to poke with basics and run.
Genji's Guard is a good all around item, used when the enemy team mainly has magical damage and provides 10% CDR.
Magi's Cloak IMO only good if you are getting CC'd to death.
Phantom Veil very situational but good against:
Ring of Spears
Ice Wall
Tectonic Shift.
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*Edit* Also, what about post boots? If you get the speed pot, what item would you replace your boots with?
Lesson of every season buy vision it's tool nr1 for winning games
Also, I'm teasing.
Y O U U N D E R S T O O D.
I don't know if I would go around claiming that...
Seems solid overall
I and the others can't stress enough how nice it is to have competent people not only come on here and make guides, but listen to our feedback and provide their opinions. We don't expect everybody to take our critiques to heart (well, Kriega does, but he's special), we just ask that they be given due consideration and either implemented or have an explanation provided as to why the author doesn't want to. We have too many people who come on here and post...not very good builds and never defend their choices. Everything doesn't have to be meta, but you should be able to stand by your item choices, which you have and I respect that. Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns and we'll answer as best we can. :)
Thanks for the kind words, I'm just glad that it's a decent build and I didn't get hit with the "troll build" or "terrible build". If I have any questions I will be sure to reach out.
I wouldn't worry about your guide being featured because it's actually useful and, because of that, it doesn't meet SDJ's criteria because this build doesn't cast a bad light on SmiteFire.
Anyway, some feedback the others missed which I should go over. meditation cloak isn't that good.
+1 vote to your guide.
You tend to balance things pretty well. One thing I'd say is that in some cases, you want to make sure you're building enough health. Plenty of protections are nice, but I think you're lacking higher health, which is just as important. Concept is for effective health, or eHP. Health is more important against true damage, as an example, which ignores protections...and the more protections you build, the less effective they become with each add.
For example, take your 3rd and 4th builds. I know the point is to be aggressive there, and 400 health isn't bad in build 3, but only 150 added health in the entirety of build 4 is way too little. Instead of getting both
In a lot of ways,
Another aggressive alternative, but less aggressive in some ways, would be getting
I see some players in Masters and Diamond going the
I thought the cost of
A focus of the builds was also 40% CDR. How important is it really and would 20%(30% with potion)be viable? What do you think of
Thebes is worth getting fairly early, but you understand that until you have some stacks, you don't have much in terms of protections. You're safer getting some earlier protections first, then you can be a bit more aggressive if need be.
On the other hand, if you're playing passive in duo, then Thebes earlier is typically okay.
I did see the notes there, but you want some earlier health, not just near the end of the build.
20% if you had more aggression (e.g.
I guess I need to make some more builds depending on different situations and add a section for boots. Is there any way to move PO tabs around or do I have to edit all of them manually to get boots as the second tab? I may need to start over and just list them as 1st item, 2nd item etc.