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by caboose1311 updated October 25, 2015

Smite God: Xing Tian

Build Guide Discussion 1 More Guides
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Xing Tian Build


Build Item Shoes of Focus Shoes of Focus


Build Item Mail of Renewal Mail of Renewal
Build Item Winged Blade Winged Blade
Build Item Mystical Mail Mystical Mail


Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff
Build Item Bulwark of Hope Bulwark of Hope


Build Item Greater Blink Greater Blink
Build Item Teleport to Gods Teleport to Gods


Hello guys this is will be my 5h guide posted. My previous guides include Anubis, Medusa, Geb, Hades if anyone is interested :D Well my usual introductions begin with if you have any criticism feel free to comment and if you give me a downvote, please tell me why :)

P.S. The guide is still not fully complete so if any bashing to me is to be done, I rather it be done when my guide is complete instead of some parts missing :)


1.Can do pretty decent damage(was recently nerfed)
2.Has two stuns and can be great team initiator
3. Has a good escape with Sky-Cutting Axe
4.His ult Whirlwind of Rage and Steel is one of the best ults in the game with a good team

1.Recently nerfed :(
2.Relatively squishy early game
3.Escaping his ult can be simple with Greater Purification basically another Ares


Shoes of Focus-I just buy this off the bat to get +250 mana since Xing Tian is quite mana hungry and to begin CDR. Most people buy starter items so you guys can do that if you wish. I just prefer having the shoes right off the bat.

Mail of Renewal This will give you physical protections(40) and give you +250 health and 15% CDR. It's passive is great as you get 15% of your max health and mana over the next 5 secs for god kills and assists as well as objectives like Siege monster and Fire Giant

Winged Blade I might get some flak for this item, but it honestly benefits me because I get Movement speed, ATK SPD increase as well as CDR making you have near full CDR, plus it gives you +300 health. MVT speed to help get away a bit easier and ATK to assist in boxing situations. Every bit helps.

Mystical Mail-This gives you physical protections(+60) as well as +300 health. It's passive allows you to deal up to 40 magical damage per second to enemies within 25 units. Can a give you a slight edge if in a close quarters boxing situation, like I said before, every bit helps :D

Defensive HP
Ethereal Staff-Gives you a whopping amount of +600 HP, +300 mana and even a small amount of magical power(30) It's passive allows 2% of your maximum health to be transferred to magical power, and since you will be an HP machine this will go very well.

Bulwark of Hope- Magical protections(60) and a nice chunk of +450 health. Passive puts a shield around when your health is low that mitigates 50% damage for 1 sec. Occurs every 60 secs. Great final item to help Ethereal Staff

Greater Blink- Use this for what I call "Super Dash" which will be explained in it's very own section a bit later in the guide :D

Teleport to Gods- use this if your team is pushing to save time walking the entirety of the map and link up.


This passive allows Xing Tian to gain stacks of HP5 with a maximum of 12 stacks. You build stacks every time you hit an enemy with an ability and it lasts 18 secs.

- Has decent DOT and is also lowers enemies basic attack damage.

Now I LOVE this ability for many reasons. 1. When fully hitting twice, you root the enemy in place for your team to converge on if they are near. 2. Does decent damage and just pure fun and looks cool when performing it :D

] This allows you to jump forward twice controlling where to jump and even if you want to jump a second time. He gains protections while in the air it refreshes every time he connects with an enemy. Great move for both escaping and for chasing stragglers.

- One of my favorite ults in the game can change games and battles if used correctly and with a good team. It does a nice amount of damage and you depending how long in the duration you keep enemy gods will determine your damage output. Due to the recent nerf of Xing Tian :(, you will be rewarded for hitting enemies for the full duration, but enemies will also be rewarded if they escape out of it early by having reduced damage, very similar to turning around when Medusa uses Petrify


- Use Hook Slam to root your enemy and immediately use Furious Roar, this kombo is great when used with an ally who can do lots of damage to assist you while you attack.

Use the ult first when you can grab multiple enemies and throw them back towards your team and quickly use Furious Roar to help damage enemies along with your team.

One of your ULTRA combos, use the ult to throw multiple people to your team, quickly use Hook Slam to root enemy or enemies and follow up with Furious Roar and if your team is good, most likely double or triple kills will usually happen when this method is accomplished.

- This is your ULTRA combo but this time you are using Sky-Cutting Axe to close the distance on the enemies and catch them. This method is extremely aggressive and requires a that your team will be ready to use ults and their abilities, make sure if you have open communication with your team before you initiate this to make sure they are ready and aware that you will do it very soon because if you just do it without them knowing, you will become extremely exposed with no escape in the middle of multiple enemies.

"Super Dash Kombo"

Obviously Xing Tian has no dash abilities like Nemesis or Agni but this is just the name I give it because if pulled off correctly, you can travel in a straight line extremely far. If you start the "super dash" from your tier 1 tower you can end up right in front of their tier 1 tower or even inside it in mid lane. Obviously Xing Tian doesn't go mid lane, but this is just to give you a mental image at how far straight you can go. If what I said above basically confused you, I'll just let you try it out in the field for yourselves. Ok for this dash you need to have Greater Blink

This is how it goes
Using this will make you travel extremely far up a lane. Now to use this dash to it's fullest extent, you do this "super dash" then perform your ULTRA Kombo. Below is how it should look in full

- Now this right here is quite the KOMBO!!! Again this requires that you have open communication with your team and letting them know when they are ready and when you are ready. Now the risk is even greater because now you basically traveled half of the entire lane and are exposed. As you are doing this "super Dash" your team needs to be running behind you to catch up with you so by the time you use your ult, your team is already there. This can be a brutal surprise attack, no one expects a blitzkrieg from half the lane away. If by chance you have team mates that also have Greater Blink they can use it to travel with you even faster. Just try it once and see how far your reach can extend. Use Sky-Cutting Axe first then use Greater Blink

Escape Management

Escaping with Xing Tian is quite simple and not much to it. I have had many games where I play him and never die for the whole match. I have played Xing Tian on just about every game mode except Assault or MOTD and at least once on each game mode have I had games where I don't die. One of my longest games where I went without dying was 70 minutes on Conquest :D So let's get to it! We are building Xing Tian pure health so really you won't need any actives like Combat Blink or Aegis Pendant for escaping. Most likely the only situations that you will die is if the whole team converges on you or that you are alone with no team mates or a combination of both.

Now really all you need to escape is just to use Sky-Cutting Axe in the opposite direction to escape enemies because not only is the distance quite nice, but you acquire physical protections on top of it while you're in the air.

-Use this method if you are being chased quite aggressively. Use Sky-Cutting Axe first to increase distance then use Hook Slam. Even though Hook Slam is not an escape it does in fact send you slightly forward if you aim it straight the whole time and every bit helps :)

- Now this can be used for multiple purposes for escapes and counters. Let's say in the event your abilities are on cooldown or you can't use Sky-Cutting Axe for whatever purposes, you can simply walk into the radius of the enemies chasing you and just use your ult to throw them away from you to put distance. This is really a last resort when you know Sky-Cutting Axe won't be enough and you need something much stronger to escape. You can also use this to help any allies who are being chased by enemies and throw them away from your ally to give them time to run.

Now with that you will ALWAYS have a method of escape. You have 3 possible methods to escape and that's excluding your team who will help you escape or keep the enemy back(assuming they are aware) So when played right, dying with Xing Tian is actually pretty hard.

Creeping / Jungling

Yes I know, Xing Tian is a guardian so why would he jungle??? He can be quite a decent "momentary jungler" to assist the team. Let's say you are playing very well and destroyed both towers on your lane and the team is still pushing other towers, you can be a really good "moment" jungler by ganking and using Hook Slam to root enemies in place which will be enough time for your allies to kill the target or make him retreat.

The best way to utilize him here is to gank a lane being pushed or if your team is doing the pushing, you can gank with Whirlwind of Rage and Steel and throw them to your team for some kills. With two abilities that can stun someone in place is great for your team when you gank. Like I said before only do this if you are doing really good and you can expend some time into helping allies with ganks. I only really do this if my team mate and I took the duo lane down first before any other lanes go down.

Team Work

A lot of his teamwork was basically explained in the previous sections. You are the initiator which means your team converges when you set up the enemy team to be converged on :D You can hit someone with Hook Slam and that's just enough time for your team and yourself to kill someone. You use Whirlwind of Rage and Steel to initiate and make sure you communicate with your team before you do so they become aware and prep their ults. Your team will not really use ults before you unless they are going to secure a kill or about to be killed. Once you hit someone with your ult, that's when you see your team use all their abilities to kill the enemy team. The whole entire match is centered on you when it comes to joust or even siege at times. The team will be looking for you to make the 1st move to use theirs. With your stuns in place, you will see how your team will always do bursts when you root someone. OH and never use the ult on a single person unless it's necessary or if you are that hungry that you NEED to get the kill like some addict :3 Make it mandatory to use this on multiple gods.

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krookidwayz | November 3, 2015 8:29am
I was a bit skeptical of this build at first, but then I gave it a test drive in joust. I am blown away by how well it performs. I can rarely get my sixth item before the enemy team surrenders. Amazing build!
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