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Yu Huang - Master of Dao (9.4)

28 10 37,095
by mmaalex2212 updated April 20, 2022

Smite God: Yu Huang

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Yu Huang Build


Build Item Conduit Gem Conduit Gem
Build Item Enchanted Spear Enchanted Spear
Build Item Healing Potion Healing Potion

Standard Build

Notes This build is slightly more classical. Strong early game, and finished with the amazing Nimble rod. All-around strong build with strong life-steal as well.


This build is slightly more classical. Strong early game, and finished with the amazing Nimble rod. All-around strong build with strong life-steal as well.

Build Item Archmage's Gem Archmage's Gem
Build Item Spear of the Magus Spear of the Magus
Build Item Chronos' Pendant Chronos' Pendant
Build Item Soul Gem Soul Gem
Build Item Staff of Myrddin Staff of Myrddin
Build Item Nimble Rod of Tahuti Nimble Rod of Tahuti

Relics & Consumables

Build Item Ward Ward
Build Item Sentry Ward Sentry Ward
Build Item Chalice of the Oracle Chalice of the Oracle
Build Item Chalice of Healing Chalice of Healing
Build Item Aegis of Acceleration Aegis of Acceleration
Build Item Cloak of Ascetic Cloak of Ascetic

Alternative Damage

Notes [*] Spear of Deso for more pen
[*] Soul Reaver for tanky mages like Zhong Kui (also use anti-heal)


[*] Spear of Deso for more pen
[*] Soul Reaver for tanky mages like Zhong Kui (also use anti-heal)

Build Item Spear of Desolation Spear of Desolation
Build Item Soul Reaver Soul Reaver


Notes [*] Use divine for anti-heal
[*] Use warlock for increased mana or if you don't use Chronos
[*] Use Ethereal if the enemy has a consistent poke


[*] Use divine for anti-heal
[*] Use warlock for increased mana or if you don't use Chronos
[*] Use Ethereal if the enemy has a consistent poke

Build Item Divine Ruin Divine Ruin
Build Item Warlock's Staff Warlock's Staff
Build Item Ethereal Staff Ethereal Staff


Welcome to my guide for Yu Huang: Cultivator of Dao
My name is Lord Alexander. I am a frequent observer of SmiteFire and a Casual Smite player with over 1200 hours in the game. I mainly play conquest so that is what my builds will be focused on.

This is my FIRST smitefire guide, and I intend to keep it updated, so please comment your suggestions in the discussion section so we can all learn together.

There are currently three main builds I would recommend. As time goes on I will update the build to reflect more time spent with the character as well as more information about the different possible synergies and counters in particular.

Pros / Cons

  • Strong poke
  • Long range abilities
  • Great mobility and escapes
  • Can mitigate high damage ults with Celestial Flight
  • Decent ult to position and damage large groups
  • Low mana cost
  • Good basic attack for wave clear
  • Squishy
  • Weak early game
  • Midling damage output (strongest in mid-game)
  • 2 is clunky to achieve the stun.

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DarkonSA | April 26, 2022 12:37am
Was looking for a leveling guide, pretty much know how to build burst mages
Branmuffin17 (401) | April 26, 2022 9:56am
Hey Darkon,

Do you mean skill leveling order? If you need some explanation on that, I can advise there. There seem to be 2 schools of thought on skill prioritization. For the early game, a lot of people seem to like getting the 2 at level 1, as it has higher base damage, then getting the 1 next for additional wave-clear/poke. That's fine as long as you feel safe enough and you're not afraid of an early gank. Otherwise, you might need to get the 3 at level 2. Note that the 1 is significantly safer, as you don't need to line up a wave at close range.

Prioritizing the 2 is great because of the higher overall damage, but again, you have to be confident in your safety in applying it to the wave. If you're going to be poked out every time you attempt that in a given matchup, it might be better to prioritize the 1. That's not that bad anyway, because at least you get decreasing CD when you level it.

Regarding a build for burst mages, the build recommended here (which includes Archmage's Gem, Spear of the Magus, Chronos' Pendant, Soul Gem, Staff of Myrddin, and Nimble Rod of Tahuti, I would probably recommend some adjustments, though between the build example and the alternative/situational items, Alex has most of the key items covered, with one exception.
  • Lifesteal: It's not awful to have both Spear of the Magus and Soul Gem, but I would typically suggest just getting one of those, not both. Any anti-heal that affects you will be semi-countering 2 items instead of 1.

  • CDR: This build maxes CDR (40%), which I would say isn't necessary. Yu Huang's cooldowns are pretty good, and while more CDR is always appreciated, sometimes choosing items with CDR take up space for other items that might be of greater effectiveness. I think 30% is good for him in most cases.

  • Penetration: Flat is covered well here. Magus is in the build example, while alt damage lists Spear of Desolation and situational lists Divine Ruin. The big missing piece is higher % pen. While Staff of Myrddin + Nimble Rod of Tahuti gives 20% (which is decent), the absence of either Charon's Coin or Obsidian Shard as even situational items is an issue. Those should absolutely be shown in some capacity here, and usually one of the two should be used in a build.

  • Nimble Rod of Tahuti: In some ways I can see the appeal, but while his passive gives some added function to basic attacks, it's not significant enough to build into it IMO. This should just be Calamitous Rod of Tahuti, where the passive's added damage can be easily applied if you hit his 2. Alternatively, with the nerf to Tahuti, you could skip it and get Reaver instead.
mmaalex2212 | April 27, 2022 10:48pm
Hey Branmuffin17,

Thanks for the in-depth comment! I am glad the build checks out with you, you def know your stuff.

I will change the build to recommend Calamitous Rod of Tahuti to play off the root of his 2. It makes more sense than just focusing on the basics which seem to fall more flat the more I play with him.

As for pen, my personal philosophy is that I prefer a bit more cooldown to proc the damage more rather than increase that damage itself. It is just how I would recommend playing personally, but to each their own!

Thanks and again I'm honored
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Yu Huang - Master of Dao (9.4)
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