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BenskyGaming's Blog
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October 28, 2017
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aim  |  benskygaming  |  ranked  |  smite tips  |  smite tricks
What's up you beautiful people!? It is time for another tips&tricks.

First of all I want to apologies for the lack of blog entries in the past weeks. I am in a very busy period at work at the moment which limits my spare time for this. That's why I focused on keeping up my schedule on my daily videos (which was hard enough tbh).

Today I would like to adress aiming and how to improve it. This is not a very popular topic in most MOBA games. Of course the importance of aim is lower than on FPS games in general. Nevertheless improving your ability to aim and hit your enemies WILL improve your overall success in SMITE significantly.
  1. Sensitivity
    When it comes to sensitivity the correct setting is whatever works best for you! There is no right or wrong on this one. However lower sensitivity will allow you to be more precise! So if you play on a "high" sensitivity you might want to consider lowering it gradually. Remember that every change to your sensititvity will feel awkward in the begi

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September 17, 2017
Hey y'all, it's time for another Tips&Tricks with BenskyGaming.
Before we start I want to say that I am greatful for the feedback, help and support provided by YOU guys so far - thank you very much!

Today I want to address how to play from behind. You probably know the feeling when your team just shreds through enemy lines and objectives - it feels good, I know. But what if that is not the case. Maybe you fall behind due to a bad team comp (hello casual games) or the enemy team just has the stronger early game.
If you are able to notice when this is happening you are already a step ahead of the vast majority of SMITE players - congratulations. Now what can we do?
We do have to adapt to the new situation by shifting our game style and priorities. Finding a pick on a player becomes far less relevant when you have a phoenix down and fire minions are pouring in on one of your lanes. Main priority should be to defend that lane and "keep it clean" as far as possible. Guess what, your phoeni…
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September 09, 2017
Let's face it, all of us have room for improvement when it comes to playing video games and SMITE in particular. From living the LeBronze life, fighting for elo, to players who are one step away from the SPL and even professional SMITE players, we all do mistakes.
Sometimes it is even little changes in your approach how you play the game (tactics) or little adjustments on the mechanics that will boost your performance and ensure the victory.
Even though the following might be perceived as fundamental basics of gameplay they are still not applied by everyone all the time. So let's jump right into it and talk about how to improve.
The importance of your passive (e.g. Nu Wa, Chaac, Ares)

The god's passive is often overlooked and not used at all or not used to its full potential. Therefore it is important to read, understand and use the passives. For example if you play Nu Wa you definitely want to take advantage of her passive strenght of wood. This means you need to be aware of the m…
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September 02, 2017
Let's face it, all of us have room for improvement when it comes to playing video games and SMITE in particular. From living the LeBronze life, fighting for elo, to players who are one step away from the SPL and even professional SMITE players, we all do mistakes.
Sometimes it is even little changes in your approach how you play the game (tactics) or little adjustments on the mechanics that will boost your performance and ensure the victory.
Even though the following might be perceived as fundamental basics of gameplay they are still not applied by everyone all the time. So let's jump right into it and talk about how to improve.

Positioning (by class/role)

Positioning is a key element in Smite. While some classes can get away with bad positioning from time to time, others will get punished for it immediately. It is important to understand your role in every matchup and adjust yourself accordingly. If you are a warrior and idle behind your mage or hunter you are doing it wrong. As a w…
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