October 28, 2017

Tips & Tricks with BenskyGaming #4 - Improve your aim

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What's up you beautiful people!? It is time for another tips&tricks.

First of all I want to apologies for the lack of blog entries in the past weeks. I am in a very busy period at work at the moment which limits my spare time for this. That's why I focused on keeping up my schedule on my daily videos (which was hard enough tbh).

Today I would like to adress aiming and how to improve it. This is not a very popular topic in most MOBA games. Of course the importance of aim is lower than on FPS games in general. Nevertheless improving your ability to aim and hit your enemies WILL improve your overall success in SMITE significantly.
  1. Sensitivity
    When it comes to sensitivity the correct setting is whatever works best for you! There is no right or wrong on this one. However lower sensitivity will allow you to be more precise! So if you play on a "high" sensitivity you might want to consider lowering it gradually. Remember that every change to your sensititvity will feel awkward in the beginning - so giving yourself time to adjust is key in this process. In the end you will adjust to everything. *YES, this will include missed shots and lost rounds in the beginning!* Consistency is very important here. Meaning that you should play with similar mouse sensitivity in different games. Only the consistency will grant you success in the long run. While metrics for sensitivity might vary in different games, there are several websites that help you converting the right sensitivity from one game to another.
  2. Training
    Just like with everything else in life - practice makes perfect. In general it says that it takes 10000+ hours to master any skill. Now with aiming it might be a little different due to the changing variables (game type, latency, enemy movement, target size etc.). But practicing is of course the best way to improve. For practicing purpose, to work on your hand movement and hand-eye coordination you can also use several websites
  3. Juke
    Last but not least we have to talk about jukes when looking for improvement of your aim. Hitting AI is often not the biggest problem (unless we're talking about Elon Musk's DOTA bot), but enemy players that react, move away and trying to avoid being hit are. That's why it is important to understand a couple of things. How long does my shot travel until it hits? How does my latency influence the duration? And of course how will the enemy react? See, alot of players have juke patterns. For example they always strafe left or always run a circle etc. It is also very common that players move back to their initial positon after a sequence of jukes. Noticing juking patterns will help you to anticipate your enemies movement and aim "one step ahead". Of course this is not always the case and once you reach a certain level you will notice that better players are adaptive and will change up their juke pattern which makes it harder to read and predict their next step.
Now, even though I hope you enjoyed reading this - stop right here and get to work! Jump into SMITE, invite your friends and start your training. I can't wait to cross your path and get my a** kicked because you followed these tips!

Stay tuned!