September 02, 2017

Tips & Tricks with BenskyGaming that will help you to win in Smite #1

Views: 2903 BenskyGaming
Let's face it, all of us have room for improvement when it comes to playing video games and SMITE in particular. From living the LeBronze life, fighting for elo, to players who are one step away from the SPL and even professional SMITE players, we all do mistakes.
Sometimes it is even little changes in your approach how you play the game (tactics) or little adjustments on the mechanics that will boost your performance and ensure the victory.
Even though the following might be perceived as fundamental basics of gameplay they are still not applied by everyone all the time. So let's jump right into it and talk about how to improve.

Positioning (by class/role)

Positioning is a key element in Smite. While some classes can get away with bad positioning from time to time, others will get punished for it immediately. It is important to understand your role in every matchup and adjust yourself accordingly. If you are a warrior and idle behind your mage or hunter you are doing it wrong. As a warrior you want to aim for the enemie's backline (their mages/hunters) whenever possible. Unlike a guardian though you can't "stay in" forever and might need to get out after a couple of hits.
As a guardian you want to be in the enemies face and have an eye on your team at the same time. Most guardians have a variety of "defensive" abilities to protect your team or let the enemies focus you. When playing a guardian you are most likely the player with the largest healthpool and highest protections. Therefore you should be in-between the enemy and your team for most of the time. Body blocking enemy attacks so your team mates don't get hit is very important. Your job is to ensure that the rest of your team can maximize their damage output.
When it comes to damage mages, hunter and assassins are king. Nevertheless they differ in playstyle and effectiveness. As a mage or hunter you want to stay as far away as possible from the enemy while still be in range for all your damaging abilities. This means you will have to adjust your position constantly, because in nine out of ten times a team fight scenario is not stationary. Often players fixate on the closest target even if it is the enemy guardian or warrior. IF these players have low HP or a call to focus them instead has been made it is allright. But in general, your target should be the enemie's assassin, hunter and mage because those have a) the highest damage output and b) are usually the most squishy ones. Now if you are playing an assassin you can't stay on maximum range because you are a melee and need close combat in most cases. Keeping in mind that you have one of the lowest healthpools and always need an exit strategy will help you survive much longer. Playing an assassin is all about timing and opportunities. When you jump into the fight at the wrong moment you might get destroyed in no time. Patience is a virtue and one of the most important skills to master as an assassin. Spotting those low HP enemies and secure the kill with a final strike is where you shine.

I hope you enjoyed the little excerpt and and maybe someone of you finds it helpful.

For practical examples check out my Smite A-Z gameplay videos on YouTube