This is now the 2nd game in a row where I've played Support...this time as Athena. In looking at the levels of competition, there were 4 playing qualifying matches (including me), with the others consisting of silver and gold players.
Gameplay starts at 7:46...from this point forward, will refer to any times as in-game.
Felt pretty good in the beginning. At 2:38, Freya called for a gank in our lane. We were able to get both Ganesha and Jing Wei...I didn't mean to on the first ( Ganesha was just low and happened to be next to Jing, who I'd just taunted and was focusing), and then wasn't sure we were going to secure the 2nd kill, so dashed to finish her...ending up with both kills. Teammates were cool about it.
4:25: First two deaths were me and Poseidon, as we got jumped in the mid-lane by 3, with Fenrir and Ganesha using their ults and Thoth finishing me off under the tower.
6:20: I was also the 3rd death, getting demolished by a stun while I was on the edge of Ganesha's ult. Damn that hurts.
8:30: I was caught up in a low importance faceoff in the mid-lane...and this is one of those things where I EASILY could have helped my teammate out if I'd paid attention to granted, Skadi was pushed up way too far with no wards up (the one I'd placed earlier had expired), so that position part is on her, but I still likely would have saved her if I'd ulted early enough. She spammed help and it just didn't register...I really, honestly don't know what I was thinking or paying attention to...ugh. That has to improve in the future, or I'm going to get nowhere...really embarrassing watching that. Skadi was rightfully pissed, but was gracious in accepting my apology.
That wasn't the only time I could have ulted, either.
You guys can pick apart the rest of the game, but I'll offer some additional overall thoughts.
I don't remember who was calling the shots, but I do remember thinking multiple times that they weren't the best calls. Often, only 1 enemy would be dead and someone would be screaming for a Fire Giant kill. Multiple times a bad idea...if we're going to be contested, it's just not worth it to me in most cases. I had been thinking that we'd really needed to try to burst down a tower or two, just to keep their safe areas further back...and we could have, if people didn't go for the FG. Multiple. Times.
More than other Supports, when I play Athena, I often feel like a chicken with its head cut off, running randomly around with no specific destination in mind. I don't know why this is. I'm sure I'm like this with other gods, but it just feels more like it with her.
I think I was better overall in sticking with people more often...part of this had to do with not having Bumba's Mask, which I'd thought about getting at the beginning before deciding on Lono's Mask...if I'd gotten Bumba's, I would have taken out a few more camps on my own (there seemed to be a lot of camps up quite often).
Why do people in ranked want to F6?!? To me, other than a blowout that is extremely obvious, shouldn't everyone fight to the end, just in the possibility we could win? Probably 3 or so F6s this game...and then we won. Wonder if people that wanted to earlier in the game feel stupid at that point.
I was too trigger happy with my Confounds and Shield Walls. Missed multiple ones. Patience, Daniel-san.
Holy hell, the enemy team dropped 99 wards to our 43. I dropped the most on my team (12), but seeing theirs makes me feel sort of lowly.
My build was okay, but I think I maybe should have gotten Hide of the Nemean Lion...the enemy Jing had 3x crit including Rage, so her crit chance was almost 100% when her ability was active. Demonic Grip? Got Shaman's Ring instead...and then got a late Obsidian Shard, which helped (a bit) with objectives since it took us forever to actually take all of the towers down...but I'm thinking her structure damage should have been higher than 2,832. We really needed to focus on objectives more overall.
Nike's item choices were...not that great. Ancile? (Still don't see the allure of that one, especially in its current form before the 4.18 patch) Magi's Blessing, seriously?!?
Ganesha got barely any physical protection until late...and...and...ALSO GOT Magi's Blessing? WTF? Did I miss this getting a huge buff a couple of patches ago???
Jing Wei went 3x crit, which I'd normally say is unnecessary for her, especially with Rage. She really hurt though, worked pretty damn well. She had highest damage in the game.
Fenrir got both shields...I just don't see the point of Runic Shield. Went too tanky in my opinion, unless some of those were late-game switches.
4 down, 6 to go. 3 wins (no thanks to me), 1 loss.
Hey, Bran. Nice win! I figured as I watched that I would just jot down my thoughts in the comment box as I watched. In this match I will be focusing on... your mechanics! MWHAHAHAHA :p
(1:01) You didn't take advantage of Athena's Reach after Preemptive Strike to clear the wave. You went straight from a Preemptive Strike to a Shield Wall. The most efficient wave clear at that point would be, Preemptive Strike, hit minions with Reach, Shield Wall, hit minions with Reach (or you can hold the final Reach if you clear the wave with a strong clearing ADC like Skadi). That early clear is really strong, and can put pressure on the enemy duo lane.
(2:40) Nice kills! And good secure on the Jing Wei.
(6:55) A different example of when to use Athena's Reach. You were trying to clear the wave after ulting to Chaac, but didn't use the Reach after your ult to assist in clearing, going straight into a Shield Wall instead.
Thought this aspect of Athena would be important to point out, as far as efficiency is concerned, you are just missing out on free damage.
(8:00) You were aggressive here against the Jing Wei, which Athena has the ability to do. However, I had a problem with the way you engaged. You used your dash to initiate. The thing to consider here is that Jing Wei also has a dash. By initiating with your dash, you gave her a chance to escape with her dash, which pretty much cancelled out your attack (another example of this is at 12:20). If instead you ran up on her straight up, if she dashed away you could have followed with your dash, then unleashed your combo. When burning all of your abilities like that, you want to make sure you do it as efficiently as possible.
I think your other points were pretty accurate. Your team didn't farm very well, had some... questionable... call outs, and you had a few instances where your ult awareness wasn't the greatest (I do the same thing, there are so many things to keep track of...) ಠ_ಠ
...Your team was definitely suspect though, lol. Those F6 calls were really dumb.
(27:20) You did great here.
(32:50) Nice as well.
(54:45) I agree with you about your team's objective pushing. Luckily though, you caught them all out near the Gold Fury and were able to take them down, push, and finish the game. Well fought.
Yeah, I get into serious auto mode when I get into the game. I don't keep my mind working enough, hence not using abilities optimally, not using the Wards in my pocket, not watching the minimap, not checking teammate and enemy builds periodically. All habits that I need to get into, but even when I tell myself I'm going to do it before the game, it all goes away once the game starts. I guess I'm too concerned with the things in my immediate vicinity...just never going to be fully comfortable with my own gameplay.
You see in the first couple of minutes I DID hold onto Reach and tried to hit Jing Wei under her tower, but missed pretty badly. But yeah, in general, it's not one of those things I think about consistently to use well.
So on that Jing're absolutely right. Thought process there (what there was of it) was that I wanted to sort of surprise her. I had Magic Shell available too...but she wasn't looking at me, she was clearing minions, and so I really had time to run right up to her and do the normal combo, saving my dash.
This game has so much quick-thinking and on the spot decision making involved with it. That's one of the challenging aspects of it that I enjoy. Familiarity and repetition has gone a long way in my advancement as a Conquest player. I'm sure you will get even better with time as well.
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(1:01) You didn't take advantage of Athena's
(2:40) Nice kills! And good secure on the
(6:55) A different example of when to use Athena's
Thought this aspect of Athena would be important to point out, as far as efficiency is concerned, you are just missing out on free damage.
(8:00) You were aggressive here against the
I think your other points were pretty accurate. Your team didn't farm very well, had some... questionable... call outs, and you had a few instances where your ult awareness wasn't the greatest (I do the same thing, there are so many things to keep track of...) ಠ_ಠ
...Your team was definitely suspect though, lol. Those F6 calls were really dumb.
(27:20) You did great here.
(32:50) Nice as well.
(54:45) I agree with you about your team's objective pushing. Luckily though, you caught them all out near the Gold Fury and were able to take them down, push, and finish the game. Well fought.
Yeah, I get into serious auto mode when I get into the game. I don't keep my mind working enough, hence not using abilities optimally, not using the
You see in the first couple of minutes I DID hold onto
So on that Jing're absolutely right. Thought process there (what there was of it) was that I wanted to sort of surprise her. I had
Also, your Picks and Bans transcript reads
(I wish I had some actual advice...)
(I wish I had some actual advice...)
this meme thing is enough for me lol