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Branmuffin17's Blog
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September 22, 2017
+Rep | Report
Conquest  |  Ranked
Link to the game stats is here.

This is now the 2nd game in a row where I've played Support...this time as Athena. In looking at the levels of competition, there were 4 playing qualifying matches (including me), with the others consisting of silver and gold players.

Here was how bans/picks went:

Banning & Picking

Gameplay starts at 7:46...from this point forward, will refer to any times as in-game.

Felt pretty good in the beginning. At 2:38, Freya called for a gank in our lane. We were able to get both Ganesha and Jing Wei...I didn't mean to …
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September 19, 2017

So this happened...(A Hachiman Story)

Views: 5744 Branmuffin17
+Rep | Report
Can'tFinish  |  Conquest  |  Hachiman
Last night, duo-queued a regular Conquest game with DV-8. Turned out to be interesting...and boring...but interesting.

Does anyone remember when the ADC role was one of the first roles claimed? I do. What happened? (And don't tell me it's because ADCs are's all subjective and I find them just as fun as any other role.)

Well, in 2 of my 3 ranked games (discussed previously), I ended up drawing ADC because no one else wanted it. Same with this casual match. Both DV and I called fill. He asked me if I'd played Hachiman yet, which I hadn't in an actual game...only Jungle Practice. Honestly, I didn't even have him unlocked...was going to wait until his favor price came down. Anyway, DV basically says "you can try him," so under peer pressure, I unlock him and then...lock him. He went Kuzenbo, which was an interesting Support option (TMNT is not a great Support but he has pretty good utility). The rest of our team chooses Bastet (Jungle), Chaac (Solo), and Janus (Mid).

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September 12, 2017

A Secondary Goal (God Mastery)

Views: 8724 Branmuffin17
+Rep | Report
GodMastery  |  Noob
Alongside my recent goal to get through Ranked Conquest qualifiers for the first time, I developed a secondary target...get all gods to Mastery I.

Why? Well, little did I know that...apparently...I cannot choose gods in Ranked play that I haven't gotten to at least Mastery I. Oops. Not that I've had that problem as of yet. But the thing is, at least at some point, someone might ask me to secure a god for them if they're available. If I don't have that god mastered, then that would technically suck. Yes, in this case, "suck" is a technical term; one that applies very appropriately to me.

Hence the new goal. There are some gods that just haven't clicked for me before this point, and a few that I haven't touched at all for lack of interest or other reasons. As of right now, I've got 72 gods mastered...

By the way, I think they need to make a new term, specifically for me: "Gods-He-Has-Played-Enough-To-Get-50-Worshippers." What? You don't like it? Why??? It doesn't "flow..." Whatev
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September 10, 2017
+Rep | Report
Conquest  |  Ranked
Game 2

Link to the game stats is here.

In my second Ranked Conquest game ever, I got to experience a rage-quitter ( Kali on the enemy team). My team was pretty darn cool...I didn't do well, but they were okay with that.

Here was how bans/picks went:

Banning & Picking

With an enemy Kali, Ullr, and Erlang Shen, I made sure this time to choose a build style that actually fit Witchblade...went with the Transcendence build, with a Bluestone Pendant and Bumba's Mask start. Planned to get Witchblade after Trans, in place of Asi. The game never got that far. …
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September 01, 2017
+Rep | Report
Conquest  |  Ranked  |  Toxicity
Link to the game stats is here.

Welp. I played my very first Ranked Conquest game ever. Honestly could have gone a lot worse, but boy did I feel a lot more pressure than normal. Didn't play very well, but I sort of expected that.

Only one other was actively talking/using the new in-game voice chat. And he was complaining (not unjustified I'm sure) a lot. He was our best player ( Ao Kuang), and without him, we definitely would have lost. Other than 2 others that were also playing qualifying matches, the spread of players consisted mostly of Silver division.

Keep in mind, the entire ranked experience was new to me, with the banning and all.

Here was how it went:

Banning & Picking

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