This post is partially in response to Sodsboy's blog, found here.
Not sure how this will be taken, but I wanted to give some transparency to the way I've sort of judged and scored the guides in the last 2 contests.
In the end, you may not agree with how I do it, but I've tried to be fair. That said, I'm also only one of several judges, so the guides I choose are not always the ones that win.
I provided the spreadsheet to the others, but I don't know the extent of its use.
In any case, I want to point out that when I score things like BB coding, I'm pretty lenient overall. Unless it's a gray wall of text, if you've at least linked to the database and have enough separation of information to give it clarity (e.g. Put in at least some minimal effort), you're good in my book. Maybe you'll get docked one or two points, but in the grand scheme, it's not much.
Why? It's the content that matters...the build quality, the build order, explaining options that give enough info to help b…
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