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Greenevers's Blog
Blog Posts: 16     Views: 35996     Comments: 125
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November 16, 2014

Gregen Guides are Back!

Views: 1313 Greenevers
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again  |  aid  |  bak  |  buk  |  de  |  ded  |  from  |  gess  |  gide  |  guess  |  guide  |  lau  |  lel  |  rite  |  who  |  whos  |  write
I've been mostly participating on the forums recently and now I will be returning to the guide spectra of this site! Not only updating my guides constantly, but making new ones, reviewing guides, and making sure the best of the best of guides make it to the top!

I am very excited to see what everyone has in store for their guides in the next upcoming weeks. I may even have a guide competition too ;).

Don't worry my regular content won't go down, I'll still be the newsman and commenting my input on certain threads. Heads up for all you guides-men out there, I have joined the ranks once again!

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October 16, 2014

Monthly Gravatar + More Guides

Views: 1587 Greenevers
I've decided I will change my Gravatar image back and forth between my 6 images (won't give anyone sneak peeks unless you saw it change constantly today) and more that I like in the future. Just something that will give me some customization and hopefully some more recognition on this site. I feel like I'm going to just stick with one eventually but this is a fun thing to do in the mean time.

Also, I've decided to get back to updating my Ra guide. My Loki guide is pretty much polished from a few exceptions. I'm halfway done with the matchups and other things. And with the Ra guide I'm thinking of adding ability GIFS. Or WebM's whenever they come to SMITEFire (they've already been implemented on mobafire).

On an update on my IGN - I'm keeping as Oxidate as of now but it is subject to change one last time. The reason being I want a really cool IGN like "Regen" or "Burst". Unfortunately, Hi-Rez is being pretty annoying with their support tickets so if they don't reply to my updated tic…
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October 03, 2014

1200 Gem IGN

Views: 2747 Greenevers
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gg  |  ghey  |  greenevers  |  greenp5  |  hallelujah. lol  |  hey  |  lel  |  oho  |  oxidate  |  velodrome  |  wp
Well on my quest to find the perfect name, I changed my name a couple times (thrice in total).
  • Greenevers
  • GreenP5
  • Velodrome
  • Oxidate

Just a let ya'll know I'll still be Greenevers on the forums. I would have no problem making a new account Oxidate but my guides on here are too much :>. A forums name and ign can always be different, anyway. I thought GreenP5 was cool but after a while I realized it sounded kinda stupid. Velodrome was alright, I got some compliments on it but I personally wasn't fully satisfied. Finally, Oxidate I feel wasn't what I had hoped for but it was the closest out of all the IGN's that worked. What do you guys think of "Oxidate" or which one do you like the best?

My best ones I came up with but were taken:
  • Vanished
  • Aphelion
  • Ichor
  • Petrichor
  • Perihelion
  • Stealthed
  • Zenith
  • Aeon
  • Evade
  • Alacrity
  • Genesis
  • Parallax

I tried a whole bunch of others but all were taken to dismay ;(

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September 26, 2014


Views: 1328 Greenevers
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chang'e  |  change  |  greenevers  |  greenp5  |  lel  |  to  |  username
A straightforward blog I'm typing up here. Basically what happened is that I changed my username from "Greenevers" to "GreenP5". Why?

1. Green"evers" sounds kinda weird.
2. P5 is from MP5/HP5.
3. Sounds kinda cool.

What I want to ask you is do you like the name change? Do you like it so much I should make a new account and leave this one behind (lel no)? Should I try and change my other gaming accounts/profiles/e-mails? Overall what ya'll think.

I'm thinking I'll keep this forum acc the same unless an admin can magically change it and make my further gaming accounts GreenP5.

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August 10, 2014

I'm Back! JK

Views: 1993 Greenevers
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back  |  jk  |  lel  |  lolbruh  |  pcback  |  smite  |  vacation
Well if you didn't know, I finally got my PC about a week ago. I'm using it hard wired atm, but will have to find a way to move it downstairs (it has no wireless pci card).

Anyways, right when you think you have me, I'm going on vacation for another week! Yay! Kinda lmao. I made sure to pull an all-nighter last night to sleep the car ride to VA.

Lastly, MY LOKI GUIDE IS OUT! Here's a direct link to check it out.

The Low-Key God

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