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Greenevers's Blog
Blog Posts: 16     Views: 35996     Comments: 125
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July 29, 2014

I'm a busy bee.

Views: 2241 Greenevers
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Hey guys, I'm quite sorry for the extended leave I took from this site. In total, I've been pretty inactive for the last couple weeks other than finishing my guide up which still needs a lot of werk ._.

But I've been extremely busy with programming camp, tennis camp, religion camp, a week vacation, and my birthday being yesterday :D I have something else coming the first week of August but I'm definitely going to be more active now that almost everything is over.

Just remember, this is my swamp. It's never ogre.

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July 11, 2014

Break Break Break

Views: 1852 Greenevers
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as3.0  |  bam  |  break  |  camp  |  karatekid  |  pc  |  religion  |  sleep  |  smite  |  tags4l0s3rS
So, unfortunately my parents have kept postponing as to when I get my PC. So much, they actually just decided to keep it to my birthday, the end of this month. Which isn't too bad since I have some camps these next couple weeks.

But anyway, I've noticed my stats plummeting down the drain. Sure, I can play with lag but I cannot perform as well as I used to. It's not the same ._. My arena winning percentage went from 60 to 51 in like a week or two which is really bad. Most other gamemodes are slightly above 50 which I never really had before.

So I'm taking a 2-4 week break from Smite until I get it together and in August I'm definitely more free as well.

On a side note, this gives me more time to finish my guides!

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June 24, 2014

Smite Able to Run! Korra Premiere!

Views: 1603 Greenevers
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With the help of my personal fan here, right next to my pc at the maximum settings, I was able to run Smite without overheating -> hibernating! I've tried conquest, unfortunately I get a bit worse frames there and just can't perform w/o better frames. However, I tried a couple arena matches and whoo! I actually carried my team with 6 fps ._. I guess I kinda got used to the delays and everything. WHICH IS AMAZING SINCE I CAN PLAY ARENA. Still lacking on that mastery level lol...

Just look here and see dis ->


Idk, Loki arena just comes naturally to me and I went 15-4-10. Either way, I'm doing fine in arena for some reason can't cope with the lag in other gamemodes. Shouldn't matter too much anyway since my new PC should be coming within 2 weeks! Den I w1ll trasH 3v3rY0n3

Off topic, but idc my blog xD Korra Season 3 premiere comes out this Friday! Suddenly got back into it, and Spirits wasn't that bad of a season. I liked it. If you didn't know, MundoNic…
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June 10, 2014

Exams ._.

Views: 3119 Greenevers
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So I've still been inactive, despite my promises :l. Not really :3. Been posting here and there trying to help out, but I haven't added anything in my 2 most recent guides that are nowhere near completed and started them oh so long ago.

Exams and my season took a toll on me and now July will probably be my busiest month the whole year with a religious camp, programming camp, my birthday :D, tennis tournaments and lessons, and basketball games. So er, probably my busiest summer so far but uh what I got in August?

NOTHING. Everything is crumped up in my July and I gawt nothing August. My ideas are to sign up for a tennis camp for the first week and join the cross country team, so I run pre-season in Auguest. And I'll probably be hitting with the girls varsity tennis team pre-season when I can. Liek my summer or naw <3

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May 04, 2014

Redone Ra Guide!

Views: 1972 Greenevers
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Hey there members of Smite Fire! I just have basically redone my Ra guide with columns, new BB Coding, and better layouts! I would appreciate you to re=review it or if you haven't yet, review it and vote depending on whether you like it or not! A lot of the information has been cut down, and more to the point. IMO, it looks better and sounds better. What do you think?

LINK: Ra Guide

EDIT: I have recently been thinking of changing the title name to do something with the lyrics of Bad Romance ( ra-ra=ah=ah-aha..) you know... Any ideas?

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