September 22, 2014

One year anniversary

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So yeah, today marks my one year anniversary since I registered for these SmiteFire forums. I've been coming here longer than a year to check out guides, but a year ago today is when I decided to join the forums for discussions and shiz.

It's been a pretty fun year. I'm not the most social person here on SmiteFire in terms of having fun stories about playing matches with others around here or anything. I've never written a guide here, and I don't think I ever will. It took me a few months before I felt I was truly a part of this community, but SmiteFire has become a fun place to discuss this game and various other topics, so hopefully I am considered a decent part of this community.

Though, of course, what makes SmiteFire the fun place it is is the people. We may not have a **** ton of active members constantly posting, but those who do really do make this community a fun place to stay. So, might as well give some shout outs in honor of these people that make this community so fun:

MadDanny: I've played more Smite with Danny than anyone else here, and it's pretty much always a fun experience. Also seeing him on these forums, he's always a pretty entertaining guy.

Subzero008: Sub can be a pretty interesting person to discuss things with. Yeah, sometimes things can get a bit heated, though I've never had that happen, he's one of those people who will put a lot of thought into what's being discussed, which has made for some interesting discussions.

TormentedTurnip: TT is an all around fun guy. He's fun on these forums, he's fun in Skype, and he's fun to play Smite with. He's also very helpful and has done a lot to make this site what it is today.

HiFromBuddha: I don't talk to him much, and I don't know if I've ever played any Smite with him, but I do give him credit for writing some very well written guides that I used when I was just starting out Smite.

Raventhor: Another person whose guides helped me out a lot when I was first starting. Like TT, Raventhor has done a ton to make this site the way it is today. Very helpful and fun person.

UnknownPandr: Yet another person that made great guides that I have used. The Worgen game he started was a lot of fun. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but again, he's been very helpful for this site and been very fun on and off this site when I've seen him.

Pentargonite: He's a pretty new member compared to those I've listed above, but in the time he's been here, he's helped out so many people in answering their questions and helped out this site as an editor. I've only played a few matches in Smite with him before, but I definitely had fun and look forward to hopefully jumping into some more matches with him in the future.

I'm going to have to stop here with particular shout outs because there's just too many great people here, but there are so many others worth mentioning, like BestMinionEver, Jordenito, Nex The Slayer, Mowen, Aphnex, M4XiiMUS, Firraria, All4Games, ICEN, Greenevers, and anyone else reading this, you're worth mentioning too. Sorry if I didn't add you in particular by name, but again, there are so many, that it would take a lot longer than I want to spend.

So, thanks to you all for making this year here a fun one, and looking forward to spending a lot longer here.