December 06, 2014

A new life long project

Views: 1602 SoapSuds
So I never do a New Year's Resolution because I'm just not a fan of them. I mean, if I want/need to do something, I've never felt the need to wait until the New Year to acknowledge that and get on it. Although, I did promise a friend as one I would try out League again since she's a huge fan of it, so meh.

Anyway, despite this, I came up with an idea that I will start doing on the first of January of next year. I'm going to give each year a theme (maybe more if I need), and every day of that year, I'm going to learn something based off of that theme. I am going to write about it and pack it away in a folder so that by the end of the year, I will have 365/366 entries. I have a few ideas of what I want to do each year, such as one year being all about geography/learning about every country/territory. I spend a lot of time reading and doing research on different things, so that won't change, but I think it would be pretty cool to do this every day and write about it.

For my first year, I decided to do something fun and something that I'm pretty excited to do. I am going to spend this coming year learning and writing about deities and figures from various mythologies, possibly events as well, since I've always loved mythology and a lot of my free time involves Smite and these things anyway. I may or may not put a sub-theme for every month, such as Greek one month, Norse the next, Egyptian afterward. Still need to figure that out. I'll definitely be doing every god/goddess we have in Smite now down to some of the more obscure gods/goddesses that I may not be able to find much about, such as Oizys. Either way, I'm really looking forward to getting this project started.

Like I said, I'm planning on making this something I do every day of every year, hopefully for the rest of my life. I figure living in the age of the internet, it doesn't take long at all to learn things. Hell, I've learned more on my own than I ever did in High School, so making it a goal to learn something and write about it every day shouldn't be too much to handle.

Definitely looking forward to starting this off.