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ThePerfectPrism's Blog
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January 05, 2016

I need your opinion guys !

Views: 2257 ThePerfectPrism
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ACandleInTheWind  |  E=MC²  |  Gmod  |  HALP  |  MyYoutubeChannel  |  P's Science Club  |  Paladins  |  Stuff  |  WhyNot  |  YuGiOh
So I need a ( sincere ! ) opinion about how I should proceed with my Youtube Channel this is.
( Ofc school will come first, you guys know the situation. )

What are my thoughts :

1- Make it a SMITE-only channel, posting a video each 2 days, about anything SMITE related. ( God Origins, Builds, and a series I've been working on, "Smite Factors" )

2- Make it a channel for Paladins and SMITE, posting videos each 2 days, having to upload 2 videos (AT LEAST) of both contents.

3- Same as number 2, but adding some funny footage from others games + deleted footage from the main games (bloopers), however, the bloopers / funny footage will sometimes take the place from the main games.

Or something else ! What do you guys think ?

PS : I think the obvious best of 'em all is number 3, but I think number 2 is easier, but I don't really know so I need help.

PS2: Also, what should I do in the matter of "streaming".

1.1 -> Stream once a week, and for a long duration
2.2 -> Stream twice a week, wi…
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December 24, 2015
I guess you're all wandering what I got, eh ?

90k Views on my Athena guide. 38k Views on my Nu Wa guide, 28k Views on my Chiron guide, 26k Views on my Aphrodite guide and 20k Views on my Bastet guide. Aside from my Athena Jungle guide ( which is very specific and ofc won't draw much attention ) ALL OF MY GUIDES HAVE PASSED THE 20K VIEWS IN MY 7 MONTHS OF ACTIVITY !

I want to thank all of you community members out there that seek for help or that seek to aid ppl. Without you we wouldn't be able to improve the gameplay ppl have on Smite. We all know we don't get lots and lots of comments, but our numbers show us that ppl out there used our knowledge, for good or for evil.


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December 14, 2015

Want a random future ?

Views: 975 ThePerfectPrism
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!!!  |  level  |  lol  |  max  |  random

So youtube, with this year's Rewind, decided to do this "time machine" where it leads you to "alternative universes", in which 2 channels that appeared in the Rewind 2015. In my first try I got IHasTheorists ( IHasCupquake + GT ) And it was quite random. On my SECOND try, I got TheoristsPews ( Pewdiepie + GT ) and I decided to show that option to you guys, hence why the link

Now, go have fun exploring random *** futures !!!! ^^

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December 01, 2015

Beautiful FCE ... Thank You Cambridge

Views: 1224 ThePerfectPrism
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So I'm typing this at school , on my cellphone so try to look past the grammar mistakes ( Lookin' at you bran and GameGeek )

I just finished an exam from Cambridge, and it's called FCE ( First Certificate in English ) and I think I'll get the certificate, with a B or A grade result (175 +)

It was EXHAUSTING the faction of this exam. 4 parts, 3 of 'em from 8 AM -> 12 AM with the 4th part being from 2:30 PM -> 2:52 PM . But it was worth it !

I wanted to share this achiviement/ with you guys !


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November 27, 2015

It was a blast

Views: 2798 ThePerfectPrism
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I just want to start saying Thank You All, for you amazing support, out amazing interacttions, and for making my life better

So let's get down to the topic of this blog

I've been ... reproved...

I'm tearing up as I'm writting this. I know that many people go through this experience and whatever, but this experience is happening in a unfair scenario for me.

My school has 1 rulling about reproving : If you get 4 or + subjects that you need a special avalation to pass the grade, they automatically reprove you.

And I needed 5 of those.

I've worked hard for the past year to work out on three, but things went out of control and I landed on this piece of ****.

But, there's worse.

I'm afraid I won't be seeing anyway here... anytime soon...

I'll try to be on my cellphone, but trust that my guide production will go to zero next year. It'll be even lucky if I get a single guide out next year, since my mom is going to leave my only PC somewhere I won't have access to at all ( Most likely…
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ThePerfectPrism's Tags
Prism's Life FirstBlog NothingMuchToSayReal Athena Hooray ! Answers Bad Juju Why Aphrodite Congrats! Ratatoskr Nike IamPrism IamTooGoodForTheDevT IamRockstar Pleasedon'tlookintom Solobek Taleniscute BaRRaissupercute FemFatalisthequeen Zilbythemysteriouski femthequeen zilbythesexyking wolfmanarachne IISROCKSTAR YesImcopyingWolf Idfc I<3aphro femimissyou ucute Taliscute aphro ode whynot sure whatevah BritSpearsCircus Iwon'trun outof tags P's Science Club Shamelessly #stolefromzilby imissyoufem IamRockstart Ducksrock god concep hybrid mage support I thank you Godpack tomorrow bby RIP yaaay Hi ZilbyPlea PlaySmiteWithMe StukeTalkToMe DucksIsSickT_T FemIsMIA ButImMaking ANewGuide !!! PleaseNoHate SeriousBusiness LoveYouAll YAYME GodWillHelpYouAll HaveFaith TomorrowIsABetterDay Must You Downvote My Chiron Guide Other Makers ... Yay random max level lol ThankYouAll LoveForBaethena MyYoutubeChannel HALP ACandleInTheWind E=MC² YuGiOh Paladins Gmod Stuff ._. IWatchHPSince1999 wow JustNoticed Wow. ThankYou IfIWasAGurl HAII ILoveStarWars Imeaaaaan welp HalpPls APHRODITE MY BAE aphrosolo HOOZAH amazing love zilbking I'll#Everything ohhaio FINALLYYYY Nov8th ez gg tryandrun zoom sadasasdgdsgasd PersonalStuff Sowwy PleaNoHate LuvUAll yus reasonception Healing rant trend smf meme trollingbran hibran himom omg personal writing community spotlight NOT A SINGLE PRINGLE alive well college guides update prism pris matches hera cerb ama guan poems translated busy so busy much busy please excuse me i miss ya'll rpg ttrpg elatus yeah

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