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ThePerfectPrism's Blog
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June 07, 2017

Well Hello

Views: 5209 ThePerfectPrism
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I'm such a good Veteran that I lost my password and couldn't reset it for some reason. Therefore I couldn't access my account till I saw there was a "Social Media Login" so I used my G+ Account. yay.

So what have I been up to ? Studying, studying, and studying. Lsat time I booted up a game AND ACTUALLY PLAYED IT was like a month ago. So many tests and essays to hand in. I also am LOVING LOVING LOVING AND LOVING Halsey's Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.

Looking foward to Witness, out on friday.


PS: I have a so if anyone of ya'll use it, I make really bad ones so you can laught at my face and find some joy in your life for a few seconds. @leolara99 <3

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April 07, 2017

13 Reasons Why I love 13 Reasons Why

Views: 1942 ThePerfectPrism
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reasonception  |  yus

2. Gives a great mystery to why is the protagonist involved, and entertwines this mystery to a bigger conspiracy plot againts Hannah.

3. Talks about how Friendships are fragile and how people can misunderstand people.

4. Shows how much humans go to have their "perfect image"

5. Talks about suicide, which is a very sensitive topic, in a different way.

6. Shows how we all feel to loose a loved one, and, for Clay, to loose a loved one, and not knowing why.

7. You get attached to the characters as they slowly loose their ****.

8. Using old technology to keep this "information" alive and safe.

9. Not only talks about suicide, but also a lot of problems teenagers have nowadays, like alcoholism, drug use, useless parents (**** YOU JUSTIN'S MOM!).

10. Talks about how, no matter how many times you do the right thing, you'll always be judged by that 1 wrong thing you did (Sheri).

11. Hey Helmet.

12. Gave me a **** ton of quotes and memes to use. Quo…
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March 07, 2017

Guide Critics and other stuff

Views: 3228 ThePerfectPrism
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*ALERT* This is going to be long, and there will be some parts in portuguese. I'm expecting this to be around 200 lines or so, maybe more.

So, to start things out, I promised I would do this :

If you participated in the guide contest/wants some north/directions for your guide, please PM me so I can give you a more detailed and "personal" review (Cuz in a PM I can be more bold cuz you asked for it ;)). I can give advice from on almost pretty much everything, except how to write, cuz that's yo teacher's job.

Now, before we start the 2nd reason for the publishing of this blog....

If you want to follow me on Twitter/Instagram (Won't share my Facebook cuz I don't post much stuff there and it's more family-related and I won't post english **** there cuz everyone calls me a show off when I do) , @ThePerfectPrism and leolara_08 . I post more english-related stuff over at Twitter, but on Instagram you can follow me more up-close I guess lul. (ALSO, BEFORE SOME JUDGE MC JUDGES *BRAN* START C…
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February 05, 2017

Updates on my guides.

Views: 1182 ThePerfectPrism
I normally don't post these.

I've never posted a blogpost like this, actually.

And the tille is a bit misleading, cuz it's not the only thing I'm talking about in this blogpost.

As some of you know, I write as a hobbie. My guides are a way to practice that Hobbie. And I've decided to try and do something more... ambicious with my Hobbie...

So I'm writting a medieval story. click here to read it. Please give me feedback !

Now, about the guides itself.

I'm updating them all after the split.

Mainly cuz I haven't played smite since new years, I THINK. main reason is that I went travelling + Friends that wanna play Paladins/Rocket League + Me re-playing Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2/ Mass Effect 3 for the 100000000 time.

Oh and school as well.

So prob. I need to find time to play the game agian.


That's about it.

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January 12, 2017

What's your SMITEFire Zoom "Distance" ?

Views: 3056 ThePerfectPrism
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So, if you don't know, most web browsers have Zoom options, in which you can zoom in/out of a page, which alters picture size, letter size, and things like that. Default option is 100% Zoom.

I personally use 75% Zoom on SmiteFire, cuz 100% and 90% looks too much "in my face" and 80% just doesn't please me for some reason, and 75% looks great to me, even tho it shouldn't cuz I have to wear glasses and without them I need to squeeze my eyes to even be able to read anything.

What's your SmiteFire Zoom, and what do you think of my zoom ? (To zoom in/our, hold Left Control and use Mouse WHeel) I hope you like it !


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Prism's Life FirstBlog NothingMuchToSayReal Athena Hooray ! Answers Bad Juju Why Aphrodite Congrats! Ratatoskr Nike IamPrism IamTooGoodForTheDevT IamRockstar Pleasedon'tlookintom Solobek Taleniscute BaRRaissupercute FemFatalisthequeen Zilbythemysteriouski femthequeen zilbythesexyking wolfmanarachne IISROCKSTAR YesImcopyingWolf Idfc I<3aphro femimissyou ucute Taliscute aphro ode whynot sure whatevah BritSpearsCircus Iwon'trun outof tags P's Science Club Shamelessly #stolefromzilby imissyoufem IamRockstart Ducksrock god concep hybrid mage support I thank you Godpack tomorrow bby RIP yaaay Hi ZilbyPlea PlaySmiteWithMe StukeTalkToMe DucksIsSickT_T FemIsMIA ButImMaking ANewGuide !!! PleaseNoHate SeriousBusiness LoveYouAll YAYME GodWillHelpYouAll HaveFaith TomorrowIsABetterDay Must You Downvote My Chiron Guide Other Makers ... Yay random max level lol ThankYouAll LoveForBaethena MyYoutubeChannel HALP ACandleInTheWind E=MC² YuGiOh Paladins Gmod Stuff ._. IWatchHPSince1999 wow JustNoticed Wow. ThankYou IfIWasAGurl HAII ILoveStarWars Imeaaaaan welp HalpPls APHRODITE MY BAE aphrosolo HOOZAH amazing love zilbking I'll#Everything ohhaio FINALLYYYY Nov8th ez gg tryandrun zoom sadasasdgdsgasd PersonalStuff Sowwy PleaNoHate LuvUAll yus reasonception Healing rant trend smf meme trollingbran hibran himom omg personal writing community spotlight NOT A SINGLE PRINGLE alive well college guides update prism pris matches hera cerb ama guan poems translated busy so busy much busy please excuse me i miss ya'll rpg ttrpg elatus yeah

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