October 13, 2017

I played four games of conquest with some of my buddies recently.

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conquest  |  meme  |  failure  |  washed up player  |  gamesux  | 
"ok, who bought Chronos pendant" *four people * "I did" -game where we all thought Chronos pendant was broken, we were quickly proven wrong.

*Victory Screech* "dude, did we actually take a tower?" - game where I got too tryhard

"Guys, can I Yeet on 'em? I'm yeeting on them now." -Hitting that He Bo y33t

*my solo laner laugh spams as herc * "guys, I'm home" -Just playing that good 'ol classic meme

"ok, stop doing that" *waterspouts, taking a kill* "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed." -same He Bo game

"Bro, why are you just standing there?" *weepingly* "this game is just so beautiful you know..." -First game, we forgot how nice the graphics were.

"How did you touch me like that?" "Touch you like what?" "GUYS STOP TOUCHING EACH OTHER WE'RE TAKING FG" -touchy touchy

"I didn't know He Bo was black" -apparently he's black, I thought he was purple

"How many kills do you think you'll get this game?" "Dude, I'll be lucky if I get three..." -I got 5 :D

"How hard do you want to meme this game guys." "How hard are we all right now?" "Rock hard then," -we went hard

"I forgot what Kephri Ult did." -Washed up Pro support player

"What's an ADC do again?" -Washed up adc player