January 24, 2017

Probably the meta for season 4

Views: 1935 UberHaxorBuscus
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Meta  |  season 4  |  lanes  |  laning  |  early game  |  mid game  |  late game
So, season 4 is a thing

Season four has brought a major change in the meta with the entire jungle spawning at 30 seconds. I see this as an opportunity to switch up the buff meta. Instead, I would reccomend going to your lane, with the jungler going to either mid or solo lane (team's choice).

One thing that you should do is consider the new purple buff, it now provides penetrations within an area, this will be a major burgle oppertunity for the jungler, providing a huge buff to the mid or solo lane along with ganking and boxing potential.

Another thing to consider are the Goldies and the Portal daemon. Those two objectives change the entire game very quickly to make the game more one-sided. Goldies give a bit of gold, and if you kill both of them you gain vision over the Gold Fury. The Portal daemon provides instant teleportation between the fountain and the Fire giant, as of right now this hugely affects the game, because you can travel both ways through the portal, nearly removing the need to back in the solo and mid lane.

How I expect the Meta to develop,
Go to lane
At 00:30 go to buff camps and clear, mid laner goes late due to the jungler and solo laner clearing the speed and mana buffs and the importance of the pen buff. ( would say head there at 00:35-00:50 due to variations of camp clear in ADCs and Supports.
Mid laner returns to lane
Supports, ADCs, and Junglers/Mid laners rotate to the Goldies and fight over them.
After the Goldies have been contested, everyone returns to lane and the Jungler starts jungle farming.
Do buffs again, also repeat goldies contest, but now with or without the jungler or mid laner.
Take towers
Take the first gold fury
Take the Portal Daemon
Do purple and Speed buffs again
Take Fire Giant
Take Towers/Teamfights/farm
Win game?

This is at least how I see the game going, The updating builds is going to be the hard part
:( FeeldBadMan