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UberHaxorBuscus's Blog
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October 13, 2017
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 |  conquest  |  failure  |  gamesux  |  meme  |  washed up player
"ok, who bought Chronos pendant" *four people * "I did" -game where we all thought Chronos pendant was broken, we were quickly proven wrong.

*Victory Screech* "dude, did we actually take a tower?" - game where I got too tryhard

"Guys, can I Yeet on 'em? I'm yeeting on them now." -Hitting that He Bo y33t

*my solo laner laugh spams as herc * "guys, I'm home" -Just playing that good 'ol classic meme

"ok, stop doing that" *waterspouts, taking a kill* "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed." -same He Bo game

"Bro, why are you just standing there?" *weepingly* "this game is just so beautiful you know..." -First game, we forgot how nice the graphics were.

"How did you touch me like that?" "Touch you like what?" "GUYS STOP TOUCHING EACH OTHER WE'RE TAKING FG" -touchy touchy

"I didn't know He Bo was black" -apparently he's black, I thought he was purple

"How many kills do you think you'll get this game?" "Dude, I'll be lucky if I get three..." -I got 5 :D

"How hard do you want to meme thi…
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May 18, 2017

I quit smite

Views: 4460 UberHaxorBuscus
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 |  game  |  Quitting  |  smite  |  social
I don't play smite anymore. Why?

-The smite team doesn't put out patches that are good, fair, or even remotely ballanced
-The smite community is so toxic it makes me question my sadism levels.
-Competitively the game is focused on like, three or four players that nobody can beat. (Incon, BaRRA, Zapman)
-I hate winning over and over again, i just wanna go back to playing for fun and not needing to care about winning or maintaining my WR.
-I don't want to donate time for this game anymore.
-SoloQ is broken and you can't 5 man for comp.
-They abandoned the concept of rituals*
-I can't learn anything anymore besides item/hero changes.
-I'm not playing with the pros anymore.

*while I agree that combat blink was broken, i would have though that they would've added dust and smoke like in DOTA, which is a beautiful mechanic that they failed to implement and I was very sad 'bout that.

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February 16, 2017

More Uber quotes

Views: 1696 UberHaxorBuscus
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game  |  IGL  |  Quote  |  speed

I can't tell if there are two thors in the game or if we're using the Morrigan or if they are. - a confused boy

You doubt my power?!- first time cabroken meme build

Agni is an early game god, you'll be fine - messing with the noobs

Just roll with it - Geb

Shut up, i hear a Freya *HYAAHS in the distance-

So are mid camps not a thing anymore? - Pro jungler

*team is all mages 'welcome to smite, a ballanced game' -

*dies once team: OMGSOBADKYSNERD me: it's nice to know that smite players aren't like low priority dota players -

Don't worry guys, I'm drunk - playing Bacchus

*shrieks in terror 'IT'S CUPID' - game against an entire enemy healing comp

Did you know that Bacchus moves faster than most other guardians? 'Oh you know what we gotta do now' *max move speed Bacchus ensues-

'Don't worry guys, I've got him' *misses pull 'Nevermind, apparently my arms suck' - Sylvanus

'I love how paladins uses completely original models' *sees Grover 'THAT IS LITERALLY SYLVANUS'

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January 24, 2017

Probably the meta for season 4

Views: 1935 UberHaxorBuscus
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early game  |  lanes  |  laning  |  late game  |  Meta  |  mid game  |  season 4
So, season 4 is a thing

Season four has brought a major change in the meta with the entire jungle spawning at 30 seconds. I see this as an opportunity to switch up the buff meta. Instead, I would reccomend going to your lane, with the jungler going to either mid or solo lane (team's choice).

One thing that you should do is consider the new purple buff, it now provides penetrations within an area, this will be a major burgle oppertunity for the jungler, providing a huge buff to the mid or solo lane along with ganking and boxing potential.

Another thing to consider are the Goldies and the Portal daemon. Those two objectives change the entire game very quickly to make the game more one-sided. Goldies give a bit of gold, and if you kill both of them you gain vision over the Gold Fury. The Portal daemon provides instant teleportation between the fountain and the Fire giant, as of right now this hugely affects the game, because you can travel both ways through the portal, nearly removing …
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January 11, 2017

My expectations for season 4.

Views: 1846 UberHaxorBuscus
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 |  expectations  |  Gameplay  |  HRX  |  map design  |  Season 4
So, Season 4 was announced recently.

I hope to god they change the duel map as well as the conquest map again. Really, the early season 3 map was pretty great, but it could have used a few graphical enhancements. I hope we get to see an aesthetics change from season 3 to 4. The introduction of more invisibility heroes as well as The Morrigan brings a huge strategy element into the game now. The ability to go invisible with mechanics like the smoke of illusion in DOTA 2 will probably be coming to smite. This will bring a massive element of strategy into the game.

Back on The Morrigan, I see what you did there Hi-Rez... You just wanted a copy of Rubik from DOTA didn't you, Well I think you did a good job bringing that type of mechanic to smite, ya done good dog, ya done good.

I would like to see item changes to both the solo lane as well as ADC to make it more incentivized for ADCs to get kills. You could change Soul Eater's mechanic to only work on gods and get a buff to god damage f…
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