January 11, 2017

My expectations for season 4.

Views: 1846 UberHaxorBuscus
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Season 4  |  Gameplay  |  expectations  |  map design  |  HRX  | 
So, Season 4 was announced recently.

I hope to god they change the duel map as well as the conquest map again. Really, the early season 3 map was pretty great, but it could have used a few graphical enhancements. I hope we get to see an aesthetics change from season 3 to 4. The introduction of more invisibility heroes as well as The Morrigan brings a huge strategy element into the game now. The ability to go invisible with mechanics like the smoke of illusion in DOTA 2 will probably be coming to smite. This will bring a massive element of strategy into the game.

Back on The Morrigan, I see what you did there Hi-Rez... You just wanted a copy of Rubik from DOTA didn't you, Well I think you did a good job bringing that type of mechanic to smite, ya done good dog, ya done good.

I would like to see item changes to both the solo lane as well as ADC to make it more incentivized for ADCs to get kills. You could change Soul Eater's mechanic to only work on gods and get a buff to god damage for the ADCs, or you could change crusher to have more physical power and a little bit of defense for the solo laners.

I think we are going to get a bit more emphasis on the newer gods soon, and right into season 4. Maybe there will be free god pack giveaways, or some kind of mass collection of free gods for a short period of time in order to make it more of a motivation for us to spend our money on Smite, which is 100% worth it by the way, if you want to play competitively, i would almost instantly reccomend the god pack, it is the greatest amount of worth in the entire game store, you get every god that comes out, as well as all of the other gods, is prefect.

In the end, I hope to see Season 4 come out with something that changes the meta a bit, because I'm kind of tired of the stale type of boring old meta that we have now.

