Hello my friends,
Today is a special day, I finally have my own Art :3
Since I created my youtube channel, I was always thinking about the art since I can't draw any ****. A subscriber talked with me and he said he had some friend artists that could help me with that. Then we created a special discord channel to talk about it. We talked a lot and I ended up saying my favorite "god" from the game is
Ratatoskr and my name a reference to the "super-hero" Mysterion:
So the amazing artist, the
@Hadassa_arts (follow her on Instagram pls) used her creative and awesome mind and hands to draw a mix of ratatoskr and mysterion!!!!
But we thought and worked a lot before she did it. Here are some original concepts:

the arts

"Ratatoskr Shippuden" lol.

First concept of what would be the final art

First Stages
And our work is not done yet, we still working on new stuffs that sooner I can bring here too

So, in the end I DO …
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