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xmysterionz's Blog
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December 10, 2018

A good game recomendation

Views: 1467 xmysterionz
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 |  but  |  fractured  |  park  |  south  |  the  |  whole  |  xbox
This black Friday I saw a good discount on South Park: The fractured but whole (hehehe)("A fenda que abunda força" in Portuguese) and I decided to buy it, I payed something around 64 reais (something around 15 dollars) with all DLCs.

I'm suspect to say it 'cause I'm a really fan of this cartoon (you can see it by name :p) but man, what a good game. This game fixed all the "The stick of truth" flaws (such as the poor combat system and quick campaign) with a very cool and funny campaign (less funny than stick, but still funny), a well made combat system that is pure tactic in high difficulties and nice characters with all good personalities (except toolshed).

I REALLY recommend you play this game sometime in your life, probably one of the best games I've played in my life. Just put the advice that the humor used in the game is kinda..."strong", just like south park is. Worth every cent I paid.

Here is some cool screenshots I took (there are spoilers)

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December 05, 2018

Smite new menu design

Views: 2125 xmysterionz
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design  |  menu  |  smite
Hi rez didn't say they will update the menus design on patch 5.22, but they did and I liked this new design. Much more simpler and helpful. I wasn't able to test if it is functional, but I do like it.


Something they should change now is the main menu theme. Looks like a copy of Overwatch menu. They should return the old menu that stayed only 2 weeks.

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November 27, 2018

Smite meme: That feeling...

Views: 1512 xmysterionz
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curious creature  |  ratatoskr  |  skin  |  smite

I guess everyone passed through this.

Me was this skin

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October 30, 2018

Calling all BBCode masters

Views: 2934 xmysterionz
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bbcode  |  smite
Hello people and programmers,
Today I want some help with BBCode.

Nowadays I'm using this signature:

Is there some way to link each guide to the guide page?
Thank you for everyone that answer trying to help :)

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October 08, 2018

Pausing with Smite

Views: 2085 xmysterionz
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4  |  Forza  |  Horizon  |  Smite
I'm not being so active recently because I'm appreciating this masterpiece that is Forza Horizon 4.

If someone here loves cars and has a Xbox One (or a good PC) this is a game you MUST play.

Everything in this game is ridiculously beautiful (and I play in the normal xbox one (the fat)), and it's open world so you can explore a big map in U.K.

The gameplay is awesome (as usual in Forzas) now focusing in normal races, off-road races and street races (illegal and with transit).

The seasons changes are awesome makes you feel you are playing a complete new game. The colors in fall, the snow in winter, the trees in spring and the rain in summer, everything BEAUTIFUL! GORGEOUS!

Plus you also have some radios that play awesome music too! You have, drums, rock, indie, electronic...

Even you don't like racing games, try Forza Horizon 4, IT'S AWESOME. And it's free for people that has gamepass (just like me :P).

Take these two pictures in two different seasons that I took


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