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March 24, 2014
+Rep | Report

See that Jaraxxus and Alexstraza? Damn Thought Steal. You love me don't you? xP

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March 23, 2014
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..... I can't win a game......... Too much noobs........
I'm at level 30 and i keep having very bad teams...... Wrost ones are the ones who don't know english... GO TO UREPOEN SERVERS DAMMIT...... I tried ranked but i always have to go support and i hate it and i can't use my support nu in ranked.... Is there a way of getting good team exept ranked dammit, it's pissing me off. HELP. I DON'T WANNA QUIT, BUT II'L HAVE TO IF THIS WILL KEEP GOING...... I didn't won a game for 2 days now....

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March 22, 2014
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does anyone have info on a good bakasura duo lane/ solo lane build???

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March 21, 2014

Loki Guide

Views: 1567 RampageRiley
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This is my first guide guide, and it is on my favorite god Loki.

Please feel free to input you constructive criticism and let me know what I can do better.

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March 21, 2014
+Rep | Report
What happened?

i posted the "top 5 best play smite video #41" on my off topic thread check mate. U can check the video from my signature. Its a must watch for wukong and ra!! brilliance. Hifrombudhha deleted the post as well as locked the thread.

- I had no issues if hifrombuddha deleted that post and told me to post it on a new thread.
- I never had issues at all if that thread was removed in the first place.
- Check Mate is not just related to chess but its like sayin "check this mate"
- Everything got resolved and was calm with the thread at the point when it was locked.
- I strongly disliked the manner in which Buddha used his authority.
- I like cricket, football, movies, FPS and strategy games, puzzles, politics, etc so should I discuss all of them by making separate threads. Anime Discussion thread has amused me a lot every time I see it I say oh god not again what a ****. ( Though I like animes, it has no relevance with smite). and who is most prolific there hifrombuddha!

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March 18, 2014
+Rep | Report
Okay so I got lucky and got a closed beta key a long time ago for Smite, I played a few matches and didn't really like it, also my old computer didn't really like it to much. However I have a much better setup now and I'm looking to get back into the game. I am also in DawnGate, and was in Infinite Crisis before it went open, I am mostly active over on the League side of Mobafire, but I plan on being more active over here on SmiteFire and DotaFire as well (^_^")

I look forward to getting to know everyone here on SmiteFire.

A few questions I have though

1 Is there a set meta in Smite?

2 What are the 3-5 must know how to play God's

3 May I have a cookie?

4. Who are some good people to watch on Twitch to learn the game?

5. what may I do to help you guys out I have 1800 some odd posts over on the League Side of Mobafire

Also I plan to spend a lot of time on Smite I just bought the Ultimate God pack so I have all Champions unlocked so I'm good to go on that.

Overall I plan on play…
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March 17, 2014
+Rep | Report
And... another one of my dogs is dead. Just as I got my new puppy which makes 3 of them. The one that I had for a year now is gone.... Just Fantastic. Fabulous. ****.

Really ****ING unfair. God. Well now I'm angry. It seems that 3 is our unlucky number when it comes to dogs. If there is an animal god up there. **** you. Just...

I'm mad. :/

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March 17, 2014
+Rep | Report
Ok so we have one more week until Smite fully launches. I'm partly excited.... or not.

I've only been playing Smite from about January (Chaac patch). I'm currently lvl 23 (halfway to 24) and i'm not so sure if i can get to lvl 30 before the end of the beta.

Seriously, they still need to stay in Beta a bit longer. Smite still crashes a lot, matchmaking sucks,lots of bugs, and the occassional disconnect (the community, though, is not. Love you guys no ****.)

Oh how i really want that cacodemon ymir skin.....

Edit : Another server down time. Good bye cacodemon skin :(

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March 16, 2014
+Rep | Report
I give up. Clearly, some divine force does not want me to play Bastet jungle. First match, laggy and two DCs. Second, 1 DC. Third, this.

I just had a match with the most stupid morons on the history of the planet. These kinds of idiots are what matchmaking is supposed to keep out, in theory.

You know the term, "Pentakill?" These guys got Penta-KILLED. I wish it was a joke.

Giving first blood within two minutes, dying five ****ing times by five minutes. They never ****ing grouped, they never ****ing did anything.

Artemis never ****ing grouped, always went off by herself, attacking ****ing jungle minions and lane minions while it was a 5v3 battle right ****ing next to her. She hit with about 10% of her basic attacks, because she could only hit people after using her ultimate. Fire Giant was being attacked, and she went off to attack the Gold Fury, even though Wukong and Ares were right next to the FG, waiting for her.

Ares never ****ing grouped, always went off by herself. He'd be b…
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March 16, 2014
+Rep | Report
First post in the new blog XD.

I'll be posting stuff about what i'm currently thinking. Of Smite. Of life. Of people.
There's a saying in my country : "Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit". One at a time and you'll get a mountain.

Nice seeing you all here.


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