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March 16, 2014
+Rep | Report

Hey guys!

So this morning I hit 1000 subs and just wanted to say a big thank you to all of those that used to follow me and still do! I've managed to save on to a lil Alienware Ra skin for you guys :D You DON'T need to sub or anything, just drop a comment in my channel discussion page. Any comment, like literally feel free to shout abuse at me if you want, ill give you a Ra skin for it :P (a random story would be entertaining). Ill collect up all the names, wack them in a random selector and announce a winner in the next vid I make! Thank you guys!

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March 15, 2014
+Rep | Report
So My Vamana jungle guide is almost complete, but I've been having some trouble with:
A. My lack of interest in playing SMITE (this will probably not be explained why).
B. Taking screenshots in SMITE.

So I'm getting back on SMITE temporarily to play some Vamana jungle so I can get some proof that is actually works pretty good. My computer is capable of doing many things, although recording isn't one of them so don't expect any Videos on my guide. But how does one simply take a screen shot in SMITE? Help is appreciated, and expect a Vamana guide soon!

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March 11, 2014
+Rep | Report
Ugh. I've finally updated my Jungler's Handbook. I'm sorry for not doing it sooner.

For the next few days, I'll be updating my guides. I'll try to never let them become this stale again.

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March 09, 2014
+Rep | Report

Hey guys


So ive noticed there is a lot of amazing smite art, but what I haven't seen as much, is comic art. That could be because there isn't really an obvious place to go and see them. Well, ahhhaarrrrr! I'm planning (depending on how many submissions I receive) to post the submissions I get twice a week (or so) to a Facebook page! All in one place in a regular basis for people to see! Oh and with links to the original artists pages!

So if you are interested, email me your pieces to [email protected] and lets see if we can get this going!

If you could drop an up vote over at Reddit it would be a MASSIVE help as it helps this post get seen by more people, more people that see it the more chance of something good coming out of it ^^
Reddit Link

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March 06, 2014
+Rep | Report
Ok so I've been loving Scylla. I'm close to mastery (will leave me at a CLEAN rank 50), and I feel she definitely works very well as a glass cannon one-shot mage. I'm not going to publish it until I test heavily, possibly leaving me too far behind on the curve with other guides being homepaged quicker, but I've never been one to skim on quality for quickness. Even if only one person sees the guide, at least I know that person will see the effort I put into it.

This isn't an empty promise like my Nemesis guide was either. I just noticed too many very detailed, very good nemesis guides, and didn't feel a need to create one.

Stay tuned :)

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March 06, 2014
+Rep | Report
I have finished my Chang'e Arena Guide! Chang'e - The Dancing Arena

Sadly enough, I don't have as many cheesy puns and lines as I have on my Vulcan Guide. It isn't my best work so far, to say the least. I'm not TT, I'm no Arena expert.

I think it's time for me to make a general guide. I have already made a guide for each role in Conquest (F*** you, support role), and as you probably know, one guide to arena. I want to do a Conquest one, seeing that we already have a general guide for Arena, BBcoding, guides, league etc. I'm just not sure if Sub or anyone else is currently working on a general Conquest guide.

I would love if you guys told me all of your tips & tricks about Conquest, so that I could gather them up and add them to what I know of Conquest. (of course not obvious tips).

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March 05, 2014


Views: 1923 arka222
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March 05, 2014

Extra ESO key.

Views: 2589 MadDanny
+Rep | Report
The title says it all. Anyone want one?

Then here's the deal. Make me laugh. Give me a joke. Any kind of joke. I'm open to ALL kinds. Be it Racist (As long as it's funny and not too mean) and other's.

To be fair. You can only post one joke. The hardest laugh I can make at someone's joke is the winner!

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March 05, 2014
+Rep | Report
  • So yesterday morning (on my birthday *cough*), I received a phone call of my brother basically saying that today he is supposed to be shooting a music vid ready for TV that needs to be done by Monday. I thought right cool, good luck with that. Until he asked me to fill in for the guy they originally had booked... OH ****!
  • The guys are only available today for the shoot, I've managed to get my hands on a camera and im heading over to pick him up in 10 minutes or so. Problem is, THEY DON'T HAVE ANY IDEAS OR A LOCATION/STUDIO EVEN BOOKED OUT!... OH ****
  • Yup so I need to produce this, direct this and then edit it all at TV quality all before Monday... OH ****!

    Wish me luck guys!

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March 04, 2014
+Rep | Report
Hello, I am Ragingstorm, many people do not know me, or at least know I'm just some random person among the forums passing by from time to time. But there are still some people. Some, who's heard of me from months past. Anyways, slowly and surely, I have inched my way back into Smitefire. And now, I leave a surprise....A sneak peek into what I will be working on. It is my time to make my official return.(Ignore the Nezha text please, I'm still working on the guide.)
For all of you who don't know who Kooch is, he is one of the best guidemakers in 2012, he had the highest rated/best Wukong and Guan Yu guides of this site. Or shall I say Hun Batz, since that's what many have been calling him ever since the change.

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