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April 09, 2019
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Hi so can someone give me feed back on my Merlin guide I’d really appreciate that . Thank u very much.

Guide has been updated and looks so much better now. Feel free to have another look at it and give me your feedback.

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April 08, 2019
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Let's play ranked I said to my friend, it will be fun, I sad:

Cupid 3/2/1 - First match and we got a troll, gg Awilix.

Agni 7/10/4 - Another troll, Bastet adc n Kuzenbo sup full damage (technically a mid), and to get even worst a Kali jungler, gg.

If I complain about picks on a casual match they say that it is not ranked and when it is a ranked?

Chernobog 11/9/12 - We lost 'cause Geb and Scylla were focused in get kills, mainly and specially this Geb instead help the team in teamfights.

Zhong Kui 6/4/11 - We lost 'cause Me and Terra had to carry 3 guys. Again, too much focus in kills. We lost 'cause Pele bought a fight against 3 guys alone, died, then Vulcan was a pure bot, died, and me and Terra were fighting alone against ALL THE 5 guys while Cernunnos just watched then obviously we died and he killed himself jumping into the five guys. GG, cancel that.

Kukulkan 9/1/11 - My first flawless victory in assault. They didn't even touche…
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April 02, 2019

Shout out

Views: 6346 Branmuffin17
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I haven't done one of these in a while but I'm drunk os I need to. Sorry for punctuation Grammar cuz whatever. Love you all.

BTW this is my current view.

  • boogiebSs--for trxting me in the middle of the day and saying "sorry just let me know when you're not busy so I can ask you something.

  • gulf- for being an even more surly old man than I am

  • vini-for giving me too much credit

  • pappsi-for having a crazier family that I can hear the entire time in the background making me want to mute you every single time

  • Kriega-for allowing me to close more reports than anyone else and having 0 respect for me which keeps me in line

  • dv8- for leaving me and maybe coming back

  • prism-for all the internal drama

  • ggf- for missing your kkk ult on the titan because you were being greedy and going for a kill leading ot us losing a hard fought joust match

  • taco-for being my most common partner for the last 4 years and making me feel like a noob with your high elo play

  • silent shell and luka-some

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March 31, 2019
+Rep | Report
Blog title inspiration Batmetal song

Hi all, guess who decided to try to return to smitefire again. Since i have been gone for pretty much more than a full year (seeing as my last message was beginning of november 2017) a lot here has probably changed (for one the whole look). So i wanted to start of by congratulating all new vets, editors, mods(?) and admins that have gotten promoted during my hiatus. Also since it's been such a long time i think a short reintroduction is in order.

So I'm Devampi and I'm from the Netherlands. I started playing smite several days (1-3) before it officially launched (RIP Ymir skin). I played till somewhere halfway beginning season 2. I started playing smite because i loved mythology during that time. I quickly found smitefire and ended up becoming an active member in the community. As my understanding and experience grew by both playing and reading, I became quite a helpful member.
The reason I stopped playing was because of the huge influx of toxicit…
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March 28, 2019
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This skin concept is created by me and only me. I will not release the concept art until it is done!

What describes a demon? You might say that a demon is an evil creature that lives in the depths of hell, and they sometimes rise up from the ground In the mortal world because of human activity. Well you may be correct, but have you heard of a demon possessing a mortal human? In some cases they don't last long, but the rarest of cases is when the demon takes hold of that body and calls it it's own.
Yes, this is exactly what happened to a poor mortal who was at the wrong place at just the right time...
A demonic ritual, above all accounts one of the biggest ritual you could ever lay eyes on, and to look upon it was the biggest mistake that changed the poor humans life, literally. This mortal was captured and held as the epicenter of the ritual.
Once the ritual was complete, a silence echoed throughout the walls, then the worshippers who held the ritual had their souls taken, …
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March 23, 2019

Been away

Views: 2062 Branmuffin17
+Rep | Report
Hi everyone. As an FYI haven't been doing much here, as I'm on an out of state beer league hockey tournament in Vegas. No pc on hand and I don't enjoy typing my typically long-winded comments on my phone. Should resume normal contributions Monday, depending on work load.

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March 22, 2019
+Rep | Report
I created a short jungle guide for beginners and I want to make it longer. I was forced to archive the guide and have been thinking about what to do next, if anybody has some suggestions please tell me, I want all of the people who look at my builds and guides to be satisfied with what I create.

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March 22, 2019
+Rep | Report
When HR make their update show but it passed almost 3 days and there are no Bran's thoughts:

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March 21, 2019
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It's been at "0MB remaining" for the last five hours now. Also, the percentage seems to be going down.

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March 16, 2019
+Rep | Report
As a special request for PirateShini, I will DNDify Izanami, Nemesis, and Ravana. The format will go as followed: Race, Class, Abilities, Background, Skills, Equipment
Note: This is not a 1-1 recreation, I took liberties in this and stuck as close to no homebrews as possible.

Character #1: Izanami

Race: Dark Elf
    The additional dark vision, the 2 to dexterity and 1 to charisma, proficiency with rapiers, short swords, and hand crossbows add a nice flavor and gives Iza a more underworld hunter feel.

Class: Ranger-Wizard
    This will be the first multi-class character I've made, while I'm not certain of when you'll multi-class yet, we'll roll with it. For your first class, you're gonna pick Ranger and go with the Gloom Stalker sub-class as it's the stealthiest and gives you advantages in dark places. Ask your DM where'll mostly be and who you're most likely going to be fighting as Rangers get advantages in Favored Terrain as well as against a certain type of enemy but for this sake, Izan

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