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March 11, 2019
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March 09, 2019
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Happy Birthday Bran!!! Everyone wish him a happy birthday.

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March 05, 2019
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Hi-rez: *creates a new God that is a big snake*



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March 04, 2019
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So, I don't think anyone knows about this, but while I was away from the whole SMITE scenario, I took up writing as a hobby. I started by trying to write my first book, and boy did I overvalue my ability to make it cohesive. While I did write about 10 chapters, all of which have 2k+ letters, I started another hobby, by accident: Writing poems.

The first poem I wrote, as a hobby, was a lovy-dovy really confusing and kinda bad poem for the boy I was dating at the moment. But, since that, I have honed my skill and started sharing it with friends and some strangers, even! I've mostly received praise as a feedback, however some people do point out things that they didn't like in the poem (Which 99% of the time matches what I didn't like about the poem either).

Nevertheless, I was on reddit (specificaly /r/ocPoems) and decided "You know what? I'm going to share some on SmiteFire" so here are some of my favorites + well-received poems.

Of course, keep in mind that these poems are translate…
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March 04, 2019
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I got into a match with Aphrodite being sure I’d get my first star with her, but when I returned to the menu, I found this:

How’s your day going, btw?

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March 04, 2019
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Not sure how many of you guys saw this but yesterday Dukesloth put out a video talking about the new highest DPS hunter build right now based on calculations by a reddit user named ImpishCoconut. (Reddit thread link for those dorks who wanna see those boring numbers.) The build is Silverbranch Bow (not for the passive just for the new buffed stats), Ninja Tabi, The Executioner, Qin's Sais, Bloodforge, and Odysseus' Bow. It seems to be really good from the few matches I've played with it, though those were arena matches and haven't tried it any other mode yet. Just curious what you guys think of this build

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March 02, 2019
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I hate crit items and/or builds. I simply hate them. When I see someone bulding crit items, I already label the person as an unexperienced/troll player.

Sure, there are some assassins ( Mercury, Serqet and Ne Zha) and some hunters ( Jing Wei, Artemis and some other few) that benefit from crit items/builds, but crit isn’t always the best choice, even for these gods.

I can’t understand the NEED some people have to build crit on EVERY ******* PHYSICAL GOD! No, Neith doesn’t work with crit, and Nemesis doesn’t either. And don’t get me started about Loki.

Am I wrong thinking like this? Is crit always viable for some gods? When sould I build crit and when should I build penetration?

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February 28, 2019
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Some of my top plays in Season 5

A big compilation of skills that I thought I would miss/moments I thought I would die but I hit it/got out alive

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February 23, 2019
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Okay, I don’t have a lot of experience with Warriors (I only play with Bellona and Nike), but why people say Nike is boring? Because her kit relies on her 2? Because she doesn’t deal a lot of damage?

Yeah, that’s true. But is that a bad thing? She becomes basically unkillable in her ult, can soak a lot of damage and can disrupt the enemy team with her leap and with Rend.

I honestly don’t understand why people say she’s boring. I’d like to hear some opinions.

(Also, check out my Nike builds please, I need feedback.)

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February 19, 2019
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Merlin. This god is way different than any other god in smite, he is a stance changer that has 3 STANCES. He has the power of Arcane, Fire, and Ice. The arcane stance is high damage, medium range, CC stance. The arcane abilities are hard to hit correctly so this stance is a little tricky. The fire stance is HIGH DAMAGE, short range, and pretty easy to hit. The 2 has a protection shred and combine that with magus the penetration is insane. the ice stance is more of Medium damage, Long range, CC. The ice stance has a slow and can have potentially high damage. the flicker in his kit is really handy if have fast enough reflexes you can escape CC abilities such as a terra wall. In the joust map, he can flicker in between the mana camps and is a nice escape if he needs it. So personally I think he is a good mage we added and will need some NERFS in the future.

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