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September 24, 2015
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So I think I hit a milestone, getting 30,000+ views on my Athena guide. Even thought that is not much if compared to some guides (cough cough Zilby's Bellona guide cough cough), I still feel VERY proud of myself, and for the SMITEfire community supporting me with it.

When I posted the Athena Guide, I read somewhere that Zilby said : I didn't post a Athena guide cuz of Setolino's guide. I said : You know what ? If one of the best guide makers of SMITEfire was scared just cuz Seto's guide was REALLY good ( Way better than mine ), I'll take that as my first challenge !

And so I did, and now I'm sitting with 30,619 views on it, my most viewed guide, followed by my Nu Wa guide, with 14k views.

I want to specially thank Zilby for /Accidentaly/ making me do a Athena guide has my first one, and I want to thank EVEYRONE from the SMITEfire community for existing and making this site everlasting. I feel like this is my home and it's where I should be. :3


Also, PS : Stuke, I miss talking t…
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September 23, 2015

First Post

Views: 1416 IrishAurum
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Wow twenty-two days and I finally make a post.. 'bout time!

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September 23, 2015
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So for the past 8 months or so I had this ongoing issue where my computer screen would darken while playing games and my fps would drop significantly. This primarily happened in smite, which for a while I thought was due to having bad internet connection (my internet at home is quite ****). After about 3 months I began noticing this happening in other games as well, some of which weren't online games.

Over time this problem grew worse, the higher my settings, the more often the issue would occur, to the point that running smite on my previous maximum settings would cause this issue to occur about roughly every 5 seconds. I finally began thoroughly investigating this issue over the summer at which point I realized through making smite windowed (I usually run all my games full screen) that whenever my screen turned dark it was because my computer said I wasn't plugged into my power supply. It thought that I was running on battery power every time it happened, causing my screen to darken…
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September 22, 2015
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Averaderaaz is a demon with the head of a goat's skull. His body consists of a frail skeleton, along with bony wings that are hidden behind his back. He wears a dusty, but otherwise clean tuxedo, along with a red tie. He is a hunter, and as such wields an old crossbow.

Base Stats


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September 22, 2015
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I am creating a "guide" of sorts, on arguing or proving your point.

I got this idea from Devampi's new guide on Basic Mistakes people make. It is very off topic but I am sure that it would help those that would read it on how to "argue" or communicate in a kind manner. I am tired of people acting like ***es to each other on the internet, so the more people know how to communicate, the better.

I would like some suggestions on what to put into this guide. I am naming the "bad arguments" and how to deal with it. Also some tips and tricks on how to get your point across.

I would be grateful for anything you guys can come up with.

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September 20, 2015


Views: 2482 Subzero008
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September 20, 2015
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Character Name: Duslica

Female with the power of air, but more specifically lightning strikes and cloud formations.
I would like to think of her as an angel with light blue wings. Of course she would be in the air, flying.
Im thinking of her to be basic attack heavy, but her basic attacks can CC. She can be mid but can do well as a support.
She is ranged and her attacks are electrified air.

Passive: Lightning Strike

Her basic attacks give enemies a chance to be hit by lightning, paralyzing them and applying a DoT that increases their chance to be hit by lightning.

5% chance each stack (4 stacks)
DoT: 3% of maximum health every 0.5 sec for 4 secs
DoT chance increase: 10%
Stun (Paralyze) for 0.5 seconds

Ability 1: Dark Clouds

She sends storm clouds to her target area, slowing all enemies and making them wet, making them more likely to get hit by lightning.

Slow: 10/15/20/25/30%
Lightning Strike chance: 3/6/9/12/15%

Im thinking of the target area to be a bit smaller then Whirlp
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September 20, 2015
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This skin call (iDusa)

No info about the name of this skin yet

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September 18, 2015
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Aether is one of the primordial deities of the Greeks. Aether is the personification of the bright glowing upper air of the heavens. He embodies the pure upper air that the gods breathe, as opposed to the normal air breathed by mortals. In the evening his mother Nox drew her veil of darkness between the aether and the aer to bring night to man. In the morn his sister-wife Hemera dispersed these mists, revealing the shining blue aether of day.(Wikipedia) Having long been kept to the realm of the heavens, with the fate of the world at stake Aether takes wind to the battleground of the gods!

In Smite, Aether takes the role of a flighty, but frail support. His general purpose is to be very difficult to hit with low damage and little heatlh, while having good debuffs, buffs, CC and mobility to make up for it.



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September 18, 2015
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Sometimes in MOTD with increased gold pooling and 20% extra cooldown CQ you have fun...
And other times this happens :|

My back hurts.
Never doubt Mama Bacchus
Actual events

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