When I posted the Athena Guide, I read somewhere that Zilby said : I didn't post a Athena guide cuz of Setolino's guide. I said : You know what ? If one of the best guide makers of SMITEfire was scared just cuz Seto's guide was REALLY good ( Way better than mine ), I'll take that as my first challenge !
And so I did, and now I'm sitting with 30,619 views on it, my most viewed guide, followed by my Nu Wa guide, with 14k views.
I want to specially thank Zilby for /Accidentaly/ making me do a Athena guide has my first one, and I want to thank EVEYRONE from the SMITEfire community for existing and making this site everlasting. I feel like this is my home and it's where I should be. :3
Also, PS : Stuke, I miss talking t…
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