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August 31, 2015

I Play Tanks

Views: 970 Scarz99
+Rep | Report
Hi everyone! As said in the title I play a lot of tanks and supports. If you need a tank contact me and I might be able to tank for you :). My Smite account name is TheGreatWound. Hope to see you in game.

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August 30, 2015
+Rep | Report
And I'm more inactive than ever :/

Primarily because I simply don't play Smite anymore, so I really can't contribute to anything here. Maybe, just maybe, when I can fix up my computer, I'll play some Smite again. Smite ran pretty **** on my computer, which was part of the reason why I stopped playing.

Anyway, I'm at school right now, so I need to make this one short and sweet.

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August 29, 2015
+Rep | Report
Sooo, I would've just updated my other blog post, but not everyone would look at it, so this is it !

My family "reverted" some of the actions...

1. I get to keep my computer, if I use it for studies only, writting on SMITEfire, and playing for a hour or two if I'm worth it.
2. Still banned, but I get to sleep in my house. Yay !
3. I get to keep the PTS on my computer, and, if I can recover 7 out of the 9 grades, I can download SMITE again.

Wish me luck !

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August 27, 2015
+Rep | Report
TL;DR - I won't be able to play SMITE until December, or, if I'm lucky, my Birthday, on November. So yeah.

So, I wanted to start saying this has nothing to do with the fight from the Jank, announced on my other blog post.

I got my grades for this trimester in school. From the 12 subjects I have, I failed to reach the minimum grade in 9, my worst number by far.

So, my family decided to take some pretty... unhuman decisions towards this failure :

1. I've been banned from my house until I get my grades back up.
2. I'm loosing my computer until December 5th, when my shcool year is over.
3. I've been forced to uninstall both SMITE and Curse from my computer.

So ... I'll stay in here, since I have my cellphone, but I won't be able to play the game... which is something needed for me to get my grades up...

Also, the fourth thing that is happening to me :

4. Next year, I'm going to a different school, two reasons :
4.1) My grades
4.2) The billing is just too much. 32 thousand bucks a ye…
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August 25, 2015
+Rep | Report
Now that I've finished qualifiers with the sad score of 3-7 I've come to some conclusions from my experiences.

1) You'll lose 3/10 games because of disconnects. It's going to happen. You can't carry a 4 man. Just cry yourself to sleep now.

2) You cannot carry as any god that does not have a high damage output. It's not going to happen. You will not have a high enough impact on the game. No one with you has any idea how to basic attack or use Purification Beads. No amount of guide writing to try to educate the masses will help this. They're without any hope.

3) You cannot carry as any late game god. You will not get to late game. Your team will let you burn in the fires of hell before you get there and by then it's too late. You'll be lvl 18 defending the Titan alone while the other team has taken 3 phoenixes down, a fire giant buff and a 10k gold difference.

4) If you support you might as well surrender at 10. Your ADC is ****. Give up now.

5) If you happen to get paired with som…
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August 24, 2015
+Rep | Report
Tweet :

Roster :

Mid - Purified
Support - TeeVee
ADC - Transonics
Solo - Dust
Jungle : Giliara ! (Inner fangirl screaming rn )

Thoughts ?

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August 23, 2015
+Rep | Report
So I entered into this tourney on team 5 out of 7 (teams here, Blueboop got swapped after first game for Scylla'sAjax). Game was played on Demises' twitch channel. After winning our first and second games we went into finals, lost the first game but won the last two! (I also got free gems! *woot*)

Link to the full tourney video is HERE

Played support the whole time lol. Wrecked with Geb, Sobek and Ymir. My Athena could've been better though :/

Sooooo that's that. Won a tourney, still haven't played ranked. :3

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August 23, 2015
+Rep | Report
So, I have this group, called Jank, with some SMITEfire users and some other ppl that play Smite.

I was in a argument with one of the players from the Jank, called Mooseum, maker of one of the Bacchus support guides of SMITEfire.

Let's just say the argument made the group fall apart, and I think I'm alone from now on. Maybe Zilby or Stuke will stay with me, with a lot of luck, FemFatalis will stay too, but the rest, I don't have lots of hope for.

I'm gonna try to find a temp. group for me while we decide which paths are we going. If I end up staying alone, than it's a shame.

I'm sorry for just posting this blog post about some problems with my personal life, I just felt I had to drop this somewhere.

With love and tears,

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August 21, 2015
+Rep | Report
Well, Today i saw an amazing video that inspired me.

I am currently in the university, learning Psychology/Acting, And i have shown this video to everyone i can, I even emailed a news channel, Hopefully, They saw the video.

I agree with the topic, I think it's very important that students should be able to choose what they want to learn, And about that we need to learn about the things the he talked about in the video, He also answered some things that you might have thought about while you watched the video in this one:
I would love to hear your opinion in the matter, So please, Whrite your thoughts about the video and what do you think that needs to change in the comments below, And before making any arguments, I strongly suggest you watch the second video as well.

(And yes, he does have weird hair.)

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August 18, 2015

Beginning Ranked

Views: 7068 Zilby
+Rep | Report
I've now finished all of my prerequisites that I set up for myself before beginning ranked. I'll look to start ranked games either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for all your tips!

Original Blog

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