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July 16, 2015
+Rep | Report
Totally not stealing this idea from Zilby the king, I'm bringing to you the POWER OF THE HIGH HEELS !

This beauty right here is about to show you how to dominate the place you shouldn't be hearing high-heels on. THE JANGLE.

My question to you, dear smitter, is ...

Would you like to see a Athena guide on SMITEfire ? ... Cuz I'm really tempted to do one !

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July 15, 2015
+Rep | Report
Do you ever feel like you're not living up to your full potential? Do you ever think to yourself, I'm an AOE mage... but couldn't I be more..? Do you ever wish that you could be as swift as a coursing river while still having all the force of a great typhoon?

Well you're damn right that I have the solution.

As you all know, Kukulkan or KKK (not to be associated with racist whitefolk, perhaps we should call him Kulk? Triple K? Khan Noonien Singh?) is a very large AOE, burst heavy mage. But this doesn't have to be all that he is! Oh no, no, no. The great Ghengis Khan can be so much more than that and all you have to do is look at this little thing here.

Ohhhh... yes

So you may be thinking to yourself... An auto-attack mage Zilby? What are you thinking?!? This can't possibly work, what do you think you are? In the '90s?

Well sir, put down your Bop-It, because damn right

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July 08, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hi! For those who don't know me, My name is DucksRock, And i'm a returning member.
Smitefire Seems quite empty and thats because pepole use tiermonster more. And why is that? Well, We lack guides, Tiermonster has pro builds And we have a TON of outdated guides.
So to make Smitefire more appealing, There should be an updated sign on the guides that are updated, And we need to include some pro builds.

Smitefire should also do a monthly skin giveaway for gods that don't have any guides, So it will be more appealing to make good guides for them.

Also, It should be a good idea to demote any editor that hasen't logged in for 5 months, And give those titles to someone else.

If you have more ideas write them in the comment section below.

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July 06, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hirez announced that there developing another game, Which is rumored to be called "Paladins".
Which means that SMITE reaches to an end. (Hirez cant handle 2 games a once, Ex: Global Agenda).
But: Good news! Gigantic goes into closed beta in August!
So, I hope to see you all in GoGigantic! (Mowen GiganticFire Plz)

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July 04, 2015
+Rep | Report
Title is pretty self explanatory, and I'll definitely have to play with it in more modes outside of 3v3 to get a remotely good guide out of it - unless there are 3v3 Joust guides? Anyway, back on topic, expect my first attempt at a guide in the near future maybe hopefully.

Also, for the record, Pen Bacchus is best Bacchus.

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July 04, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hey there! My name is DucksRock and i am a returning smitefire member who recently started doing guides.
I noticed smitefire is lacking updated guides, So i decided to start working on some. The point is, We need everyone to start making useful guides for gods.

I have already started working on some guides for Janus, Kali and Zeus.

Also, Try to make them as in depth as you can, And make guides on gods your good at.

Mowen, If you see this, I recommend that you and the SF crew should find a way to reward good guide makers by doing more giveaways and such to encourage guide-making.

Also, Write what guides are you gonna make in the comment section below.

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June 30, 2015
+Rep | Report
I'm going to sound very British for this moment, but THE COMBO BREAKER PATCH IS ****IN' RUBBISH! With that out of the way lets begin; the release of Ravana was a huge disappointment as he's incredibly weak for a release god as apparently he was heavily nerfed in the PTS and since he was released in the same patch that nerfed all physical gods. The Hunter nerf was a good thing, but what Hi-Rez did to nerf all the Hunters indirectly nerfed all other physical gods now and I really hope that all the Warriors are able to come out of this with small scratches. Mages are going to be very prevalent in the game as now solo is going to be filled with Hades' and Aphrodite's or other magical gods that are hard to counter against. There might even be the return of Magical ADC's like Freya or Chronos all the way back in Season 1. I thrown my hat into the ring, so now I want to know what else you guys noticed that are damaging to the game.

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June 27, 2015
+Rep | Report
Hey, I have finally finsished my Ah Muzen Cab guide, And ii'l love some feedback.
(Don't worry, I removed the rickrolling part)

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June 25, 2015
+Rep | Report
So, I figured that since hirez sucks at balancing, and smite is a mess, why won;t we make a second balancing thread? but this time, lets make it go public. If you guys decide that we should make one, iil post it on reddit, trying to earn us more people to join the balancing thread.

When were done going through all of the issues, We'll send the results to a lot of hirez workers, until we get an answer from one of them.
yes? no? write your thoughts in the comment section below.

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June 21, 2015
+Rep | Report
So I had this idea for a guide :

A Guide For New-Comers to Identify Toxic Clans

I've been playing with a lot of toxic ppl lately ( E.g. : SMOTE ppl ( The O was either with the two dots on it or it was Omega ) ) because MM is sad.

And I've noticed a OUTRAGEOUS amount of Toxicity.

For you to have a idea, ppl dared to say that Aphrodite had no CC. DA **** ?

But yeah, if you notice clans that are toxic, pls say " I do " and in 34 h I'll be making a PM chain about this.

Don't steal my idea or I'll do a copyright claim on you

jk. Maybe not.

I'm tired. I shouldn't be writing.

But yeah, give this a though.


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