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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆

Hecate by BananaHammer33

10 Votes


By: BananaHammer33
Last Updated: Jun 23, 2022
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Goddess of Boundaries, Witchcraft and the Underworld

Born from the Titan of destruction, Perses, and the Titan of falling stars, Asteria, Hecate was gifted with power over Heaven, Earth, and Sea. Wielding two torches and a key, she guides lost spirits and souls in the Underworld into their next life.

Hecate liked to keep to herself and wouldn't get involved in the drama of the other Gods. However, when Olympus was under attack by the giants, she offered her help and slayed the giant Clytius with ease.

When Persephone was abducted, she offered Demeter her assistance to look for Persephone. Every evening, she would use her torches to light up the paths and eventually, reunited the mother and lost daughter. She then chose to stick by Persephone during her time in the Underworld as a companion and a guide to aid and comfort her during her transition.

As a Goddess of Boundaries and crossroads, she travelled between worlds and protected many lost, shunned, and oppressed souls. As a Goddess of Witchcraft, she used her magic to aid those that needed it and defeat those that stood against her. As a Goddess of the Underworld, she guided the dead into their new life.

Hecate wasn't known for fighting, but she is known for being protective. She will stand against anyone who tries to harm those that do not deserve it. And now, she breaks through the boundaries of worlds and enters into the Battlefield of the Gods, where she will rid this place of all evil, once and for all!

Thanks for visiting my God Concept for this year's Halloween contest! Sorry if the ability art isn't the best, I'm not an artist myself so I had to get as creative as I could. Happy Halloween and good luck to all other participants! I hope you enjoy this spooky God concept and the innovative designs behind it!

Feel free to leave any comments and/or suggestions and I will gladly respond! Also, note that not all sections are complete, I will be updating them in the next few days as the contest proceeds!

(Abilities follow underneath the table of contents)
Table of Contents (click text to jump to):

Passive Ability

All-Seeing Witch
Ability: Passive
Affects: Self

Hecate harnesses power from her own abilities and increases her strength.

Every time Hecate uses an ability, she gains a stack of vision, up to a max of 5 stacks. When she changes stance, she consumes all stacks and gains increased power and lifesteal for 5s.

Power: 2 + 0.3 per level for each stack
Lifesteal: 5% per stack

Primary Abilities

Change Form
Ability: Stance Change
Affects: Self

Hecate swaps between her three bodies, expressing her powers in different ways.

Goddess of Boundaries: When in her Boundaries stance, Hecate gains bonus protections.
Goddess of Witchcraft: When in her Witchcraft stance, Hecate gains bonus magical power.
Goddess of the Underworld: When in her Underworld stance, Hecate gains bonus attack speed. While in this stance, her basic attacks are melee.

Protections: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20
Power: 30/35/40/45/50
Attack Speed: 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown: 30/27.5/25/22.5/20 seconds

Deadly Crossroads (Boundaries)
Ability: Line
Affects: All
Damage: Magical
Range: 60

Hecate summons a crossroad to hinder her opponents and aid her allies.

Hecate summons four roads that travel in a line and meet at a central point and deal damage. Any allies that walk through the crossroad have their movement speed increased. The crossroad persists for 4s. Enemies hit by more than one road take 5% damage for each additional road.

Notes: Each road travels 20 units to the center.

Damage: 100/130/160/190/210 (+70% of your Magical Power)
Movement Speed: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30% for 1s
Cost: 60 mana
Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 seconds

Shattering Wall (Boundaries)
Ability: Ground Target
Affects: All
Damage: Magical
Range: 60

Hecate uses her key to create new boundaries on the Battlefield.

Hecate summons a wall at a moveable ground target location. After its duration, the wall bursts and deals damage. This ability can be reactivated to burst the wall earlier.

Notes: This ability has a maximum distance of 40 units that it can cover. Once it has reached it, the wall will form. The wall will also form instantly when it is done casting. The ability can be cancelled earlier to have a smaller wall deploy.

Damage: 60/80/100/120/140 (+50% of your Magical Power)
Wall Duration: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5s
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Torched Up (Witchcraft)
Ability: Line
Affects: Enemies
Damage: Magical
Range: 60

Using her torches, Hecate summons flames that devastate opponents.

Hecate waves her torches and summons two curved trails of fire that take time to form and then erupt, dealing damage and burning enemies every 0.5s for 2s.

Damage: 90/130/170/210/250 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Damage Per Tick: 15/20/25/30/35 (+10% of your Magical Power)
Cost: 65 mana
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds

Stropholos (Witchcraft)
Ability: Ground Target, Teleport
Affects: Enemies
Damage: Magical
Radius: 15

Hecate focuses her powers to position herself and catch enemies by surprise.

Hecate summons her wheel, also known as Stropholos, to a target location that deals damage and stuns enemies. Once the wheel forms, Hecate teleports in the middle of the wheel. You can reactivate this ability to teleport back to your initial location.

Notes: While this ability is forming, you can freely cast any ability or basic attack and the teleportation will not interrupt you. This means that you can activate your stance switch while the ability is forming so that you teleport to your target in a different stance. Has a range of 55.

Damage: 50/80/110/140/170 (+55% of your Magical Power)
Stun: 1/1/1/1.5/1.5 seconds
Cost: 70 mana
Cooldown: 20/20/19/19/18 seconds

Ghostly Grasps (Underworld)
Ability: Ground Target, Debuff
Affects: Enemies
Damage: Magical
Range: 50

Hecate calls upon the souls of the Underworld to curse her enemies.

Hecate summons a rectangular path in front of her that travels forwards and persists for 2s. This ability deals damage and and applies a debuff to enemies. The debuff slows enemies. Enemies that use a movement ability while debuffed will spread the souls at the location where they landed. Enemies that walk over the path of souls do not take damage but still receive the debuff.

Notes: Souls summoned at the landing location of enemies will have a radius of 15 and persist for 2s. This new summoned area will only apply the slow and not the debuff.

Damage: 70/100/130/160/190 (+65% of your Magical Power)
Slow: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
Debuff Duration: 2/2/2.5/2.5/3 seconds
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown: 15/15/14/14/13 seconds

Sacred Animals (Underworld)
Ability: Line, Cone
Affects: Enemies
Damage: Magical
Range: 55

Hecate calls upon her trusty companions to destabilize her enemies.

Hecate simultaneously calls two dogs to her side that dash forward and meet at an endpoint, and poisons close by enemies with her snake. The dogs deal damage and getting hit by both deals 10% bonus damage on the second hit. The snake attack poisons enemies every 0.5s for 3s. Poisoned enemies are cripple and have their healing reduced for the duration of the poison.

Notes: It is impossible to be hit by both the dog targeter and the snake targeter as they have different hitboxes and come out at the same time. The range of the cone attack (snake) is 10.

Dog Damage: 80/100/120/140/160 (+60% of your Magical Power)
Damage Per Tick: 15/20/25/30/35 (+10% of your Magical Power)
Healing Reduction: 25%
Cost: 50/55/60/65/70 mana
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

Dimensional Divide (Boundaries)
Ability: Ground Target
Affects: All

Hecate tears through dimensional borders and summons a massive wall.

Once activated, place two targeters to summon a wall that is connected between the two targeters and spans the entire map. No audio can be heard through the wall and anyone can walk through the wall. Abilities and projectiles can also go through the wall. Enemies cannot see through the wall and lose all vision on the other side of the wall that they are standing on. Cancelling after placing the first targeter will cancel the casting of the ability.

Notes: From you and your allies perspectives, the wall is not fully transparent, but is kind of blurry so you can vaguely make out what is on the other side. The wall appears on the mini map. Lost vision for enemies includes ward vision, and any allies or minions on the mini map. This vision loss is only for the other side of the wall that the enemy is not on.

Duration: 10s
Cost: 100 mana
Cooldown: 100 seconds

Deadly Hex (Witchcraft)
Ability: Debuff
Affects: Enemies
Range: 55

Hecate places a Hex on her enemies that drives them insane.

Hecate places a debuff on an enemy. Enemies do not have any indication that they have been hexed. While debuffed, the enemy will randomly hear and see Hecate's abilities forming. They will also see Hecate's icon on the minimap occasionally in random places. A decoy of Hecate may also form and use basic attacks and abilities on the enemy. The decoy does 5% of the actual damage Hecate does and can only appear once per hex. Hexed targets are visible to Hecate and take increased damage from Hecate.

Notes: Ult in Boundaries is the only ability that the enemy does not randomly see. The decoy cannot use ultimate abilities and only applies the damage from abilities, none of the other effects.

Damage Increase: 10%
Duration: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30 seconds
Cost: 90 mana
Cooldown: 70/70/60/60/60 seconds

Slice Through Reality (Underworld)
Ability: Stealth
Affects: Self

Hecate slices a fabric of reality a travels through the Underworld.

With her knife, Hecate cuts through reality and phases into a mirrored Underworld of her location. She becomes invisible and untargetable to enemies. She gains increased movement speed and can pass through player made deployables. She cannot use any abilities while in this form except for her stance switch. Hecate gains increased damage when exiting the stealth. Cancelling this ability early will end it early.

Notes: If Hecate switches stances while invisible, she will still remain in her invisible state and will only exit when the duration ends or if it was cancelled early.

Damage Increase: 10% for 8s
Movement Speed: 30/30/35/35/40%
Duration: 6/6/7/7/8s
Cost: 100 mana
Cooldown: 75 seconds

Who is Hecate?

Hecate is a very varied Goddess in the sense that she is depicted in many different ways and is believed to have many different powers. She is said to be the Goddess of many fields, some of which being: Boundaries, Borders, Crossroads, Witchcraft, Magic, the Underworld, Ghosts, Souls, Necromancy, the Night, the Moon, and much more. There aren't many stories relating to her mythology but the ones that do include her are very interesting. In modern days, she is one of the famous witches that is worshipped/followed when it comes to Witchcraft. She is often misunderstood as an evil being, however she is very wise, nurturing and protective. This doesn't mean however that she is not deadly and scary if you were to go against her.

My Vision

When I first saw this contest, I was a bit stumped on who I would choose to create a God concept for. After doing some research, I stumbled upon Hecate. I knew when I first read about her that I wanted to create a concept for her as she is very interesting, and there are many innovative ideas that I came up with.

She is often depicted as having three bodies or three heads. This sparked an idea in me to create a triple stance switcher as we only have one in the game ( Merlin), and I also love stance switchers as I find them very unique and fun as you are able to be flexible in your playstyle and play in very different ways. However I was struck with two dilemmas, one being how do I make her different from Merlin and other stance switchers, and how do I make it so that she can be flexible and played in different ways? Then I had a breakthrough...

Her stance switch ability would not be her ult, but rather her third ability and she would have a unique ult in each stance. Tiamat works in a similar way and then I had flashbacks to the incredible spam capabilities she has and thought how broken it would be for a triple stance switcher to have 3 ultimates. Thus, I decided to make the ultimate abilities more utility focused rather than damage. This solved my first dilemma, but I quickly found a solution to my second one as well.

I wanted Hecate to be more than a classic mage so I thought of unique ways to bend her playstyle. For starters, her third stance (Underworld) makes her basic attacks melee. She also gains bonus attack speed in this stance. This would promote a more auto-attack focused build which can work in jungle, adc, and mid roles. She also has many abilities and bonus power in her second stance (Witchcraft) so she could even build like a classic mage and go for ability damage. This can make her very strong in mid, and still slightly strong in the jungle. Finally, her first stance (Boundaries) gives her protections which could promote a more tanky playstyle that can be adapted in both solo and mid (and maybe even jungle). Not only this, but the abilities themselves in each stance are geared towards different playstyles, yet they still work well with each other even if you focus on one playstyle.

In Boundaries stance, it is more of a defensive/zoning stance.
In Witchcraft stance, it is more of an ability damage stance.
In Underworld stance, it is more of an auto-attack/chase-down stance.

However, the other stances are still very helpful even if you aren't building towards them. As an ability damage focused build, your Boundaries stance is still useful for mitigating some damage and zoning enemies and taking control of team fights. This is just one of many examples that displays her flexibility.

In the end, I wanted to create a stance switcher that felt very unique and innovative and that was able to play and adapt to many different playstyles. Hecate is also a lesser known deity so being able to dig into her background and spread knowledge of her to the Smite community, is something I enjoy doing. Also, there is the Ring of Hecate item which made me want to create her even more because it's fun to see the Gods behind these items make an appearance in the game, such as when Thoth was added. She also really fits into the Halloween theme as she is associated with crossroads, the Underworld, witchcraft, magic, ghosts and more! And what's more Halloween than that?

Build and Playstyle


Building with Hecate can go in many different ways due to her stance-switching nature and the benefits she receives in each stance. Because of this, I will create multiple builds that can all work out for her and describe the different playstyles behind each build and behind Hecate as well.

A classic mage build with Conduit Gem as starter:

A classic mage build with Sands of Time as starter:

A classic mage build with Vampiric Shroud as starter:

A lifesteal-focused mage build with all starters:

An auto-attack focused build:

A jungler build:

A bruiser/solo build:


As a mage build/mid laner:
As a mid laner, your main focus will be to clear your minion waves effectively. Your 1 will give you the most clear potential as in every stance, it is a damaging ability that has a good amount of range. Next, focusing your 2 will give you more damage and reduce cooldowns further, especially for your escape Stropholos. Next, you can focus your 3 to increase your base stats of power, attack speed, and protections to make you a greater threat. Finally, you can upgrade your 4 last as they are mostly utility focused and as the mid laner, you want to focus more on outputting more damage.

As an auto-attack build/adc:
(1,2,3,4) OR (1,3,2,4)
As an adc, similar to above, focusing your 1 first will give you strong clear and damage potential. You can follow the same path as above, or you can focus your 3 first instead of your 2 as it gives a decent amount of attack speed and power which will help your overall damage output as an adc. Then getting your 2 for the damage and escape potential and finally your 4 for the same reasons above.

As a jungler:
(1,2,3,4) OR (1,2,4,3)
As a jungler focusing your 1 and then your 2 will increase your overall jungle clearing potential. Then, you can go one of two ways. Focusing your 3 first will give you the bonus power and attack speed that can help you jungle and fight, as well as decreasing the overall cooldown of it. Focusing your 4 before your 3 will allow you to utilize Slice Through Reality more often and more effectively as its stats increase significantly with upgrades.

As a jungler with a bit of a bruiser aspect:
(1,2,3,4) OR (1,2,4,3)
You would pretty much upgrade the same way as a regular jungle, either focusing your 3 or 4 after your 1 and 2 depending on how you feel.

As a solo:
(1,2,3,4) OR (1,2,4,3) OR (1,3,2,4) OR (1,4,2,3)
Upgrading the 1 first and then following with the 2 has been explained many times before, they do the most damage and reduce the cooldown of your movement ability. However, if you wish, you can focus your 4 as your third ability to max or even your second ability to max as it provides very strong utility and various options between the stances.

Overall, you always want to upgrade your 1 first as it gives you the most potential with its damage in all stances and its strong slow with Ghostly Grasps in your Underworld Stance. From here on out, there are many paths you can choose from but the majority of the time, focusing your 2 next is usually the ideal move because it provides you with more damage and lower cooldowns, which is important especially for your movement ability. Choosing between your 3 or 4 boils down to whether you would like increased based stats passively in each stance, or have stronger ultimates for when you use them. Usually the former option works best, however the latter can still work well if you are using your ultimates frequently and effectively.


Hecate's playstyle can vary a lot from player to player and from role to role. Here, I will be discussing some unique techniques and tricks you can do with her, some gameplay scenarios in different roles, her overall playstyle, and some pros and cons.

One of Hecate's greatest tricks up her sleeves is her ability to stance switch while using certain abilities. In her Witchcraft stance, her second ability, Stropholos, is very unique. While the ability is forming, whatever Hecate is doing whether it be casting an ability or a basic attack, when the ability fully forms and she teleports to it, she will continue whatever she was doing before she teleported. This means that she can activate this ability, change stance, and by the time the ability casts and she teleports, she is in a different stance ready to cause mayhem and surprise her enemies when she does so. This mechanic will function similarly to Blink Rune. For those that don't know, when using blink, if you are casting an auto-attack or an ability before you blink, depending on who you are, it will continue the animation/ability when you teleport. A prime example of this is using Pele's second ability, Eruption. Because of its long cast-time, if you blink after using it, the eruptions will take place at your newly blinked location. Another example is displayed in this clip from Rexsi while playing Thanatos. (0:28)
Notice how he begins his attack chain early and while the long swing charges, he blinks and the animation translates through. That's how this ability will work as well. Sadly, this also means you can't auto-attack cancel on the initial teleport. However, reactivating the ability and teleporting back to your initial position will reset your character as regular teleports do, such as
Susano's Jet Stream does or Hun Batz's Sacred Monkey does.

Hecate is also able to switch stance while in her Underworld ultimate, Slice Through Reality. While in this ultimate, she is untargetable and stealth and cannot attack or use abilities except for Change Form. This means that you can once again, catch your enemies off guard and surprise them by going invisible and emerging in a different stance. You can appear behind your enemies in your Boundaries stance and set up a quick wall to box them in and have your team close in on them for example. Or, appear in your Witchcraft stance and stun opponents who are too slow to react. There are endless possibilities with mixups that you can do and some more will be talked about later as well.

Example game scenario 1 (as a mid):
You are in your Witchcraft clearing your minion wave when you notice the enemy jungler coming to gank your lane. You have already used your first ability Torched Up to clear the minions so you need to act fast. You decide to catch them by surprise and attempt to kill them. First, you use your ultimate Deadly Hex to gain some bonuses against the enemy in this fight. Then, use your second ability Stropholos to quickly teleport on the enemy and startle them with your stun. While your teleport is forming, use your third ability Change Form to switch stance so that when you emerge, you will be in an alternate stance. In this situation, switching to Underworld stance would give you a greater damage output which is what you want in this situation because you're looking to finish the enemy off quickly. Once you have teleported and switched stance, use your first ability Ghostly Grasps to damage and slow your enemy. At this point, if they choose to retreat, they will be slowed and if they use a movement ability, they will further slow the area around which would hinder any of their allies in the area. You can then catch up to them and finish them off with auto-attacks and use your second ability Sacred Animals for some extra damage. Alternatively, you can use Sacred Animals first and hit the enemy with the cone targeter to cripple them and then use Ghostly Grasps for further damage and a nice slow. If things were ever to go sideways and you need a quick retreat, using your ultimate Slice Through Reality will allow you to make a quick escape. If a team fight ensues, you may even switch stance to Boundaries stance during Slice Through Reality and when you emerge, can zone out enemies with both your second ability, Shattering Wall and your ultimate Dimensional Divide and further deal damage or increase your teams movement speed with your first ability Deadly Crossroads for a potential chase down or escape.

Example game scenario 2 (as a jungler):
You're on your way to gank the enemy mid laner. In your Underworld stance, use your ultimate Slice Through Reality to become invisible and approach the unsuspecting enemy. One way you can approach is by exiting your ultimate and using your second ability Sacred Animals and try to hit the enemy with the small cone targeter to cripple them to prevent them from dashing away. Then, you can use your first ability Ghostly Grasps to slow the enemy and deal damage. In between each of these castings, you can auto-attack cancel for some additional damage. If the enemy is low enough and you can finish them off with auto-attacks, proceed to do so. If not, use Change Form and switch to your Witchcraft stance. From there, you can use your first ability Torched Up to deal more damage and finish them off, saving your second ability Stropholos in case you need to make a quick escape. Alternatively, you can use Stropholos first and stun the enemy for an easier target to hit. Then you can use auto-attacks and/or Torched Up to deal the finishing blow. If needed, you can reactivate Stropholos at this point to return to a safer position (if possible).
An alternate way to approach when invisible during Slice Through Reality can be to use Change Form while invisible and switch to your Witchcraft stance and proceed in a similar matter as described above by stunning them with Stropholos early and dishing out more damage with auto-attacks and Torched Up.
Another alternate way to approach when invisible during Slice Through Reality can be to use Change Form while invisible and switch to your Boundaries stance if there are multiple enemies or if you have teammates to back you up. When exiting stealth, surprise your enemies by using your second ability Shattering Wall and block off your enemies escape path. You can follow up with your first ability Deadly Crossroads for bonus damage while your team sandwiches the enemies as well. Using your ultimate Dimensional Divide can also be a good way to split up the playing field and confuse your opponents allowing your team to gain control of the fight and engage and catch the enemy team off guard.

Hecate's overall playstyle is very flexible and can vary in many ways. That was my main goal when creating her, to create a stance switcher that can truly be played in many different ways, with different builds, different upgrade paths, and a different playstyle. She can play in almost every role (as a support she wouldn't be ideal but could still technically work as an off-pick support), she can build in many unique ways, and can interact on the battleground in a multitude of ways. You can be aggressive, passive, dive on enemies, poke from far, tank through damage, one shot squishies, and so much more. The possibilities are endless and the way you play her is the way that you want. Her overall playstyle is suited to whatever needs the player has.

Pros Cons
• High Area Damage • Hard to Use
• Very Flexible God • High Mana Usage
• Decent Movement Options • Long Cooldowns

Visual Look / Animations

Physical Appearance:
General Look: Hecate would appear as not an extremely old woman, but not a very young one either so somewhere in the middle, around a middle-age look. She would wear a dress that flows down to her legs and cover her entire bottom. She would wear some sort of headpiece, similar to a sort of tiara but more menacing and impactful. She has long black hair that would fall around her waist level. She will also wear a necklace that has a moon shape to it which would represent that side of her in mythology (with the night and the moon). Keep in mind, the colors in the next pictures don't necessarily reflect on the color, the color is described in the texts before the image.

Boundaries Stance: In this stance, her dress's color would resemble that of the stance, a certain light shade of blue-cyan. She would hold a key in her right hand and nothing in her left hand. Her left arm would just hang on the side of her body. Her "crown would be more simple with no spikes, but rather a nice design on it.

The look would resemble the front look here except remove all the additions she has and use the key that we see on the side versions.

Witchcraft Stance: In this stance, her dress's color would be a certain bright shade of orange. She would hold a torch in each hand that would have a generic wooden base and bright flames on top. Her "crown" would be larger and the points would be longer.

Basically the front women would be the one to look at and instead of just flames, she would be holding torches and those flames would be on top (the torches are ignited).

Underworld Stance: In this stance, her dress's color would resemble a deep shade of purple. She would hold a knife in her right hand, and have a snake that wraps around her left arm and reaches out on top of her left hand, which she holds up with her palm facing up (imagine when you use a hands-free soap dispenser, kind of in that position). Her "crown" would be designed with snakes and its size would be in between the other crowns from the other two stances.

Very similar to this image except without the key and she would be holding the knife in her right hand instead of the torch. Her crown would be similar to the one above or it could even be as depicted here. The dogs she uses during her ability would look like this one here.

Ability Appearance:
Deadly Crossroads (Boundaries 1): This ability will be in the shade of a plus (+). It will start forming from each end of the plus and all lines will meet in the middle. It will look like a simple road with some effects on the top of it similar to Baba Yaga's first ability in movement speed form. There can be skulls that appear in the roads and on the sides of it as well. Hecate herself will do some sort of wave with her hand with the key in it to summon it.

Shattering Wall (Boundaries 2): While this ability is casting, Hecate will be holding her key out and have it turned as if she's unlocking something. On the ground, there will be a bright indicator appear on the path that Hecate is choosing for her wall. Once done casting, the indicator on the floor will flash and then a wall will appear. The wall will look like some crystal/ice formation and won't be perfectly shaped. The top part will be rough with some bumps and triangular like shapes, similar to the ability icon. When it shatters, it will simply explode and have particles of the wall fly out.

Dimensional Divide (Boundaries 4): While casting this ability and placing the targeters, Hecate will hold her hand out with her palm facing up and the key she was holding floats above her hand and shines bright. When the first targeter is placed, a small circle indicator will shine on the floor. When the second one is placed, a similar circle will appear and then the dimensional wall will slowly phase in. For allies, the wall will have a sort of cracked crystalline look to it with some transparency and for enemies, it will be the same but have no transparency to it. Other than that, the size will look similar to Astra's ultimate ability from Valorant where it will be massive and span the entire map. When it disappears, it will simply phase out the same way it phased in.

Torched Up (Witchcraft 1): This ability will start appearing instantly from the ground and then burst when it deals its damage. It will have a regular fire look to it with flames bursting out. The way it forms and deals damage is similar to Baron Samedi's's first ability Vivid Gaze. Hecate will move both her arms and motion with her torches when using this ability.

Stropholos (Witchcraft 2): While this ability is forming, a circle targeter will appear on the ground similar to Chiron's first ability Training Exercise. The design of it will be similar to Hecate's Wheel. Hecate will move her arms upwards to summon the targeter. When she teleports, she won't visually have a difference because of how the ability works and that it translates whatever actions she is doing. She will appear in the center of it (where the star symbol is). Teleporting back will simply reset her animations like other teleport activated abilities.

Deadly Hex (Witchcraft 4): There will be no visual indicator of this ability being used to keep it more of a surprise for the enemy and to keep them unsuspecting. The enemy will also not see anything on their end that indicates they have the debuff on them. Hecate will be able to see a hex symbol above her target.

Ghostly Grasps (Underworld 1): While forming, a sort of wave will appear on the ground and travel forwards. Wherever the path travels, ghostly hands will reach from the ground and move around, similar to Anubis's third ability Grasping Hands however the hands will look like classic ghost hands, similar to the ability icon. On the location that it spreads, it will look the same. Hecate will raise her hand with the snake and close her first to cast this ability.

Sacred Animals (Underworld 2): Hecate will swipe forward with her left arm (the one with the snake) and the snake will reach out and bite, leaving poison effects in the air. The dogs will spawn simultaneously on both sides of Hecate and dash forwards and bite. The dogs will look like in the image above talking about the Underworld stance.
Black circle is Hecate, Green is snake targeter, Purple is dogs

Slice Through Reality (Underworld 4): Hecate will take her knife and slice in front of her cause some sort of ripping of a dimension. She will then take her other hand and grab the teared part and stretched it out and travel into this dimension. Her vision will be slightly different will less colors and some weird objects floating around, similar to Cthulhu's passive Prey On Fear. When she exits, she will simply move her arms outwards and her surroundings will return to normal (since she can be in any stance for this ability exiting animation, it is very simple).

Change Form (3): Hecate will rotate herself and the other stance's body that she is switching to will appear behind her and rotate with her and take its place. Imagine Hel stance switching but it happens with her turning to the left and her next body turns to the left from the other side. We will only see one of her but when she switches, another form from her side will appear as she rotates.

Basic Attacks:
Boundaries stance: Hecate would shoot crystal-like projectiles from her key.
Witchcraft stance: Hecate would swing her torch and shoot out fireballs, alternating between the two.
Underworld stance: Hecate would slash her knife in different directions in front of her.


Death: When she dies, her other bodies will appear out on her sides and fall down to the ground on either side of Hecate while Hecate will fall forwards on the ground. Her bodies will have ghostly hands reach from the ground and pull her underneath the ground.

Recall: Hecate's other heads and limbs will pop out of Hecate's sides and back while the main Hecate will close her eyes, tilt her head down and slowly raise her arms up. When the recall finishes, the limbs and heads will morph back into Hecate and she will bring her arms down as she teleports back.

Introduction: Hecate's three bodies will walk forward onto the spawn location and the side bodies will morph into the middle Hecate's body.

Jump: A simple jump animation similar to Chang'e where she jumps up, yet her dress still covers her entire bottom part of her body.

Wave: Hecate will slowly raise her right arm and wave with it. At the same time, two other arms (from Hecate's other forms) will reach out of her sides and wave along with it.

Clap: Since Hecate holds items in her stances, her four arms from her other stances will appear from her sides and back and will clap with each other.

Dance: Hecate can perform a simple salsa like dance and after three steps, she can jerk a bit with her right side and another one of her bodies will pop out and wave her arms or do some other simple action. She will then take three more steps and jerk to her left side with a similar action happening with another body. This will go on forever until stopped and the actions the bodies that pop out do can be random.

Idle: When idle for too long, Hecate will doze off and an arm from another stance will reach out her back and slap her to wake her up.

Voicelines / Interactions

A hard, female voice that is very dominant. Her voice would be the same between the stances. It would be similar to Hera's voice. It can have a very small echo to it that is very minimal but is still audible.

God Selection:
"Hecate, in all forms."

"Fighting isn't in my nature, but these Gods need someone to put them in their place."

Change Form (3):
"Let's level the field!" (when switching to Boundaries stance)
"I'll create new boundaries!" (when switching to Boundaries stance)
"Let's curse them!" (when switching to Witchcraft stance)
"They're no match for my spells!" (when switching to Witchcraft stance)
"Lost souls, aid me!" (when switching to Underworld stance)
"Let's show them the real Underworld!" (when switching to Underworld stance)

Deadly Crossroads (1 Boundaries):
"Meet me in the middle!"
"Where are you going?"
"Let's make a deal!"

Shattering Wall (2 Boundaries):
"Split them up!"
"Wall them off!"
"Lock them in!"

Dimensional Divide (4 Boundaries):
"They will be blind!"
"Divide the field!"
"Obscure their vision!"

Torched Up (1 Witchcraft):
"Burn them!"
"Torch them!"
"Engulf them in flames!"

Stropholos (2 Witchcraft): (the audio will play when the ability forms and Hecate teleports)
"Ah ha!"
"Over here!"

Deadly Hex (4 Witchcraft): (only Hecate and allies will hear these)
"Hex them!"
"Mess with their minds!"
"Destroy them from within!"

Ghostly Grasps (1 Underworld):
"Slow them down!"
"Stop them!"
"Reach for them!"

Sacred Animals (2 Underworld):
"Cripple them!"
"Go forth my children!"

Slice Through Reality (4 Underworld):
"Time to slice through!"
"They'll never see me coming!"
"See you soon!"

Buying Offensive Item:
"This does feel nice."
"My power is reaching new dimensions!"

Buying Defensive Item:
"Not that I needed it."
"My walls are stronger than this."

Placing Wards:
"I can see across dimensions, yet this is impressive."
"Anything to grant me more vision."

Buying Consumables:
"A mediocre potion."
"A human could brew a better potion."

When in a Killstreak:
"I am unstoppable!"
"A kill for each of us!"

When killing a Jungle Boss:
"You are no match for my power!"
"What a pathetic excuse for a boss!"
"I've fought giants stronger than you!"

When destroying a Tower:
"Their defenses mean nothing!"
"This can't stop me!"

When destroying a Pheonix:
"Another animal to my arsenal!"
"Come my dear bird, join me!"

Low Health:
"My forms feel... weaker..."

"Death is not the end!"
"How the tables have turned..."
"I guide lost souls, but how do I guide my own..."

[VEG] I'm The Greatest: "I am amazing!"
[VEA] Awesome!: "Bewitching!"
[VER] You rock!: "You're a triple threat!."
[VEW] Woohoo!: "Oh yeah!"
[VVGR] No problem.: "Don't do it again!"
[VVGO] Oops!: "Oops, which one of me did that?"
[VVGT] That's too bad!: "Unfortunate... for you."

"My borders are so advanced, people think I'm walling!"
"What do witches put on their hair? Scare spray!"
"Why couldn't the little witch read her spellbook? It was written in curse-ive"
"How do you power up the Underworld? With soul-er energy!"

"I've seen across countless dimensions, this one is a joke."
"Witchcraft is no joke, I can make you see things that would make your mind melt!"
"Soon, this will all be over with, and I'll guide your lost souls."

"Hahahahahaha!" x3
"Haahaahaa" and her other bodies continue to laugh more and she follows up with "Alright that's enough."
"Heh heh heh heh heh!"

Directed Taunts:
Persephone: "I have guided you once before, it won't be any different this time."

Hades: "You might be the king down there, but that doesn't mean you're in charge!"

Baba Yaga: "Quite impressive for an amateur witch."

Anubis: "I respect your judgement of souls, but everyone deserves a chance, even you."

Ymir: "Your walls are a joke!"

Taunts Directed Towards Hecate:
Persephone: "I'm sorry friend, we will meet in the Underworld."

Hades: "Stay down where you belong."

Merlin: "You need three bodies for your tricks and they aren't even impressive."

Thanatos: "Go back to your home!"

Skin Ideas

Powerpuff Girls skin:
This would probably never happen, but it would be a hilarious skin concept and would fit very well with Hecate. Each stance and body would be a different girl and their abilities would translate to similar animations that are seen in the show.

Elemental skin:
This would be a classic three element skin. The three elements can be fire, earth, and water for Boundaries, Witchcraft, and Underworld stance. There can be very creative ability animations such as wall formations being made of rocks, the crossroads being changed into a more earthy look, the witchcraft abilities having more fire added to them, and the underworld having water/ocean elements and water-dwelling creatures associated with her such as a seahorse instead of the snake, and dolphins that ride forwards instead of the dogs.


Health: 370(+75)
Mana: 260(+55)
Speed: 355(+0)
Range: 58(+0)
Attack/Sec: 1(+1.5%)

Basic Attack:
Damage: 34(+1.45) +20% of Magical Power
Progression: None

Physical: 10(+2)
Magical: 25(+0.8)

HP5: 5(+0.4)
MP5: 5(+0.5)


Ultimate Threat: As Hecate, have all of your ultimate abilities active at the same time in a match.

Hex'd Up!: As Hecate, kill a Hexed enemy while in each stance in one match.

Overall Concept

Overall, I wanted to create something new, fun, and unique that would fit within the Smite world. I find that stance switchers fit into this mold perfectly, and I really wanted to create something unique with many ultimates that can provide utility based aspects to your team. I also was slightly disappointed that Morgan Le Fay didn't really have any tricking aspects to her kit so I tried to add some of that here with the Hex ultimate as I find that concept really cool and very unexplored in gaming. I also wanted her to be fun overall and not be too overpowered. Obviously, the numbers behind the abilities aren't a final number and the only way to truly balance would be to actually play test a God.

I really just wanted to create a stance switcher than can be played in many different roles and in various ways and I truly believe I nailed it with this concept. Hecate feels like she can be played in mid, jungle, adc, and solo, (support would be a bit off but perhaps doable still), and she can be built in so many different ways as displayed in the Builds and Playstyle section. I would personally love to see Hecate in the game, obviously it doesn't have to be in the same way that I depicted her, but having some sort of stance switch element to her would really fit her within her lore. She is also a very interesting Goddess that a lot can be done for her.

In conclusion, I wanted to create a unique character than can be played in many roles and built in many different ways, also I find stance switchers are the most fun and appealing characters in Smite so I wanted her to be one as well. I also wanted to introduce some unique concepts and new mechanics into Smite. The main goal of Hecate is to be an extremely flexible character that has near endless possibilities and potential. I also wanted to do the character justice and make her abilities, looks, and voicelines resemble her mythological appearances. Thank you for making it this far if you did and I hope you enjoyed it!

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Peenz | November 4, 2021 6:59pm
Really really cool concept! I like the solution you came to for her abilities as, when first reading through, I was definitely worried about the potential of a god with 3 ultimates :D. Really creative solution making them more utility based, and really cool ideas overall!
BananaHammer33 (4) | November 6, 2021 10:36am
Thanks! Yeah I realized how strong she would be so my way of balance was to gear them towards more utility based!
catnaaap | November 2, 2021 9:09am
I really like that you worked to create something unique, new and exciting! Makes me want to play her! You have my vote! :)
BananaHammer33 (4) | November 2, 2021 3:05pm
Thanks! I tried my best to come up with something unique that still fits well in the game so I'm glad that you enjoyed it!
TheLastIHAM (1) | November 1, 2021 7:01pm
Yo this is so detailed, great job man. Sounds like Hecate would be a great addition to smite. You have my vote!
BananaHammer33 (4) | November 2, 2021 3:05pm
Thank you! I hope someday she gets added in the game down the line because she is a very interesting deity!
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