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Rage is not being bought as often?

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Forum » Build & Guide Discussion » Rage is not being bought as often? 24 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 16, 2020 10:44am | Report
Rage was... well all the rage for a while but I've noticed more and more people leaving it out of crit builds. I decided to switch some stuff around instead of my build for Artemis having Devourer's Gauntlet, Asi, Rage, Atalanta's Bow and Fail-Not with Wind Demon being the replace boots option. I replaced Rage with Deathbringer and Wind Demon with Malice. The end result is 70 crit chance, 235 physical power and crits hit for 666 (which I love by the way). So I see why people don't get it cause if you replace Rage for some other raw power items your autos demolish health bars.

BUT this build severely lacks attack speed now and missing autos hurts really bad when you're this slow. I think it's 1.80 attack speed. Also the previous build had 80 crit chance so nearly every hit is a crit and you don't leave it to luck at all. 70 feels like there's just so many non-crits. But when they do crit no one survives. I do like Rage cause it's super cheap. But I can't deny it's a fun build but there's much less room for error and more luck so I'm not sure if it's a build to suggestion for new players looking up guides and builds suggestions.

Any thoughts on this? I'd appreciate it.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 16, 2020 12:11pm | Report

Also, crit build without wind demon is a big no-no.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 16, 2020 3:29pm | Report
If I wanted to do a heavy power no Rage build then should I replace Fail-Not instead since Malice gives CDR? I can't replace Asi as that's one of the few attack speed items.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 16, 2020 4:16pm | Report
I think a power build is probably not ideal to go on Medusa right now, probably just go Devo’s or Trans Qins. If I did want to go a power build on her it wouldn’t have crit in the build.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 16, 2020 6:04pm | Report
Here's my personal take(s).
  • Rage is still valuable. It can work very well depending on your item choices. I don't care if it's popular or has solid stats and depending on the other items you get, it can give you very high early crit chance, or allow you to get good crit chance with 2 items rather than 3. It's still viable, even if people aren't building it as much.

  • The big reason Rage is less popular, IMO, is that other items have some very bloated stats. With the change to physical pen items, you now have some very nice items that work very well in the current meta. Specifically, you know that Fail-Not, Wind Demon, Atalanta's Bow, Berserker's Shield, Heartseeker, Serrated Edge, Soul Eater, and Silverbranch Bow all gained % pen. Of those, Fail, Wind, Ata, Berserker's, and Silver apply to most hunters as viable items.

  • Look...when pros/high ranked players are building Fail randomly on Artemis, I mean, that's saying something, right?
I honestly feel Trans builds w/ crits in specific situations is viable. I think that direction is much more viable for hybrid gods like Cupid / Medusa when building Fail-Not as a core item. Again, this item went from medium viability at best to quite popular, just from the added % pen.

The other preference right now is the Qin's Silverbranch build direction. Massively overcapping AS is viable because Silver got enough buffs (not just adding % pen but also increasing the bonus for going above the AS cap). Part of this reason is because a bunch of items got health buffs and The Sledge came into existence and became the de facto core item for a bunch of gods.

I mean, people (looking at you, Pros) are building Qin's Sais as the 3RD FREAKING ITEM. Historically, that was a pretty big no-no, due to the combination of price and the fact that Qin's passive damage potential scales off of enemy health. It was more of a common 4th/5th item.

In the end, the build structures don't exactly favor Rage, though it still makes a ton of sense for a god that likes rushing crit, like Jing Wei or Artemis. I find that skill level at the point of comparing 2 viable builds is more important than the builds themselves.

They're FINALLY now realizing that hunter items are a bit too powerful in general (gee, I wonder why). So we're seeing with the next full patch that Ata is being nerfed. I expect some other hunter-type items to get some minor adjustments as well down the line, and that might again shift how popular Rage will be.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 16, 2020 7:35pm | Report
I can understand why they might be tweaking Ata but I really hope they don't mess up crit. Artemis is finally seeing more action in ranked and while not so popular in SPL Zapman had her go from D bottom tier to somewhat viable with the buff of the ult and the crit builds making her playable now. No chance of seeing her in SPL but baby steps.

Thanks for the feedback. I just really wanted a crit build that hit for 666 :(


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 17, 2020 1:36am | Report
Pros are building Qins 3rd because 1. Frontliner stacking more health. 2. Ata isn’t as cheap as old Exe or as effective as old Exe and doesen’t offer that shred and instead just pen.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 17, 2020 9:45am | Report
Had a game late last night as Medusa. DCed (internet went down) right at the start of the match, and it took me a modem and router restart and 6+ minutes to get back in the game. At that point, I was level 1 and my lane opponent was level 6 I think. Team was 1 kill 4 deaths, so it wasn't super awful and I figured we had a chance, even though our Jungler ( Mercury) was already super toxic and wanting to F6. Basically said I already killed the match with my dialup XD

Anyway, I typically go Trans with Medusa, and that has been a pretty strong preference of mine. This time I went the Devo's route, and I will say...I still don't like it even if it's the more popular build path right now. It just doesn't feel as good. I had Devo's Ninja Ata Qin's Silver O-Bow and replaced Ninja w/ Berserker's.

The Merc continued to troll throughout the game, continuing to be super toxic. Even early game, once I farmed a bit, I soloed my Skadi lane opponent (she was level 8 at the time I got to 6), and he was still complaining. And when I'd die, he'd do the typical "You Rock!" ****. He even came to my lane once and ulted the wave in front of me.

My nephew was also playing with us, and even he wanted to quit at a certain point, said his internet was acting up.

Despite all this, I made my team continue to fight. Multiple surrender requests I shut down. At one point we lost 2 of our phoenixes while they still had multiple towers up (this was earlier in the match when I was still playing catch-up). In the end, we won a long and protracted match.

In any case, again, strongly prefer the feel of Trans Medusa. I think Trans + crit is still good on her, though the build path isn't as smooth as the Devo's Qin's one. I would probably go Trans, Ninja, Asi, Fail, Ata, Wind, replace Ninja w/ DB. It gives you enough AS (2 without Viper active), 60% crit, 40% pen, 30% CDR, and the WD and Ata passives are nice with Sidewinder.

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Mythical (401)
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by S7evin424 » September 17, 2020 12:48pm | Report
I love Devo, if I can put it on any hunter I would. Except maybe Ullr or Skadi but I make a lot of mistakes and Devo is like my security blanket. I'm not too experienced with Medusa but I feel like she's pretty versatile and can benefit from going both routes with Trans or Devo? What does surprise me is pro players such as Incon putting Trans on Artemis, that I can't wrap my brain around.

P.S. it's always a Mercury in in my experience lol. He's like Loki 2.0


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Kriega1 » September 17, 2020 2:29pm | Report
Bran you could always go Trans Qins on Medusa


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