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Thoughts on my build Bran? >_<

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Forum » Build & Guide Discussion » Thoughts on my build Bran? >_< 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 6, 2017 6:07pm | Report
Forgot to trade with Sobek so had to ADC (the game).
I had no idea what to build except that I wanted brawlers and shifters TBH (and boots ofc.).
Then I just wanted some DPS so I got Qins and then I wanted to box so I got WB.
And ended it with a Crusher just for the memes.

IGN: Marki

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Branmuffin17 » September 6, 2017 7:20pm | Report
The guy with way more experience and skill is asking me =P (also, did you see my comments on your guide and your question on my control setup on my blog?

And you want to know my thoughts, after you went 7/1/7. Dude, it's awful, if you built well you would have gone 10/0, you scrub. LOL Though, looking at things, looks like your entire team dominated, with a very balanced attack...each of your teammates did a solid amount of damage.

Anyway, um...well, Skadi is an ability-based hunter, like Neith, so you built her pretty well. What's going on with the Witchblade in that 2nd position? Did you start double starter items and that was your last replacement item?

Here's what I'd probably consider the normal build:
You got Shifter's Shield, which is a semi-replacement for Trans, with the upside of not needing stacks and adding protections, but not providing the mana...and so did you have major mana issues without Trans? How did you deal with that?

You also got Brawler's 2nd, it seems. That's an interesting placement for it, but it was probably really nice for the added pen. And it looks like that helps counter the healing from Hel and the lifesteal from your ADC enemy Cernunnos, who got Devo's.

I think a late Titan's Bane or The Executioner might have been good? If you look at the enemy builds, physical protections were pretty prominent. Also, typically wouldn't get Witchblade on her or any ADC unless there were at least 2 basic attacking's got the lifesteal so is a decent replacement for something like Asi, but has neither power nor pen, so would normally be chosen situationally.

I personally love The Crusher, and feel it fits very well for Skadi's use, due to the passive CDR effect.

SO, hindsight and the comfort of no time limit on thought, here's what might be the optimal build given the match and enemies, using some of your preferred items:
Note that 2 other teammates also got Brawler's, though Thor got it a bit later than you (4th item compared to I think 3rd for you? Still not sure when you got Witchblade)...and Agni got an early Divine Ruin. So I think you had a good amount of anti-heal even if you passed it up.

Wish I could think under pressure...I'm critiquing the build even though I can't even remember to replace Warrior w/ Ninja late from my Medusa

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » September 7, 2017 3:51am | Report
Witchblade was my 5th item. I started winged blade. Just because i wanted to run circles around cern :p
But then I wanted some lifesteal (after selling bumbas), so i just wanted to try WB.

Imma go check out your comments now ;)
IGN: Marki

Jungle & Support main.

Casually tryharding ranked now and again.

Make fun of my bad plays on Twitch ;)
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