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Total Prices/Minor Errors

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Forum » Database » Total Prices/Minor Errors 24 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » July 1, 2014 9:09pm | Report
Jordenito had started the "Actual Price (Total)", but here's some of the missing items and some "errors" incase some of you had forgotten to complete some items.

So out of 182 total items, 69 (hue) are below need of fixing, either with the actual information or just the template. There are some serious errors from patches so long ago. 66 items are in need of taking the word "Total" out. This may overlap with the edits below.

So an estimated 135/182 items are in need of fixing!

Items below include the updated prices of Price (Total) without the total wording as per Jordenito along with the previous prices fixed. All of these items were either incorrect or with the incorrect template.

Girdle of Might 200 (600)
Girdle of Power 200 (400)
Guard Boots (M) 600 (900)
Guard Boots (P) 600 (900)
Hand of the Gods 300
Obsidian Shard 550 (2050)
Pestilence 925 (2150)
Polynomicon 1300 (2300)
Protected Recall 300 (900)
Pythagorem's Piece 1600 (2600)
Qin's Sais 1400 (2650)
Rage 1255 (2755)
Rage of the Gods 300 (600)
Restored Artifact 1300 (1900)
Rod of Asclepius 1130 (2660)
Rod of Tahuti 1420 (3320)
Round Shield 890
meditation 300 [*No total price]
Runeforged Hammer 1000 (2050)
Runic Shield 950 (2400)
Salvation 300 (900)
shield of regrowth 800 (2250)
Shielded Teleport 300 (900)
Shifter's Shield 1200 (2700)
Shoes 300
Shoes of the Magi 925 (1925)
Silver Breastplate 545 (1100)
Short Sword 830 (1500)
silver mail 960 (1515)
Silver Talisman 500 (1225)
Smithy's Hammer 300 (1050)
Soul Eater 900 (2000)
Soul Reaver 1350 (2490)
Soul Reliquary 700
soul trap 890 (1590)
Sovereignty 1150 (2550)
Spear of the Magus 750 (2150)
Spell Focus 740 (1500)
Spiked Gauntlet 650
Spiked Shield 720 (1610)
Spirit Robe 945 (2460)
sprint 300
Steel Mail 675 (1400)
Stone of Gaia 770 (2250)
Talon Trinket 830 (1370)
Teleport to Gods 500 (1100)
shell 300
Shell of Absorption 300 (900)
Spiked Shell 300 (900)
Telkhines Ring 1050 (2125)
The Executioner 950 (2200)
Throwing Dagger 630 (Total 1300)
Titan's Bane 600 (2050)
Tower Shield 610 (1500)
Transcendence 885 (2600)
Void Shield 1090 (2700)
Void Stone 900 (2350)
Ward Stone 690 (1450)
Warded Shield 630 (1450)
warlock's sash 1200 (2650)
Warrior Tabi 1150 (2150)
Warrior's Bane 700 (1450)
Weakening Curse 300 (900)
Winged Blade 700 (1850)
Wrath of the Gods 300 (900)
Shielded Recall IS NOT AN ITEM
[MISSING] Improved Shell 300 (600)
golden dagger IS NOT AN ITEM
[MISSING] Golden Bow [Also wrong total price]-> 1030 (2330)

Ancile does not have a space between the price and parenthesis. So it looks like this: PRICE(TOTAL)

Greater Meditation has the wrong image. Also missing the cooldown of -120s in description. Greater Meditation

Eye Of Providence has the wrong image. Eye of Providence

Armored Cloak has the wrong image. Armored Cloak

Soul Eater has the wrong image. Soul Eater

EDIT: Fixed cause I'm the all powerful editor! #Database Mechanic

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Jordenito » July 2, 2014 4:19am | Report
Well, I am just a lazy procrastinator...

And we decided that it'll be visually better to just have "Price (only numbers of total price" instead of writing "total number". So no I started all over again. It's just a matter of time and when will I'll do it...

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » July 2, 2014 7:13am | Report
Jordenito wrote:

Well, I am just a lazy procrastinator...

And we decided that it'll be visually better to just have "Price (only numbers of total price" instead of writing "total number". So no I started all over again. It's just a matter of time and when will I'll do it...

I do agree, it looks better.

I have edited my initial post taking out all the (Total) wordings while fixing up a couple things. This way, you can just copy/paste and instead of it taking you the one or two hours it took me, it should be about half an hour.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mowen » July 3, 2014 10:36pm | Report
Added Improved Shell and fixed Golden Bow's name.

Could use some editor help fixing up the costs!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Firraria » July 3, 2014 10:50pm | Report
I would help if I were an editor D:

-cries in corner-


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Janitsu » July 3, 2014 11:51pm | Report
Mowen wrote:

Added Improved Shell and fixed Golden Bow's name.

Could use some editor help fixing up the costs!

I know that feel mowie :/

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Pentargonite » July 4, 2014 12:37am | Report
*cough* I'll just sit here *cough* Not being an editor *cough*


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » July 4, 2014 7:24am | Report
*Whistles nonchalantly*

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Greenevers » July 4, 2014 8:07am | Report
Lmao all dese thirsty hoes

But anyway, it should be easy enough, I computed all the numbers/format already -> Copy/Paste

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Mowen » July 9, 2014 2:16pm | Report

Alright you vultures, get to work!

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