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Ah Muzen Cab ummm wtf?

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Forum » General Discussion » Ah Muzen Cab ummm wtf? 20 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 10, 2013 6:40pm | Report
I played Ah Muzen Cab one time when he first came out and never played him again just because everyone was spamming him.... when I played him for the first time I didn't think much of him because I didn't know you could put bees on honey, ect.

I played him in a conquest match was only my second time and holy shat? I don't know if he is just op or people just don't know how to face him but I was pwning hard MID LANE.

He can mid lane and out push and beat other mages midlane. I fought poseidon and had him tower hugging all game.

Some people say he is OP but some others say hes not op.
Some thing he is OP because of his wave clear but others think he is not op because he has no cc or real escape.

I can kind of see each point.

In once sense this mofo can clear waves and his passive is damn good, he can spam hives everywhere making him fast ALL THE TIME ALL OVER THE MAP. Not only that but damn bees get on honey??? While it slows? While it does damage? While you get hp5, movement speed and attack speed.

In the other sense some people are right as well. He has no escape like a jump or dash, he has no cc, take other hunters for example, anhur can jump and imaple you, neith can root and jump, cupid can dash and stun, ect.
AMC has no CC and no jump/dash
its kind of replaced with movement speed and your slow to save you which isn't as good but still works.

Do you guys think hes legit op or do you think people just don't know how to play against him yet.

Oh ya I wondered this???
Does his attack/hp5/movement stack when you spam hives in one place?


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sasquatch180 » November 10, 2013 7:53pm | Report
I think he is a tad bit OP, nothing a few tweaks (and maybe a major change) wouldn't fix.

I also believe that most people don't know how to play against him yet. From my observation playing as him I think a majority of people underestimate the range of his abilities, and how much damage they do or how that damage quickly stacks.

There is also his ultimate which make most people panic when they're hit due to the huge loss of life and the Cripple. They also seem to not understand the importance of taking down the Hives when given the chance (such as when you die, rotate, or go back to base.)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Raventhor » November 10, 2013 8:11pm | Report
I think people underestimate the ability to land his ult. Sure it's got like, a second and a half channel time, and it's thin, but that honey slow is DEFINITELY enough of a set-up to land it. Especially point blank. That thing makes me cry, even as a Neith.

Cripple OP.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 10, 2013 8:31pm | Report
I find that most people run in a strait line and thats when I usually hit them in the back :D
IMO his stongest move is the freakin honey!!!

Shoots very far and its one of the funnest moves to use for some reason!!!
Plus it dose damage and you can place it behind them to screw them over :D

Yea, people underestimate his skills... the honey is what makes him hard to deal with and the fact that your team mates run into you when they have bees on them!!!

When my team mate runs into me with bees on them I just say "thanks" :X


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sirsir94 » November 10, 2013 8:32pm | Report
Honey cripples?
His Ult really isn't that hard to land. The cast time is only a problem when they dash away or when someone else kills your target. Plus his Hives make him get in close range really easily. Hive, Honey, Stinger, Swarm, dead. And its not like it makes you sit still like Ra's or something. You can move, you can aim...
Mostly its the movement speed. It leaves so little room to counterplay.
Quadras: Cupid, Artemis, Loki, Ah Muzen Cab


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by ICEN » November 10, 2013 8:34pm | Report
honey doesn't cripple his ult does.. well I think?
I never really got hit many times by his ult so I forget what it does to me besides damage of course. I think his ult is what cripples


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sasquatch180 » November 10, 2013 9:43pm | Report
Honey slows, the ult cripples.


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Posts: 404
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by antarian » November 10, 2013 11:18pm | Report
btw:-) I dont need ulti, honey, swarm at all and own people even without that :-) 4 auto attack with mega speed and almost everyone is down ...

what make this god so OP is HIVE


Posts: 46
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » November 10, 2013 11:38pm | Report
The fact that he out damages Agni is pretty ****ing stupid! That passive needs to be nerfed big time :p

Just look at this:
Fed Agni vs a bad ah muzen cab
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Thiel » November 11, 2013 12:44am | Report
ergh, in my honest opinion he needs a hard nerf. I have played this fella mid/solo and in joust and I have yet to lose, or feel contended.
Also playing against him meant me getting completely obliberated.

The foremost problems are the cooldown on his Hive, it's ridicilously short (especially with Jotumn Wrath, which you get, since he's a AD caster). So sure, you can kill his hive, but as soon as AMC decides to attack he just pops down a hive and then a 2 or 3, ideally both. Meaning you can't kill the Hive before the rape-train. forcing you to sit way back, usually on tower, losing gold.

His Stinger is really easy to land, like mentioned before you can still move while channelling your Stinger, so you can just trace the enemy god. Only a really well timed dash makes me miss. (Which is uneasy, since you don't telegraph your Stinger as obviously as, let's say, Ra.
Worst being is, you can use his ult whenever, it's not limited to killing off squishies, better yet, if you use it as initiator you're more likely to catch the enemy off guard and hit it, after which you can easily retreat your stinger and have it sit on 15 CD, equivelant to a normal skill.

So to summarize, bigger cooldown on Hive and a hard cooldown nerf on Stinger.
That's just my 2 cents.

Oy! Give me some privacy.


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