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Bacchus' fun level=0

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Forum » General Discussion » Bacchus' fun level=0 41 posts - page 2 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » June 9, 2013 12:36am | Report
Sunfall wrote:

Bacchus has one of the strongest early games as a tank. The amount of CC he puts out is just unmatched at that stage of the game (A knockup AND a stun at LV3), and with certain lane parters ( Thor, Neith, to name a few), his lane can score kills against careless players with relative ease.

The drunkeness effect from his ultimate is not to be underestimated either. It lasts for eight seconds, hampering not only the ability to escape but also making it insanely difficult to land any skill which requires aiming. Go on, I dare you to try drunk-ulting as Ra. You will have no choice but to laugh at the results.

The only thing that happened to Bacchus is now his leap has more air-time, so the enemy actually has time to react to it instead of it being pretty much an insta-knockup.

Or I can just give up on any attempt to try and bring reason into this argument and just play the "ComicBookGuy Thread" card. How's that sound?

I knew we needed you in this argument. Bacchus CAN'T hit his jump anymore. It is just WAY to hard to hit it now. Bacchus' escape and inditation now suck, but even IF you hit it and IF you could channel your 3 a Sobek or Ymir could immobilize or slow them for way longer than you can. He won't ****ing hit his knock up anymore, because his leap has more airtime than Odin's and Bastet's together! Btw Sobek can still score some early kills and he is now WAY better at it. Thor and Neith go well with everyone so I won't make a point out of that. but Sobek/Ymir+Neith is way better. If you actually read what I wrote, than you would know that I still like the ulti. Btw go ahead and say that it's a ComicBookGuy thread, but I think I have a good point here, because Bacchus gets way to many nerfs over time. Let's see what a Ymir can do to you at level 5
freeze, slow, wall, ult for 600000000000000000000 damage+whatever his lanepartner pleases to do
a sobek
throw back to his carry, knock you even further away, heal himself and ult so you can't escape
what can Bacchus do?
chug, jump, chug, belch, be out of mana, ult
the jump won't be landed anymore, the belch is a way harder to get off, because everyone can cc you and his ult is still good
btw this was a typical Sunfall reaction without even reading what my point actually was


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » June 9, 2013 12:45am | Report
For the love of God, do not start a *****-fest between you two. It's not necessary.

You both have good arguments, and I think we can all agree that Bacchus is easily not the best tank. He needs more love, people. HI-REZ, GIVE THE FATMAN SOME LOVE!

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » June 9, 2013 2:16am | Report

I knew we needed you in this argument. Bacchus CAN'T hit his jump anymore. It is just WAY to hard to hit it now. Bacchus' escape and inditation now suck, but even IF you hit it and IF you could channel your 3 a Sobek or Ymir could immobilize or slow them for way longer than you can. He won't ****ing hit his knock up anymore, because his leap has more airtime than Odin's and Bastet's together! Btw Sobek can still score some early kills and he is now WAY better at it. Thor and Neith go well with everyone so I won't make a point out of that. but Sobek/Ymir+Neith is way better. If you actually read what I wrote, than you would know that I still like the ulti. Btw go ahead and say that it's a ComicBookGuy thread, but I think I have a good point here, because Bacchus gets way to many nerfs over time. Let's see what a Ymir can do to you at level 5
freeze, slow, wall, ult for 600000000000000000000 damage+whatever his lanepartner pleases to do
a sobek
throw back to his carry, knock you even further away, heal himself and ult so you can't escape
what can Bacchus do?
chug, jump, chug, belch, be out of mana, ult
the jump won't be landed anymore, the belch is a way harder to get off, because everyone can cc you and his ult is still good
btw this was a typical Sunfall reaction without even reading what my point actually was

The change to his leap made him no worse off than plenty of other gods with leaps. All it did was put him on equal footing. And by the way, Odin still spends much more time in the air than Bacchus does, yet I have seen plenty of people land his jump on enemies. You just need to learn how to read your enemies movemenets instead of expecting them to just stand there like a tree.

For the record, Bacchus hadn't been nerfed in a long time. This one was overdue.

Remember when Sobek's dash got nerfed so it would be stopped by minions? People stopped playing him for a while, but eventually he was picked up again and it was quickly realized that he was still a very effective tank. He was never buffed during that time, people just learned to adapt and showed us that he could still do everything that made him amazing in the first place. And I predict people will come back to Bacchus and realize that he's nowhere near as bad as people like you would make him out to be, and go right back to trolling the opposition with him once more.

Since you insist on comparing Bacchus to other tanks... know that they have their flaws. Ymir has no gap closers outside of picking up Blink. And if you're insisting on laning against a CC lane without beads, aegis, or even an escape move, you deserve to die from that Ymir ult, which has such a long charge up time that you have to be making a mistake or being chain-CCed to get caught in it.
Sobek... well, it depends on what actives he takes. If he's missing Meditation, then his small mana pool will restrict his skill usage. If he's missing Hand of the Gods, he will have no farming potential or any way to clear minions to charge you. If he has both, then he doesn't have anything like Sprint or Aegis Amulet to save his *** if he makes a bad play. All you really need to know is to not get pulled by him and if you drag the game on, his damage becomes a nonissue. He's only good at disruption, and relies on his team to do the actual killing.
I won't deny that Sobek is very powerful, if not OP at the moment, and has seen a lot of bans even before the Bacchus nerf.

Oh, and one more thing before I finish up. I was reading up on the Character Feedback & Balance Discussions on the official SMITE forums, and came across
a post you made
on the Bacchus thread there... to which someone gave me a very amusing translation of your complaint. All the proof I need to label you as a troll whose opinion should not be taken seriously, ever.
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by JararoNatsu » June 9, 2013 2:34am | Report
Hey Ed, you can stop being so... not nice. Let him say what he wants, and then have a fight somewhere else.

You seem to know your tanks.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HollowsEdge » June 9, 2013 3:18am | Report
Im fulky expecting shackles to get a nerf it makes me ;_; irl


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by mittfel » June 9, 2013 3:32am | Report
Well, he got nerfed for a reason. He is still a hard counter if you play him right, and his 1 is simply not supposed to be maxed out first, not sure it ever was.

HollowsEdge wrote:

Im fulky expecting shackles to get a nerf it makes me ;_; irl

I lol'd, but I agree with you.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nogglez » June 9, 2013 3:37am | Report
Oh lawdy, Sunfall's essay in reply to ComicMan's. No need to jab at each other, take it to the PMs.
Rep me up if I helped!


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Nex The Slayer » June 9, 2013 5:19am | Report
Basically what I want to be done is: Buff Bacchus a bit but don't touch his Belly Flop, Nerf assassin Ymir but don't touch tank Ymir

I think that the nerf on his Belly Flop was necessary. It was so fast that even if you saw it coming there was no way to avoid it. I think that was the only nerf he needed and now I think they should buff him a little bit in some way without change his Belly Flop back. Personally I think Ymir should be nerfed. He is arguably there best tank in the game because not just is he a good tank he is also a good assassin thanks to the ridicules damage boost from Frostbite. Don't make it so that tanks can go assassin because that would just make the real assassins useless.

Nex The Slayer

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by BestMinionEver » June 10, 2013 2:17am | Report
Haha the lvl of rage...

But yeah the nerf on the jump. First of all the way his jump was made him a noobfriendly roflstomp god in my opinion.
How can I say something like that?
Well I did a few games with my kid brother (never played the game before) and he went Bacchus and I went Anhur. We literally destroyed our lane just by using Belly Flop and Shifting Sands Impale combo then Belch of the Gods (and this was against full 30 lvl teams not some alt account ****).

Sure Bacchus has a low damage output, but he is a tank isn't he? Ymir has way less damage (unless he hits with his ulty), but I don't think that was the original complaint.

The increase of air time sure takes some time to get used to (compared to the instant jump), I myself had a hard time hitting with the instant jump when I first tried out Bacchus because I was used to other jumps. So I just think you need to get used to how it is now, and the problem will go away.

When it comes to Belch of the Gods, I can understand the frustration in having it canceled. But Bacchus isn't the only one with abilities that can be canceled, but it might have a bit harder impact on Bacchus because of that the ability only applies the stun and healing debuff at the end. Maybe make it so that each tick applies the healing debuff?

Personally I have to side Sunfall on this one, Bacchus needed a nerf and he got one (which in my opinion was perfect). I know it sucks to get your favorite god nerfed (just look at my Ne Zha, think the last nerf was a bit harsh) but all it makes you do is rethink your build and playstyle.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » June 10, 2013 4:43am | Report
I feel the nerfs are justified. He's a great tank, with decent damage output, a fantastic AoE cc, humongous team fight presence, incredibly versatile and a great escape. That's a lot of things to be good at. They weakened his escape just to stop him from being such a good all-round pick.

You found his jump fun because it was strong and incredibly easy and reliable. It's interesting that you now find an ability boring to use because there's now a more challenging aspect to it.

His 1 is mana hungry for a reason. When I played Bacchus for the first time, I felt like it was too easy to keep up the free stats that was provided. It was very strong, as it basically allowed a permanent 10% damage reduction and +15 physical power. It now forces you to make smarter decisions, and in my choice, makes it more fun, about using your 1 instead of just spamming the 1 key.

He was an easy god to use, as he had a lack of hard to land skill shots. It was little challenge for a high reward. Now it just makes him more challenging and much more fun to use. In my opinion, I find him more fun than he was before.

What I find amusing is how you find something so easy and simplistic as fun. I found no satisfaction in playing old Bacchus, as his abilities were essentially just guaranteed hits with little counter play. People playing against a Bacchus do not find these elements fun.

Finally, archiving your guide would be pointless. It just appears to me as a weak attempt to fish for sympathy. Possibly speaking for the majority, we do not care if you do it, as it will achieve nothing. He is still viable and people still want to play him. Instead, it comes off as selfish, as you are removing the guide for the fact you don't want to play him anymore, and you do not want anyone else playing Bacchus the way you do.
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