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Bacchus' fun level=0

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Forum » General Discussion » Bacchus' fun level=0 41 posts - page 4 of 5
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by RazeMage » June 13, 2013 3:23am | Report
So as i said, i suggest to stop this debate right away. (I wrote debate/fight to let you think what it is)

Everyone plays every god differntlly. As an example, hel who is broken when used by me, i always lose


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SacredElite » June 20, 2013 10:02am | Report
I am considering buying Bacchus, should I.. or is he really just a passive feedmachine?
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HiFromBuddha » June 20, 2013 11:27pm | Report
SacredElite wrote:

I am considering buying Bacchus, should I.. or is he really just a passive feedmachine?

He's a tank. You generally won't be feeding with him late game, but he doesn't have the enough early game damage to duel, so you'll definitely feed early if you hard engage.

Just don't expect to deal much damage with him. If you enjoy soaking up all the damage, then I recommend Bacchus. Although I do believe Ares is more fun though.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TheAmazingComicBookGuy » June 21, 2013 12:24am | Report
HiFromBuddha wrote:

He's a tank. You generally won't be feeding with him late game, but he doesn't have the enough early game damage to duel, so you'll definitely feed early if you hard engage.

Just don't expect to deal much damage with him. If you enjoy soaking up all the damage, then I recommend Bacchus. Although I do believe Ares is more fun though.

Guan Yu or Ares are more fun ;)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aphnex » June 21, 2013 1:32am | Report
I laugh at the fact that people forget you can cancel the drunken stage by using beads or a Hel Hel skill 2. On the other hand I completely agree, it's going to be vamana all over again.

Also as it may be true Bacchus is a truly a good "pure" tank, he lacks the fun and reliability of other tanks such as Athena and Ymir for example.

I personally choose Guan Yu or Thor an play as a support tank hybrid. Then again there are more reliable tanks to choose from and Athena is doing pretty well in the game so far.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by SacredElite » June 23, 2013 10:02am | Report
I have bought Bacchus, and I don't have any problem with him.. His abilities do enough damage and his air time isn't long at all. Not to forget that with the correct items everything is possible
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Sunfall » June 23, 2013 10:13am | Report
This thread is still going? o_O
Waiting on a good new MOBA, please.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by redkiteftw » June 23, 2013 2:23pm | Report
no, i think its that Sacred is still fairly new and is trying to make a name for himself, I did a similar thing (heck i think everyone has :p).
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by HolyPudding » July 3, 2013 1:50pm | Report

I have loved Bacchus so far, I loved him a lot. Hi-Rez had to constantly nerf him, and now I have gotten to the point where I would rather play any other god than him, and that's a shame
He was the first god I really loved next to Ymir and now his fun factor is gone. His passive is worthless since a couple of patches ago, his 1 is manahungry as hell, his jump is slow as hell and now not fun anymore, his belch has a long channeling and can be easily cancelled, so his ult is his only ability that remains fun to use. I stop playing Bacchus with these, and I am thinking about archiving my guide for him. It is kinda sad that they have done this to a god that wasn't picked up half as much as other tanks and was just about fine imo :(

ComicMan, I will agree that bacchus's potential has gone down, as has my proficiency with him (Hel and Guan Yu all day beeches), but I actually find him MORE fun to play now. Do you know how satisfying it is to land a slow jump on 25-3 Macetodaface and killing him, or getting that slow on a priority target, or that perfect stun, or just generally fun things.

Whatever happens, Bacchus is still Bacchus. An annoying piece of fat **** that annoys the living hel out of the enemy team. And like Ed said, the same happened to sobek, and look where he is now! If you ask me, feel free to stop playing bacchus, but he is still viable IMO and please, PLEASE do not archive that guide.
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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » July 3, 2013 11:05pm | Report
I used to love Bacchus, and the because of the patch in which it nerfed his jump, I noticed his flaws. He is WAY WAY WAY too mana hungry early game, they need to lower the cost of his 1 decrease the jump time of his jump, and increase damage output? Though I never had a problem with that, but everyone else seems to think so.


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