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Base Stats Discussion

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Forum » General Discussion » Base Stats Discussion 13 posts - page 1 of 2

Poll Question:

Should Base Stats be More Varied?
Yes, they're all too similar
Some, but not all
Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2014 7:57pm | Report
I made a chart showing the base stats of every single god, excluding Mp5/Hp5. All stats are organized by this format: Base (+Per Level / At level 20). So for Athena, she has 500 starting health, gains 100 per level, and has a max of 2500 health at level 20, so her health bit will look like this: 500 (+100 / 2500).

The number in parentheses next to e god's name is their base movement speed.

Base Attack and Movement Speed are both important because speed and attack speed values are gaind by percentages, not raw units.

Basic attack damage refers to physical gods' base power and the magical gods' base damage on basic attacks. Interestingly enough, not all mages receive the same base damage on their basic attacks.

Here's the raw date.
God (Speed) Health Mana Attack Speed P. Protection M. Protection Basic Damage

Agni (350) 360 (+71 / 1780) 255 (+45 / 1155) 0.86 (+0.009 / 1.04) 11 (+2.6 / 63) 30 (+0 / 30) 34 (+1.5 / 64)

AMC (365) 450 (+73 / 1910) 230 (+40 / 1030) 0.92 (+0.012 / 1.16) 12 (+3 / 72) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+2.2 / 82)

Anhur (365) 460 (+78 / 2020) 220 (+35 / 920) 0.85 (+0.013 / 1.11) 11 (+2.8 / 67) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 40 (+2.5 / 90)

Anubis (350) 350 (+66 / 1670) 280 (+58 / 1440) 0.86 (+0.009 / 1.04) 10 (+2.5 / 60) 30 (+0 / 30) 35 (+1.5 / 65)

Ao Kuang (350) 365 (+68 / 1725) 265 (+45 / 1165) 0.87 (+0.008 / 1.03) 13 (+3 / 73) 30 (+0 / 30) 34 (+1.45 / 63)

Aphrodite (355) 355 (+68 / 1715) 240 (+43 / 1100) 0.87 (+0.008 / 1.03) 9 (+2.7 / 63) 30 (+0 / 30) 32 (+1.45 / 61)

Apollo (365) 450 (+77 / 1990) 225 (+40 / 1025) 0.9 (+0.011 / 1.12) 12 (+2.7 / 66) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 36 (+2.5 / 86)

Arachne (375) 445 (+79 / 2025) 210 (+41 / 1030) 1 (+0.02 / 1.4) 13 (+3 / 73) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+2.2 / 82)

Ares (360)) 485 (+90 / 2285) 200 (+37 / 940) 0.9 (+0.011 / 1.12) 17 (+3 / 77) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+1.55 / 69)

Artemis (365) 450 (+72 / 1890) 205 (+34 / 885) 0.9 (+0.011 / 1.12) 12 (+3 / 72) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 35 (+2.05 / 76)

Athena (365) 500 (+100 / 2500) 190 (+34 / 870) 1 (+0.012 / 1.24) 20 (+3.2 / 84) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 35 (+1.5 / 65)

Bacchus (365) 485 (+86 / 2205 200 (+40 / 1000) 0.88 (+0.009 / 1.06) 19 (+3 / 79) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 37 (+1.5 / 67)

Bakasura (370) 455 (+78 / 2015) 200 (+39 / 980) 1 (+0.016 / 1.32) 13 (+2.8 / 69) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 36 (+2.2 / 80)

Bastet (375) 415 (+80 / 2015) 215 (+39 / 995) 1 (+0.02 / 1.4) 12 (+2.9 / 70) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 37 (+2.21 / 81.2)

Chaac (375) 480 (+85 / 2180) 205 (+35 / 905) 1 (+0.014 / 1.28) 18 (+3 / 78) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 39 (+2.25 / 84)

Chang'e (355) 375 (+70 / 1775) 290 (+43 / 1150) 1 (+0.01 / 1.2) 11 (+2.7 / 65) 30 (+0 / 30) 32 (+1.45 / 61)

Chronos (355) 370 (+70 / 1770) 240 (+42 / 1080) 1 (+0.008 / 1.16) 11 (+2.9 / 69) 30 (+0 / 30) 35 (+1.5 / 65)

Cupid (365) 445 (+72 / 1885) 230 (+39 / 1010) 0.92 (+0.014 / 1.2) 11 (+3 / 71) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 35 (+2.3 / 81)

Fenrir (370) 455 (+78 / 2015) 200 (+35 / 900) 1 (+0.017 / 1.34) 14 (+3 / 74) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+2.3 / 84)

Freya (370) 405 (+77 / 1945) 220 (+37 / 960) 0.95 (+0.019 / 1.33) 13 (+2.8 / 69) 30 (+0 / 30) 35 (+1.5 / 65)

Geb (360) 510 (+90 / 2310) 190 (+34 / 870) 1 (+0.012 / 1.24) 19 (+3 / 79) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+1.5 / 68)

Guan Yu (365) 470 (+84 / 2150) 220 (+32 / 860) 1 (+0.015 / 1.3) 16 (+3 / 76) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 37 (+2.25 / 82)

Hades (355) 490 (+80 / 2090) 265 (+53 / 1325) 0.87 (+0.009 / 1.05) 18 (+3.2 / 82) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 32 (+1.5 / 62)

He Bo (350) 365 (+68 / 1725) 298 (+56 / 1418) 0.86 (+0.008 / 1.02) 9 (+2.6 / 61) 30 (+0 / 30) 34 (+1.45 / 63)

Hel (350) 345 (+67 / 1685) 300 (+57 / 1440) 0.86 (+0.008 / 1.02) 9 (+2.6 / 61) 30 (+0 / 30) 33 (+1.5 / 63)

Hercules (370) 480 (+86 / 2200) 205 (+32 / 845) 1 (+0.013 / 1.26) 18 (+3 / 78) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 39 (+2.25 / 84)

Isis (355) 365 (+68 / 1725) 280 (+51 / 1300) 1 (+0 / 1) 9 (+2.7 / 63)) 30 (+0 / 30) 35 (+1.5 / 65)

Kali (375) 470 (+74 / 1950) 205 (+34 / 885) 1 (+0.022 / 1.44) 15 (+2.9 / 73) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+2.4 / 86)

Loki (375) 395 (+75 / 1895) 210 (+35 / 910) 1 (+0.019 / 1.38) 11 (+2.9 / 69) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 37 (+2.32 / 83.4)

Mercury (375) 400 (+75 / 1900) 200 (+40 / 1000) 1 (+0.024 / 1.48) 12 (+2.9 / 70) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+2.13 / 80.6)

Ne Zha (375) 400 (+75 / 1900) 200 (+35 / 900) 1 (+0.021 / 1.42) 12 (+2.9 / 70) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 39 (+2.2 / 83)

Neith (365) 435 (+75 / 1935) 230 (+39 / 1010) 0.91 (+0.013 / 1.17) 12 (+3 / 72) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 35 (+2.3 / 81)

Nemesis (375) 475 (+82 / 2115) 210 (+38 / 970) 1 (+0.02 / 1.4) 17 (+3 / 77) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 39 (+2.25 / 84)

Nu Wa (355) 400 (+75 / 1900) 265 (+43 / 1125) 1 (+0.017 / 1.34) 9 (+2.7 / 63) 30 (+0 / 30) 35 (+1.5 / 65)

Odin (365) 475 (+86 / 2195) 195 (+32 / 835) 0.92 (+0.011 / 1.14) 17 (+3 / 77) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+2.25 / 83)

Poseidon (360) 380 (+67 / 1720) 245 (+40 / 1045) 0.87 (+0.01 / 1.07) 8 (+2.2 / 52) 30 (+0 / 30) 35 (+1.5 / 65)

Ra (350) 385 (+68 / 1745) 255 (+48 / 1215) 0.88 (+0.009 / 1.06) 10 (+2.5 / 60) 30 (+0 / 30) 34 (+1.5 / 64)

Scylla (350) 365 (+68 / 1725) 298 (+56 / 1418) 1 (+0.008 / 1.16) 9 (+2.6 / 61) 30 (+0 / 30) 34 (+1.45 / 63)

Sobek (365) 490 (+81 / 2110) 210 (+35 / 910) 0.85 (+0.012 / 1.09) 19 (+3 / 79) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+1.5 / 68)

Sun Wukong (375) 480 (+82 / 2120) 205 (+35 / 905) 1 (+0.019 / 1.38) 18 (+3 / 78) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 39 (+2.25 / 84)

Thanatos (370) 390 (+75 / 1890) 240 (+38 / 1000) 1 (+0.017 / 1.34) 11 (+2.9 / 69) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 37 (+2.3 / 83)

Thor (370) 475 (+76 / 1995) 240 (+38 / 1000) 1 (+0.014 / 1.28) 14 (+2.9 / 72) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 39 (+2.4 / 87)

Tyr (375) 475 (+80 / 1075) 230 (+40 / 1030) 1 (+0.021 / 1.42) 15 (+3 / 75) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 39 (+2.25 / 84)

Ullr (370) 480 (+80 / 1080) 230 (+40 / 1030) 0.92 (+0.013 / 1.18) 13 (+3 / 73) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+2.4 / 86)

Vamana (365) 480 (+85 / 2180) 200 (+39 / 980) 0.9 (+0.014 / 1.18) 18 (+2.9 / 76) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 37 (+2.25 / 82)

Vulcan (360) 380 (+71 / 1800) 245 (+40 / 1045) 0.9 (+0.01 / 1.1) 13 (+3 / 73) 30 (+0 / 30) 34 (+1.5 / 64)

Xbalanque (365) 455 (+75 / 1955) 220 (+37 / 960) 0.88 (+0.009 / 1.06) 12 (+2.9 / 70) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 37 (+2.5 / 87)

Ymir (360) 510 (+104 / 2590) 200 (+32 / 840) 0.85 (+0.01 / 1.05) 23 (+3.3 / 89) 30 (+0.9 / 48) 38 (+1.55 / 69)

Zeus (355) 380 (+71 / 1800) 245 (+44 / 1125) 0.87 (+0.009 / 1.05) 8 (+2.7 / 62) 30 (+0 / 30) 35 (+1.5 / 65)

Zhong Kui (360) 400 (+75 / 1900) 250 (+47 / 1190) 0.86 (+0.009 / 1.04) 8 (+2.6 / 60) 30 (+0 / 30) 33 (+1.5 / 63)


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2014 8:03pm | Report
And here is a list of trends and patterns. Will update this after dinner.


Stat Highs/Lows: All


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » March 25, 2014 8:03pm | Report
One could argue that they should be varied because certain kits need more attack speed or power, or defense or mana, but I believe that the base stats for each role should be exactly the same. Just balance around the kits themselves, imo.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Aj17 » March 25, 2014 8:07pm | Report
Hey man, are you sure this is right? I just went into jungle practice to double check your numbers (because lvl 20 anubis can't possibly have 2500 health, while ares has 2250.)

And my results where a lvl 20 anubis with NO items mind you, topping off at around 1650 health. Did overlook something or did you make a error somewhere on your chart?
gUise iM goen AD Ymir, Wee gOt diS.... hue hue hue hue hue


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » March 25, 2014 8:14pm | Report
Yeah, that definitely looks like a tank's stats right there. I'm positive it's wrong, but the rest of the information looks pretty solid. But we definitely need to double check everything now that we know something's incorrect.

But fortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean we can't still vote - we all know the stats are similar for each role but not exactly the same.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » March 25, 2014 8:20pm | Report
I looked at your high/low stats, and Anubis has the same mana as Hel at max level and more of a mana scale.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TormentedTurnip » March 25, 2014 8:24pm | Report
I also don't see Geb in there.

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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by M4XiiMUS » March 25, 2014 8:43pm | Report

I also don't see Geb in there.

He is right above Guan Yu.


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by Subzero008 » March 25, 2014 9:28pm | Report
Fixed all the mentioned issues, thank you for reminding me of them. It's really weird; I copied and pasted the thing in one huge wall of text, and I know I collected the data for Geb and Guan. Weird.

TT, I don't think they should really be based around just kits; There are gods who have a strong early game presense, like Thanatos, gods with a steady power level, like Eset, and gods with an ungodly late game, like Kali. It's also easier to balance when you have more room to work with, so to speak.

There are also a few stats that I think should be tweaked, in no particular order:
  • Magical Defense: Currently, everyone starts at 30 and it increases by either 0 or 0.9 per level. We should allow more flexibility here; tanks should get more than a ADC, for example.

  • Basic attack range: This one is obvious, everyone has a range of 55 feet. We could allow more varied balance options if this were changed, and provides more freedom of god design.

  • Basic attack damage for Magical Gods: Basically, autoattack mages and tanks should have stronger basics than other mages, instead of everyone effectively being the same, the way it is now. It's stupid to see someone like Ao Kuang hit for 100 damage on a god by level 13 because of his raw magical power. What if tanks got stronger base damage, while AA mages got better contributions?

  • Tank Stats: Supports are supposed to lead the laning phase, but supports don't really get much. The difference in physical protections (Ullr and Ares) at level 1 is four. Tanks and supports in general should get stronger early game stats, they shouldn't be comparable to ADCs, especially since almost no one uses Mark of the Vanguard anymore.
  • Assassin Stats: Are stupid. With these stats screwed up, Mercury can gank at level 2, while Thanatos has enough base power and attack speed to be a melee ADC.

    Bastet is a hybrid of all types of assassins, having a strong but not insane early game, and a somewhat poor but not terrible late game, decent attack speed, decent power, etc.

    Thanatos is an early game monster, so his stats shouldn't scale so well toward late game. In fact, they should notably drop compared to other assassins and gods.

    And someone like Mercury should NOT have such a strong early game. And instead of nerfing his Special Delivery, which is quite difficult to balance since reducing the stun time and whatnot may cripple a part of his game that you don't want to, you can just give him 325 starting health and 8 physical protections.

Ugh, I'm too tired to add any trends and whatnot. *is whiny*


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Permalink | Quote | +Rep by TherynK » April 10, 2014 9:45pm | Report
This is exceedingly useful info, Subzero. Thank you! I'm curious: did you organize and calculate this out manually? I'm also wondering, is it possible to get this arranged according to role? Mage, hunter, guardian, etc. I'm sorry to be a pain in the... It would just be much easier to read that way.


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